BM Hunter is the best class in game

I mean you are objectively wrong, but that’s ok.

I personally have a preference for frost dk and warriors.

Ah, I just re-talented to follow your advice. I’m gonna try it out the way you describe. Thanks!

Good call because he is correct. If you’re going for some PvP then Chimaera Shot and Crows are the way to go.

Being someone that plays WoW very casual. I have tried a few different classes and from my personal experience I have found a lot of fun with playing a BM Hunter.

Not sure if I will keep this one in SL or restart. But I do plan on playing a BM Hunter regardless.

I agree, I just cant keep up to the Pyroblast procs it can be a challenge sometimes

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I’ve enjoyed mine for the past 15 years, so glad you enjoy the class. Happy Hunting!

It’s arguably also the easiest to play, too.

I love my DK, and I find it better in some ways. Better self-healing like I said. I also find my frost DK to be far better at multi-target. In Temple the other night, I broke 300k DPS in that room with the tons of little snake people. I don’t even know how to AoE with hunter. Only skill they seem to have is mutli-shot, and it’s pretty weak.

My switch from MM was back during the first raid tier of Legion - Nythendra…that fight was murder for MM. I hated what they had done to the spec, and stopped playing my hunter from EN, through to the start of Argus, when, with great resistance, took up BM. I hadn’t played it since Wrath, and wasn’t fond of the spec, outside of the “cool pets to tame”…and until I recently retired Nyri, played BM, dabbled in MM to see if there was any semblance of the old MM that might have come back pre - Legion, I personally didn’t find anything - so stuck it out, until I just moved on to another class entirely after 13 yrs of maining my hunter. :woman_shrugging:


All Hunter specs bore me now. It used to be my second favorite class, but, for me, when they homogenized pets and altered the specs they lost me as a fan. I really miss Cata-era MM a lot.

In Cata and MoP, they were doing things to make collecting hunter pets interesting. Then WoD and after they decided to make pets nothing more than skins, for the most part. It’s this low effort design that’s really pushing me away from this game.

I farmed 2 loques so i could have matching pets :frowning:

BM hunters literally get every single benefit that can possibly be offered and have literally no downside. Every other class has to sacrifice tankiness or mobility or something. BM Hunters; sacrifice nothing.

Blizz really needs to address that.

  • T
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Pretty much the truth tbh. Always found that folks who prefer button bloat, or having their action bars filled up with abilities to get that challenge, or whatever feeling, probably don’t get much challenge out of anything outside of a videogame :laughing: More buttons to push does not mean more challenge, it just means more buttons to push lol.

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No mobility in a casters stance, was not very enjoyable when playing my Shadow Priest, Mage. Any casting class suffers from no mobility. I recently started my Hunter and I have fallen back on my old Unreal Tournament play style of running and jumping a lot. If only for the good ole memories of UT I have had a lot of fun playing the hunter for this reason alone. Had more fun playing UT than any game so far.

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