BM Hunter is the best class in game

A brown bear named BORIS! :bear: and a Draenor wolf named BRUNO! :wolf:

Usually only have one since I like MM but sometimes I go BM just to have two pets!

Barrage is a fun ability when doing transmog runs :slight_smile:

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chromagus (he’s called firulais btw) and some red dino i found the other day

Eventually im probably gonna end up going with 2 of those Triceratops looking things.

I like the Spirit cats but they are nearly impossible to find nowadays.

spirit beasts are kind of a must have but they’re so hard to find =( , i want the owl myself

I have Loq on another hunter, i should probably transfer him to the server im on now.

That’s the leopard looking one, Yea? That’s my favorite.

Dang it. Now I want to level up a Night Elf Hunter…

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The man speaks truth. I dearly love my DK’s. I have four. But I absolutely adore my hunter’s playstyle. BM is some of the most fun I have had as a class in all of WoW.

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I use two Faultline pets as my main pets since they match Ironhoof Destroyer which is my favorite ground mount.

Glad you’re having fun and found a good class/spec that you like. Personally BM bores me to tears. Any Hunter spec honestly…except SV.

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Yup, i like him, has nice abilities too, i think there is even a heal. It’s beena long time since i played on that Hunter.

Nice, im currently using the sapphire panther as my mount, anywhere i can tame sapphire panthers, or any gem panthers?

Hunter is the master class. :smiley:

There is one easy spirit beast to get:

(Gara in WoD also involves no waiting for rares and is a really good model, though it’s a “secret” questline, so there’s lots of back and forth flying and alt-tabbing over to a walkthrough)

(oh, and Hati now - how can I forget about Hati)


They are in my DM

That multi shot though… last week on bolstering the tank carefully pulled the first pack on shrine after the CC’s had gone out… my one multi shot took care of pulling the entire room and destroying all CC’s !! I had officially graduated to a huntard in that moment :slight_smile:



not even close.
Good DPS, yes. Thats literally about it other than having two good interrupts
If that is your ONLY measure, youre missing about 90% of this game.

I dont use it in group content that much, for that reason. I mean, if its 3 or 4 mobs grouped in together on the tank, and no one else within range, sure, but if there are other mobs close by, i wont use it.

Yeah. Still learning. Have to learn NOT to press what at what time. Too many cobra shots is bad. Multi shot only after the tank has what aggro he wants. Still learning.

Easy to tell who doesn’t PVP on their hunter in this thread.

Not that it’s a bad thing to not PVP, but hoo boy does BM get the short end of the stick there. Made me shelf my hunter to go back to Warrior.

But that PVE power though. :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Yeah, time and experience. I mean, i have been maining a hunter for the most part since Vanilla, and i still have Huntard moments lol.