BM 45% Behind In AOE?

Been siming BM vs other specs for 5 targets over 5 minutes, and most classes are getting around 2 million DPS. However, BM is only siming at 1.1 million DPS.

This puts BM around 45% low in AOE. This is about as undertuned as I’ve ever seen BM. The spec needs massive help.

Beast Cleave must go back to 100% damage, but even that won’t help BM enough. This also goes to show that Blizzard can’t bug-fix an overperforming bleed talent on the beta and then also nerf the spec at the same time. This is why BM is so far behind. Unless Blizzard are willing to buff BM by 45%, it looks as though survival will be the spec to play.

Will Blizzard actually fix BM before season 1 starts? Because this is looking dire!


im gonna guessss…



None of the Hunter APIs are accurate yet.
Which means the suns aren’t accurate.

Bm is a st spec. It’s highly unlikely it would have e higher aoe than mm or sv.

It should be tuned up but not
More than than mm or sv

So that is new for THIS xpac? Last several seasons and xpacs we WERE the full package.
This is absurd we have to pop ALL our cd’s for hero/m+ runs, which in turn means BM hunters will not be invited to m+ groups.

side note I ran a hero with a MM, SV, and BM ( myself, I was the highest ilvl ) the other 2 specs on aoe left me very sad and behind, on the boss while in AOE spec I left them in the dust, the SV kept up to a point, much better then the MM did. So with that in mind do I need to now play a SV hunter? I have meele alts, I love my hunter, been playing ranged for over 15 years… is Blizz telling me time to drop this main?

There is no reason for BM to be so far behind…


It was only that way in DF. SL was ST. The only aoe BM had was the night fae covenant ability.

I did some pug heroics last night to test.

I was keeping up with other 583+ players and was close to doubling the tanks damage.

Yiu should be popping your CDs inbetween bosses in mplus no matter what class you’re playing. It just comes down to learning where and when to use them.

BM is a single target spec so it should be weak on trash and strong on bosses.

Both MM and SV are aoe centered specs.

MM and SV will both be strong in mplus so you can stay ranged as MM if you want.

No one is disputing that bm aoe needs some tuning and we still have two tuning passes for the season.

However it’s not 45% behind.


Yea about that arcane mage frost mage furry warrior seem to be doing f well in ST and AoE


Is a burst spec

Two target cleave spec.

Still mostly a cleave spec.

Like did you even read what is said before you posted?

Okay arcane mage ret pally frost mage, fury warrior feral Druid and HDH and no matter how you spin it BM is worse off than all these spec in AoE ST defense, brust damage .mBM bring nothing to a group atm. No damage, no useful utilities. The hero talent is terrible.


Would be cool if the Hero tree just prioritized ST spec instead of adding all the AoE

So you clearly didn’t read.

Read this 5 times so you can be a part of the conversation.

This has already been addressed. However it’s not as bad as you’re even pretending it is.

BM is looking to have one of the best ST damage and will be a priority for pi.

Outside of SL with NF cov bm has always been more of a sustained spec. This is nothing new.

BM has the most survivability it’s had in a long time.

2 charges of SotF
Hero talent that procs exhilaration
Fortitude of the bear

Bad BMs bring nothing to the group.

Hunters mark
Tranq shot
Binding shot
Intimidation stun
Frost trap
Oil trap
Knockback trap

It’s pretty clear you don’t really know what you’re talking about.

Agreed. Too late now.

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You do realize there’s two tuning passes left right?

Have you though about spending less time being negative in the forums and instead look up a guide, get some weakauras, and improve your play?

You haven’t shown one iota of competence and have trolled every bm thread. Go back under your bridge.


Logs disagree.

Stating the truth isn’t trolling.

So going with being negative

Dude. Bm has cleave and AOE. It always has. It is underperforming bad.


Are you seriously under the impression that when I say it’s a single target spec it has zero cleave or aoe?

Do you understand what a damage profile is?
BM is not supposed to have stronger aoe than MM or SV because Bm is primarily a ST spec.

That doesn’t mean it has zero aoe or cleave.

What I am saying is the aoe of the beast master spec is underperforming as evidenced by myself, the ops parses, wowhead, wow Europe and everyone but you that tell people to l2play when you don’t even know the class. You are a troll that seeks to derail threads. Unless you can dispute the op, I have no further use for you.


Seriously. Try to read.

However under tuned it may be it’s not as bad as you are claiming it is.

You mean the sims that were done with incorrect API that hasn’t been finished yet that even bloodmallet and raidbots don’t have correct sim data?

Do you even know what a sim is? Because it’s not even possible to parse yet.

Forums over there are full of people that are clueless just like here.

A mythic ce raider doesn’t know the class over the guy hiding their hunter?

Please link your Hunter. I can bet you’re probably running DR not realizing PL is better right now because of how fast trash dies in heroic dungeons

You mean where I already disputed it?


Would you also like the screenshot of a pug heroic dungeon where I was 3k behind the 583 frost mage in overall as BM?

Oh yes. Please show us the screen. We need comedy.

You get the screenshot when you link you’re hunter.