BM 45% Behind In AOE?

The hope is for some type of beast cleave buff next Tuesday but it won’t be anything major till those big changes

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They have fixed it in the anniversary patch that is more than a month away. They know. I don’t understand why the are purposefully handicapping bm in season.


Yeah for sure, that’s 100% what I mean by short term fix. Time is critical. Once you’re labeled by the public you’re cooked.

I remember a few expansions back when Feral was so bad, it couldn’t overcome the bottom feeder stigma even after some okay fixes.


I played all three specs during a world tour last night

BM was performing the worst.

MM was good

SV felt great.


What makes me mad is they have the fix and are withholding it. For an anniversary hype?


It’s always funny coming into these threads and seeing dozens of hidden posts by Snoozy, poor son of a gun’s got nothing else going on in his day


I switched to Surv, and doing loads more damage.


Into a thread and trying to flex you blocked someone because you can’t refute points.

Are you related to Sphinx?

It looks as though the 11.0.5 will fix BM damage, but we have to wait 8 weeks until a fix comes? I’m sorry this is poor.


Every class but Hunter got a mythic + tune yesterday except hunter. These devs are morons.


It won’t. Nothing in the 11.0.5 changes addresses the current BM cleave damage profile problem which is wholly due to the existence of Basilisk Collar and Blizz having to tune everything down due to single target concerns.

There’s no 11.0.5 patch note that says Kill Cleave, Beast Cleave, and Multi-shot now do increased damage.


This been posted over and over Can someone at blizzard WAKE UP and fix BM aoe this is becoming a J/k every season launch they have to mess with BM hunter AOE . we got to a good point and they just destroyed it


As its been explained multiple times,

The 11.0.5 changes are major buffs for aoe.

Nothing in the 11.0.5 changes are happening before Tuesday. That is the issue.


Agreed… S3/S4 BM hunters had some of the best AOE M+ dmg in the game and now tanks have better AOE damage.


No, it is not.

There is a some, minor AoE gain from the Dark Ranger re-work. Guess what, there’s an entire second hero tree. More importantly there are no changes to the base hunter class or spec tree that will substantially increase AoE/Cleave damage. Oh yay Kill Shot will hit two additional targets…that’s not going to make up the difference to the properly tuned M+ dps that are doubling your damage output on every trash pack except that one where you have CotW available. The lack of action on this from Blizzard is mind-blowing.


Tell me you don’t understand the AC changes without telling me you don’t understand the AC changes.

How to tell everyone you don’t understand how AC currently works.

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Actually for you to tell everyone you dont know how AC works.

Me when I go on the internet and lie