BM Hunter is the best class in game

I’ve been saying all expansion that DH is just a melee version of Beastmaster…even has a better disengage that does damage to boot.

I’ve mained BM since Classic. It’s a simple spec, but it makes me happy and brings me joy. I hope you continue to find the class fun and exciting!

BFA got me to switch away from MM for the first time since wrath, I can’t stand what they’ve done to my once favorite spec. BM has been fun, but I will forever miss old MM.


I just did the first 3 bosses in Nyalotha on BM Hunter. Practically all the mechanics are irrelevant. I can just keep attacking during Wrathion’s aoe since I’m out of range. On Incinerate, I just hit disengage to get a little farther from the ranged players. On my DK, I lose something like 5% of my DPS for the whole fight for each Incinerate. I can’t wait to get geared enough to try mythic. Imagine how easy Wrathion is with a 20 second CD slow removal? On my DK, I carry living action potions just for that fight.

I see you, Ion. This thread is a trick to make us think that BM Hunter is easier than DH. I’m not falling for it!


That said, my DK has superior self-healing ability. I also find my DK overall more comfortable to play since my character is doing everything, and doing it up close. But maybe that’s because I’ve played my DK for far longer.

yesssss…let the hatred consume you

It’s more of a joke class than DH is…and DH is full mongo

Aimed shot has entered the chat.

edit: Oh and also sniper shot.


Ah, BM hunters… the DH of ranged dps.

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BM hunters may be easy, and simple, but demon hunters are more annoying.

No, I sense there is still good in you. I will not fight you

Hunter gang.

I would not recommend Chimera Shot, Murder of Crows or Spitting Cobra since these talents reduce your overall Crit, Pet damage and extra Barbed Shot charges/damage when “Aspect of the Wild” is activated when you have Primal Instincts for Azerite traits.

Replace Chimera Shot, with “One With the Pack”. Reason being, it reduces the cooldown of your Barbed Shot which means you can stack Barbed Shots for additional DoT much faster.

Replace “Murder of Crows” with “Thrill of the Hunt”, this is a must! It increases your crit chance by 3% for 8 sec stacking up to 3 times. Pair this with x3 Severe Rank 3 and x3 Rank 3 Expedient Corruption, you’ll be able to pull off more Barbed Shots since you stack “Primal Instincts” which grants you one charged Barbed Shots (per “PI” stack) when you activate “Aspect of the Wild”. Besides, BM Hunters primary stat is Critical Strike.

Replace “Spitting Cobra” with “Aspect of the Beast”. Reason being, the spitting cobra is “Instant” every 1.5 minuets rather than “Aspect of the Beast” is “passive” which increases the dmg of your pets by 30% AND their passives by 50%!!

Also, there’s a nice rotation for BM Hunters so your not just “pressing random buttons” to kill things. You need to understand when to use your cooldowns like “Aspect of the Wild” when you have 2 Barbed Shot charges up already. You shouldn’t “activate” Aspect of the Wild before using the already 2 “charged” Barbed Shots you have available. If you do, you lose out on 2 “free” charges. Spend the 2 "charged Barb Shots THEN activate “Aspect of the Wild”, you will now have 2 “proc” Barbed Shots which means x4 Barbed Shots into your target which equals to more damage output. Of course you should have Dance of Death and Primal Instincts as your “primary” Azerite Traits on BM Hunter anyway. You can also sacrifice either one Dance of Death or Primal Instincts for “Rapid Reload” azerite trait as well which works extremely well for AoE bursts and damage.

Posthaste and Binding Shot is situational, but i prefer Posthaste b/c of freed movement from impairing effects and extra movement speed by 50%!

Also another golden nugget…Major Essence should be Vision of Perfection since it has a chance to “passively” activate “Aspect of the Wild” for 35% of its duration.

Good luck!


Congratulations! I’m glad that you’re happy with it. :slight_smile:

sounds like you don’t love your dk after all.

Bm hunters are cool, but they have their downside as well. Glad you are least finding love for another class.

I’ve played casters for a long time (my first ever toon was my mage), but since Wrath I’ve mainly stuck to healers with my dps being pretty much the last toons I level. I finally got around to leveling a hunter this expansion and I’m glad I did, I do find playing her to be more enjoyable than my other dps toons. Yes, their rotation is simple, yes they do decent damage but there are other things I’m really enjoying about them (hunting down new pets, the hati questline, survivability while leveling, and I actually like doing the island expeditions on her). I don’t share your experience with visions though, but it’s possible I just need more practice.

I plan on leveling her pretty early in the next expansion (probably after my first two healers).

Alliance bias lol…mimiron is easy to find since by the bar and the tmog section.

Horde will be in the lower deck areas. the market area with the brontosaur. Which one? (yeah that is vague…I went by the all the trainers at the base of the pyramid after I saw that one liner and the first brontosaur had nothing)

the other market by the flight master down by the harbor area.

Both my hunters are Beast Master and besides being able to tame anything I find them dull.

Marksman is a little more fun, but I like collecting so I will stick w/ BM regardless.

It’s the least they could do after ruining survival, but yes I’ve been enjoying bm quite a bit. I’ll enjoy it while I can cause hunters don’t have a history of being on top for very long.