BM Hunter is the best class in game

I am also loving my BM hunter (level 47 at post) but I think my MM Hunter is easier. As a BM I have to heal my pets constantly and without them I am incredibly squishy. And, for me, that is adding more complexity to the play.

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Agreed, but let’s be real. There is no doubt that it’s a relatively easy rotation. And u don’t have to be as focused as you might have to be on other classes. Who to attack, who to cleave, who’s dots are falling off… But that’s a good thing. It scales so well with gear. I repeat, what difference does it make to my group how many buttons I press?

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Love that T-Mog reminds me of the D&D Iron Golems.

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Ya, it’s easier, for sure. But I think it’s a good number of buttons overall. It’s not a boring 2 button rotation. You have plenty of abilities to press.

I switched from lock to hunter… The difference in m+ was staggering.

There are times i miss my lock though.

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I can’t stand Barbed Shot. That’s my one gripe with Beast Mastery.

It’s my least favorite part of the class. Never seen such a short duration DoT that you need to continuously spam before.

Visions really are hilariously easy on a BM hunter. The main decision I have to make when doing them is which direction to roll my face across the keyboard. Left to right or right to left?

I was hoping for serious changes to Shadow Priest for SLs. Since they don’t seem to be getting rid of Void Form Idk what dps class I’ll main. Maybe I’ll try Hunter again.

Every 9 (with azerite traits) sec isn’t bad… Plus when you get up there in crit its almost spammable.

I decided to finally get a Hunter after I got Pathfinder part 2 and have not looked back since. Affliction Lock was my main before that, but he just does not have the same charm as he did during Legion.


I’ve never played Beast Mastery to BFA levels so I have no idea how traits affect it so I’ll take your word for it.

I mostly play my Resto Druid. Lol

You stack a lot of crit , spam a lot of barbed shots and get a lot of bestial wrath uptime basically

One thing you should consider is 99% of the time if you’re a hunter using barrage you’re getting kicked from dungeons because you will pull everything.

Yeah, right! I melt 5 mask runs on my DH.

No half-brained hunter will use Barrage ever.



The ultimate power move is : Barrage , missdirection, feign death/leave , folks do that quite often on lfr :s

That’s the main reason I use Stomp instead. Barrage may be better, but I want more control with my attacks.

That’s what I rock on my BM as well. I just wanted to make sure people considering hunter know there’s a reason the meme has always been hunter pulls everything.

OK, so fun question, what pet/pets are you using. I always have the 2 out, so i like to mix and match. Right now on my hunter i am using Rage, a white bear, and Blaze, one of those lava spiders from Badlands.