BM Hunter's New Legendary

What does barb shot do?

You fire a weak DoT and buff the pet.

Instead of yelling at the pet which makes it do a weak DoT and buff itself.

It wasn’t about abilities casted by the Hunter dealing meaningful damage, it was about actually using the bow or gun strapped to your back.

Right but it still buffs the pet with frenzy which increases pet dps. I used the barbed shot conduit just messing around and barbed shot was top 3 in my damage abilities including the pet

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You misunderstand.

People liked the gameplay of Dire Frenzy. They liked the stack buff management, the increased throughput, the fact that it didn’t put a ton of pets on the screen, etc. That’s why it became the baseline in BfA (as Barbed Shot) instead of keeping Dire Beast.

They didn’t like that the animation was you putting away your gun and yelling at your pet. Even if you kept baseline Dire Beast in Legion and took Stomp or something, the animation for that was…you putting away your gun and yelling at the wilderness for a random beast to come help you.

It was never about the shots you fired dealing big damage. It was about actually firing shots at all.

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I mean they could have just made it into a shot that summoned a pet - like the old black arrow or something. I am in the minority that liked dire beast as a base instead of barbed shot. Feels out of place to me for BM.

Eve for Kill Command they could have made it to where you fire a shoot that marks the target for a kill - instead of poofing your gun forward as a command.

Right, but the other half of the issue was that literally no specs allowed you to be a ranged Hunter with 1 pet, which was the essence of Hunter from 1.0 through 6.2. Even if you talented Lone Wolf as MM or SV in WoD, you could still call the pet if you were out in the wild and needed a pocket tank. You lost the buff and it was basically like having no Level 100 talent, but it was at least doable.

That was also asked for during Legion PTR threads.

I hate this legendary and regret making it. Its so clunky and not very impressive at all. Just give us explosive trap back, get rid of this garbage or at least buff it.


If you only had to flare once in one tar trap I’d probably make this but because of the 5 second cooldown difference the sims account for TWO flares in the same trap. That’s just beyond clunky for anything moving in 15-20 seconds.

I so want to make a 210 legendary for BM but I just can’t see any options worth wasting dust on. Rylaks is ok, the KC one WOULD be nice if kc actually hit harder than my cobra shot.

I am only a casual player that does normal and heroics so my input can only be taken lightly. I did a first run in CN last night and from the logs the Embers do not work on bosses that are not affected by the tar trap. However, once you get the hang of it, the legendary does really well in dungeons and the Maw.

It works just fine on bosses.

Please don’t buff it, I don’t want to be forced to use that for MM too where it’s even worse because you don’t have the empty GCDs to spend.

What really needs to happen is other BM legendaries getting a buff because all of them are underwhelming.

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Ya, I ain’t using it. I don’t care if they straight up delete every single hunter leggo except it, I’ll use a solid rack of purples over that janky excuse for a leggo.

This. The majority of the BIS leggos are between an 8% and 12% increase, with some edging towards or a bit beyond 15%. BM’s best spec-specific one is 3%.


that is odd. not showing on mine. tx for the heads up.

That would explain why I see almost no damage increase with the fang in M+.

I made it because I hate targeted spells and I didn’t like the idea of adding two more buttons. I tried it in torghast and hated it. I also always seem to have problems with tanks moving enemies out of ground based effects.

BM is already really low on the logs (second to last in M+) and I see I gimped myself even more because of this.