BM 45% Behind In AOE?

It’s not hard. Same name. Same server. Show us the weak sauce. That is what I thought. The fact is bm is very badly performing in AOE. It is not competitive in its current state regardless of gear level. It isn’t a scale factor. It is just horrible. And basilisk collar needs to be redesigned.


lol see in SF S3 and S4 BM have good AoE damage abs ST dev coils easily bake these tier set into hero talents or the the spec also BM have terrible defense try playing a mage a warlock these are what you call good defense class. BM have utilities sure list them please and think for a min and tell me how useful these utitiles are. Anything we have other class can do it better. Don’t forget pet AI in this game is not smart. Look at the past 2 year WFR how many BM hunters do you see? Look all the the MDI for the past 2 years and tell me how many teams got a BM hunter or even the top 1% m+ teams how many ran a BM hunter. Don’t kid yourself I been a hunter player since BC we never were that great and unless blizzard actually redesign the spec from button up it will never be good.


Had to get on my computer rofl.

You really should work on reading.

You are a non aotc raider. If you spent half the time you spend on the forum reading a guide and improving your numbers would be better.

And MM/SV were never played even though AoE is their Niche.

No they dont. SoTF was buffed and has two charges now.

I have played both at a mythic level.

Just because a class/spec isnt at MDI doesnt mean its not competitive. BM hunters got titles.

You really have no idea what you are talking about

BM AoE sucks, we need help.


just put the loser on ignore lol, the guy has been trolling since tww launch


I love how people with no credibility say someone with credibility is trolling just because they dont agree.

But sure take the non aotc raiders opinion over the CE one lol

They actually are. I normally agree with you except your takes on sims are usually rather fried sadly


Where are they posted at because blood mallet hasn’t updated yet the last time I checked.

mostly in the tc section of hunter disc takes some scrolling but there are plenty of comparison sims between the specs

Ahh ok.

We had a raid prep meeting last Tuesday and my RL states that a lot of classes sims weren’t updated so when didn’t see it on BM I thought hunters were there as well.

Bruh if I was ever in a guild that dictated what spec id be playing I’d be outta there in an heart beat.

I’m assuming this is some kind of mythic raid progress group?

I did. It’s a bad hunter. Imagine that.

They don’t dictate which spec you play but when you’re one of three hunters it’s performance based on if you’re in prog or not.

We were talking about raidbot sims though.

Yeah it’s a ce guild.

Non aotc hunter with green parses calling a ce hunter with orange/purple parses bad is the epitome of irony.

I see you ghosted when the screenshot showed you wrong :joy:

tbf at wr1k you can play whatever u want and get ce but a lot of guilds that get later ce will enforce silly unneeded requirements

We are a late CE guild. The rule here isn’t doesn’t matter what spec you play but you have to be able to perform.

Wow. The anniversary changes on ptr do nothing to address AOE issues. It also puts more focus on shots instead of your pets. The essentially buffed animal companion but then took the buff back in every skill. And they did not remove basilisk collar. This is dumb.

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I don’t think some people, including Blizzard, know how far behind BM is in AOE. Go into a heroic or (M0 next week) with equally geared players who know their rotations. Go in with a Fury Warrior or a Ret Paladin. Decent players will have an overall damage of around 800k, maybe 900k at 580 item level. BM is lucky to finish on 450k, which is where tanks finish dungeons at.

We all know that BM needs tuning, but I worry that Blizzard will be too scared to buff things by what they really need buffing by. That 75% damage on beast cleave targets is the first thing that needs to be changed. That needs to go back to 100% beast cleave damage. That should be fixed right away, then we can really see where BM needs more AOE buffs. After that, start looking at kill command cleave and start buffing that by more over time, until the balance is about right.

The 11.0.5 patch does nothing to buff BM damage and actively nerfs Kill Command resets via barbed shot. The animal companion’s 35% aura is gone, but they are nerfing BM by 35%. The BM tree still needs a complete rework and there’s 2-point talents that destroy creativity. 11.0.5 is not fixing core problems with the spec, and I don’t think Blizzard has any idea how to fix BM.

I fear for the future of BM if Blizzard is this ignorant of the changes needed to fix the spec and damage.


Shows just how little you know about how BM works.

It’s literally been explained twice how big of a buff in the thread I made.

I think a lot of people don’t actually know how BM works.