BM 45% Behind In AOE?

Yeah it’s rather weak but that means heroic tuning week means that there is a good chance bm aoe gets a bump for when m+ opens

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Let’s hope so. The new teir list isn’t good for beasties.

Making an observation about trash packs isn’t the same as saying BM is below tanks. I took that as a throw away comment. Nobody cares about trash but I mean when trash packs die in seconds like now in normal and heroics it’s entirely possible that BM aoe is below the tanks. That doesn’t matter. What matters is how bad it’s going to be for the next couple months in raids and M+. Fingers crossed for some buffs before the rework in Oct or Nov.


Look at you shifting the goalposts.

Whether it’s talking about individual pulls or overall doesn’t matter. It’s not that low for either unless you’re making major mistakes or are undergeared.

I mean people who do mplus care about trash damage.

BM is looking strong in ST for the raid and is looking to be good overall.

The few fights with heavy aoe are either mm or sv fights.

Umm that’s not what shifting goal posts means. Nobody cares about trash. An observation that BM is below tanks on trash, which could be true if the trash dies early, isn’t saying that BM damage…where it matters…is below tanks. nobody is arguing that BM damage is bad because of trash.

I can’t imagine that anybody actually forms opinions about the viability of a spec based on trash pacs. I mean people in lfr dont even do that. It was clearly a throw away comment about the lack of BM’s aoe burst. If that is what you latch on to to feel right then something is wrong with your argument.


Legit you have zero clue what you’re talking about.

Trash does matter. It matters in mplus. It matters in dungeons. The only place it doesn’t matter is in raid.

And yes multiple people have been complaining because bm damage is below tanks in dungeons and on trash.

Why would people not care about BMs aoe damage in mplus?

Like are you being serious with this question?

Keep posting guys how bad the AOE is , they will have to do something sooner than later.

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Are you being serious? Because this tactic you have of arguing over something people never even said makes you look really silly. I literally said what matters is BM’s damage in raid and M+.

Look you and others said the huge nerf to BM was fine. It’s not. We will see if you’re wrong again in a week or so once the numbers start to come out. If I’m wrong I’ll be happy about it. Well see where BM falls. If you’re wrong, again, you’ll just keep insulting people who disagree with you and making things up to argue against.

About you not having a clue what you’re talking about? Yes.

Literally linked you multiple quotes of people talking about BMs tank level aoe damage.

You also said

What do you think the majority of mplus damage is? It’s trash.

Meaning you completely have no clue what you’re talking about.

Can you stop lying? I never said that.

You mean where I have said it’s aoe needs tuned up a bit?

You have been wrong in literally every thread you post in because you obviously have zero clue what you’re talking about.

I’m still waiting for you to post what I’m wrong about. Because at this point you seem to struggle with the reality of what’s been said.

As Woodsy and I both said, we think a beast cleave buff is coming.

Yall form opinions based on content creators tier lists so I’m sure people do the same with that :rofl:

Everybody sees through your BS. Nobody thinks you’re funny or smart. Or right. Obviously in a M+ it’s not actually trash since a percentage is required to beat the timer. Even a contortionist couldn’t twist my words to mean that trash doesnt matter in a M+. And it doesnt last for seconds. At least not on day 1. I literally said M+ matters and specifically mentioned normal and heroic. Repeatedly.

You said BM would still be good post nerf. It’s not. It woefully underperforms compared to most other specs. You were wrong. You’re still wrong. And you know it. At this point it’s more about your ego and acting like a a whopper of a nerf doesn’t affect you because you’re so awesome and the best player ever you don’t even feel the nerfs lol what nerfs its fine. You know BM isn’t great post nerf. All your blabber about it and putting other people down who were worried about it was ego driven nonsense.


Luckily for me I don’t base anything on the opinions of below average players that don’t have any clue what they are talking about.

My word you are so clueless you don’t even know what you’re saying.

People complaining about aoe are complaining about trash damage. It’s still called trash my guy. Get a clue.

No I didn’t.

Maybe for bad hunters like yourself but I’m not underperforming.

I would actually have to be wrong. Just because you aren’t performing doesn’t mean all hunters aren’t performing.

Never once made this ignorant claim. I realize you don’t have any argument based on reality but stop lying.

I never said it was great. I said its single target is solid and the aoe needs some buffing.

Maybe if you and the other under performing hunters spent half the time crying on the forums looking at a guide and learning about the changes you might not be underperforming and probably still using a melee trinket :joy:

Just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean they’re underperforming. But you’ve proven that instead of arguing on the merit you just insult people. That doesn’t make you right. You can be the best player in the world and you’ll still be worse off than you were pre-nerf and compared to other specs.

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Blizzard will wait until the first week of M+, and then see what needs improvement. Even if players can see it long beforehand, Blizzard needs hard data to grasp the issue.

The forums are a terrible area to find information. Since most discussions boil down to a back and forth between who is most right.

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I know I am going to regret this, but what exactly about beast cleave should be buffed? Please be as specific as you can possibly be.

Generally when people are as out of touch as you are it’s a performance issue.

Logs are also a thing.

I haven’t insulted anyone. Calling your credibility into question isn’t an insult.

I never said we wouldn’t be worse off than pre nerf. Do you have a grasp on what a nerf even is?

I think it needs a small percentage buff to base damage. Nothing too extreme especially considering the rework that’s coming.

There isn’t a base damage component to beast cleave though. Are you talking about adjusting the percentage contribution of BC?

thats what I was suggesting in my initial post

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