BM 45% Behind In AOE?

I’ve gotten AoTC and 2k+ io many times. But that’s just your way to distract from the fact that you were wrong. Weird how such a superior player could be so wrong about the effects a massive nerf would have on your own spec. How embarassing for you.


Again your experience may be different than others but in itself a single person’s experience does not validate your statement that BM hunters are equal to other specs/classes in AOE heavy situations.

This is exactly where you continue to fall down so to speak. For some reason you are clinging to the belief that within the game there are certain niche roles that are somehow designed (intentionally or unintentionally)
to be fulfilled by specific classes or specs. For at least the third time I have stated that your belief is contrary to the design philosophy of the game developers. Their stated goal is to make all DPS specs competitive in all forms of content at even the highest levels. So when you say that BM is a single target spec and therefor should have subpar AoE, you are just voicing your opinion however flawed and contrary it may be.

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Not in DF.

I wasnt wrong.

That would imply I was wrong. The nerfs arent causing good players to be out damaged by tanks which is what my argument has been this entire time.

That you dont even understand the argument made? None

I never said that BM was performing as well as TOP aoe specs.

I said its not doing tank level damage unless you are undergeared or making major mistakes.

And while you keep repeating the weak argument about the devs “supposed design philosophy” it still doesnt change the reality that BMs damage profile favors ST and MMs damage profile favors aoe. Hence why MM has this thing called trick shots.

I never said it should have subpar aoe. I just said it shouldnt have higher AOE than MM or SV.

I am really starting to question people in this forums ability to read.

Why do you believe that BMs AoE throughput shouldn’t be at least equal to MM?

It’s hard to get io score when you quit in DF S1 isn’t it. If you were actually secure in your position you wouldn’t need to personally attack people. You could just argue on the merit. I could never have stepped foot in anything about a +2 and you’d still be wrong. But you were wrong, you know it, we know it, and you’re mad about it.


What would be the point of playing mm if bm was superior in both aoe and st?

Also this is again your opinion based on your experience. Under other people’s experience umbrella including my own we have seen BM hunters come in below certain tank classes in heavy AoE situations. Sorry your opinion may not be as vald as you wish it to be.

So first off, your class balance equation is kinda off both from Blizz’s side of the equation and from the players side as well. See Blizzard wants player engagement and that means that can’t afford to have poorly performing specs and classes that will drive players away from current content. Players also become attached to classes and specs so surprisingly enough they don’t like switching especially when gear sets become involved.

To be clear, you are stating that if BM ST is better than MM, it’s AoE should be worse. Conversely then you would also argue that if MM’s ST was worse than BM’s then their AoE should be better. (I guess for the sake of argument SV should be in the middle of both for you). Wouldn’t it be equally valid then to say that if BM’s ST is better than MM’s then MM’s single target should just be tuned higher until they are competitively equal? And of course the converse is also true and BM’s AoE should be tuned to be competitively equal to MMs. Isn’t this a much better argument for you to make than the tired tropism you are currently peddling?

Because of how BM and MMs damage profiles are, how MM has a talent called trick shots,

and if BM has the best ST and the best AOE there is zero reason for anyone to play MM at all.

Stating the level of play you play at isnt attacking someone. You keep making excuses though.

Im not mad about anything because like I said, you dont even understand what my statements were.

Then said people should probably push buttons better.

There is zero reason you should be doing the same damage as a tank unless you are undergeared.

Or crazy thought here Snozay, why not have BM and MM be competitively equal so you could choose what you wanted to play versus being slotted into a spec based on content?

Also you keep replying to people with “MM has a talent called trick shots” as your justification for why you think MM is the AOE priority spec. I mean after all it’s an ability that turns MM’s main single target spenders (Aimed shot and Rapid Fire) into AOE spenders. BM certainly doesn’t have anything in its talent tree that does that so you must be right. Right? (Big hint here, you’re not but sometimes sarcasm doesn’t come across well here.)


Considering blizz never makes this happen I think it’s safe to assume its not in the realm of possibility

Because its not realistic to expect blizz to make every single spec viable in all forms of content.

Just look at how MM does damage and its damage profile. I didnt think I needed to list every single reason like volley or everything else in MMs profile/toolkit.

I guess at some point you have to admit you are beat. Internet trolls trump reason every.single.time. The only solace I have is without my attention they starve. It is sad though because forums used to be a conduit between players who knew what they were speaking of and developers of the game. Now it has become dominated by people who belittle others, advance arguments that are self serving at best and malicious at worst, and basically the haven of people who are so isolated from reality they actually think this “winning” an internet argument makes them a better person. It’s sad really. I feel pity for them but there is little I can do. C’est la vie


I hope you aren’t putting yourself in that category because looking at your mythic logs it’s clear you don’t know what you are doing lol

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You havent “beat me” You cant even refute a single point I made.

This isnt even an argument, Its you having a fundamental misunderstanding of how the specs work.

People with low intellect never understand failure. Ignore and move on. There is one troll posting numbers that are less than an average beast can do single target and another weird person following him. It is best to just go with your experience. We have already seen the 45 percent buff is coming and is needed. Now we need a fix for season 1.


…are we playing the same game? Yes BM currently has :poop: aoe but MM and Survival definitely arent bad and theyve got sentinel helping them even more.

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