BM 45% Behind In AOE?

are you fricken kidding me dude? you are MR NEGATIVE. talk about pot calling the kettle black.


I actually haven’t been negative at all.

Saying “it’s not as bad as you guys think it is”
Is actually being positive.

You must have not ignored the troll yet. The guy is the one who said hunters are fine and blizzard releases a page of changes. The changes SHOULD actually buff pets by approximately 40 percent which he was adamantly fighting wasn’t needed. It tells you to how misinformed people are. The pets auto attack is also fully buffed if I read the patch notes which will probably be really close to the ops post that said troll whined about. Just move away from that person. And flag the insults. And yes, basilisk collar still needs to be redesigned.


BM hunter is so bad right now. In heroics, I can barely out DPS the healer and the tank out DPS me easily. Other classes I play, this doesn’t come close to happening


I muted him but he responds to every post so I guess ill have to block or whatever the next function is to just remove him from my forum all together. I was just dying when he talked about someone being negative and I had no choice but to say something lol


You can say BM is a single target spec and it should or shouldn’t outperform XYZ in AOE, but there is no basis for this. BM AOE is at an unacceptable level, unlike Dragonflight where BM was an AOE woodchipper (after Season 1). I would wager ST is over-tuned.

When you specialize BM and the game tells you this is a ST spec with poor AOE, I’ll believe it’s by design. Since there is a pretty significant game mode called Mythic +, this won’t be happening.

Obviously, there is a big patch coming with lots of changes. I’m not sure how well AOE is addressed based on what we currently know, but I suppose time will tell. Here’s hoping uhh…things get balanced.


Bm is a st spec.

LOL. Source for this? Other than you talking out of your a** of course? Right yeah didn’t think so.


Do you have any understanding of what a damage profile is?

The source is understanding how BM does damage and how its damage profile works.

BMs strength as always been consistent strong st damage.

There is no source for that. The beast hunter has always been fine in both aoe and single. They have 2 sides to the tree just like everyone else. They have skills like multishot, beast cleave, etc for a reason. Anyone else saying otherwise is basically doing what you said.


Anyone that has a basic understanding of damage profiles knows this.

Being a st focused spec doesn’t mean you don’t have any aoe abilities or talents.

It’s not surprising someone that doesn’t even get aotc doesn’t understand that.

So, starting off on a positive. Snozay is correct. If you do not care about completing keys past a certain level or competing on a meter in raid in roughly half of the fights , then BM is not in a bad position at all.

If you do care about these things however, then Snozay is also correct when he says you have to play a different spec because despite him being a complete troll on the forums he is not completely stupid as some of you have implied. Trust me, he understands that BM is not competitive at certain levels but prefers playing the role of contrarian here on the forums.

Now for some small corrections. First, going back to 2017, Ion Hazzikostas was asked about class balancing and whether certain class specs are designed around filling niche roles. His reply was a resounding 'NO" that Blizzard does not intentionally design any spec around certain types of encounters. He further explained that all specs should be competitive in both single target and cleave situations with some classes because of utility and design ‘shining’ in a few situations (two target cleave and spread cleave as an example). He repeated this commitment in interviews again in 2020 and 2022. So please, at least for the sake of this discussion, let’s take Blizz at their word and end the “BM is a single target spec” nonsense.

Next, the statement that Sims aren’t accurate at this point is disingenuous at best. As part of the community current working on SimulationCraft, we all pretty much in agreement that sims are nearing completion for all classes and specs. The issues that remain center mostly around certain trinket interactions, some bug fixes in game and logic errors in simulationcraft, and additional support for several of the hero talent choices. So, in short, current raidbot dps simulations are within 1-2 percent of their terminal values which should make them acceptable as a potential metric for performance.

Last but not least, Snozay whether you like him or not (and for most people I recognize it’s a resounding ‘not’ but that’s okay) is still deserving of a small amount of respect. It’s very rare that someone can act the contrarian in the face of overwhelming data for so long and still remain so convincing.


I just ignore trolls. Sezy pretty much described troll …


BM will mostly only be viable in ST fights or fights where not everyone needs to be aoe.

My main argument is that while yes BM aoe does need some tuning its not as bad as people think it is because of multiple factors but the main ones being people not doing their rotations properly.

People are doing tank damage and blaming tuning of the spec.

My main argument has been agaisnt people claiming that BM is unplayable due to doing tank level damage (note that the two main people calling me a troll are not even aotc raiders).

Its not actually nonsense. Also BM being a primarily ST spec does not mean that it has zero aoe or cleave. It means that its damage profile favors ST situations. BM hunters should never be doing more AOE than MM or SV as those specs are both designed around aoe damage.

Also they word there is intentionally. It still happens and is one of those things that are factors when choosing a spec for a fight.

I already corrected this statement when Woodsy addressed it. I was going off of the fact that BM still hasnt updated as well as my RL saying they werent all complete yet.

Nothing I said has been incorrect outside of the statement on SIMS which I already corrected.

I will say that hunter is my 4th to 80 char and BM feels so much weaker than the other 3 classes that went to 80. In addition to the damage being subpar, the healing…makes me cry a bit. Locks can heal SO much more. Warriors can heal SO much more. I think our heal CD needs to be cut in half for PVE.

I hope BM gets some buffs. It just feels so bad to play now.


While this may be true in some cases, my anecdotal response is I have beaten two perennial 3k+ IO BM hunters while on my guardian druid while my friend on his warrior tank routinely beats his wife who was a 3.3k+ BM hunter in the same large pull heavy cleave instances. Now there are caveats to this type of statement. First this happens in only a few heroic dungeons with insane pull density and typically with two other dps with high burst cleave. We wont see these types of pulls in M+ and mobs will live longer/hit harder which will increase the damage profile of BM and lower the tanks accordingly. But caveats aside, Snozay it does happen and it is not because the hunter sucks as you seem to think/say/believe.

Also if it will help, I can link multiple articles and interviews with Blizzard developers who have expressly said the specs within a class are not intentionally designed to excel around certain content. In other words there isn’t intentionally a ST spec or an AoE spec, or a PVP spec on Blizzard’s end. Instead what you are describing as a design element in the game is actually a failure in tuning that plagues all classes but BM hunter especially. In this current iteration, for example, BM had very strong single target damage in Beta and pre-patch. The elements driving this unbalance were not design elements but a bug which inflated Lacerate’s damage from the intended 4% to roughly 20% and the massively over-tuned Basilisk Collar talent (which you could argue favors ST design wise but is not strictly a ST ability like kill shot.) Blizzard responded to the ST unbalance by broadly nerfing all BM hunter damage abilities while at same time fixing Lacerate’s bug. The net result was BM dropped considerably in ST throughput to roughly middle of the pack (based on both Sims and current content) compared to other classes and the very bottom for AoE throughput. So to be very clear here, Blizzard addressed a tuning issue by tuning, but they failed to actually tune the root cause of the problem to begin with. Instead they took the shotgun approach and decided to nerf a wide swath which unfortunately had a much bigger and largely unintended impact on our AoE than our ST.


And I can bet you they were probably running DR instead of PL

The two main people complaining in this forum both dont even have aotc.

I have also linked evidence of me keeping up with equally geared players.

You keep ignoring the fact that I never said intentionally. Whether intentional or not the damage profiles fill certain things.

But “BM is gonna be fine” everyone said. The nerfs are necessary. We’re all just whining and complaining and dont kniw what we’re talking about.

I knew it. S1 starts tomorrow and BM is a$$. MM isnt even that great. SV is horrific. And melee (eew!).

I hope everyone who condescendingly said we were all overreacting and didnt know what we’re talking about gets declined for all their M+ keys.


Based on this statement

Shows you dont know what you are talking about.

I mean your opinion doesnt really mean anything since you’ve admitted you dont think BM should be competitive. You also said post nerf that BM would be fine. It’s not. Even Blizz knows it’s not which is why they’re completely reworking it in a month or two. So yea I don’t really put much weight on your anti BM tainted opinions.


I have never said that rofl. Making up lies doesnt help your argument and is pretty cringe.

I have said multiple times in multiple threads that BM aoe needed to be tuned up.

I main BM rofl.

Dont worry, I feel the same way about non aotc and sub 2k io players opinions