Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

They were changed so that everybody wouldn’t leave the horde :joy: At least that is what I think.

Ion said himself why they were changed, and it was because they felt that “fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elves” are blood elves.


Then what are pale skinned, brown haired, brown eyed elves?

You ARE a human too. Just a dead one.

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Well, when asked, what visual characteristics define an Asian individual? You’re typically going to say “black hair, dark eyes, angled eyes” But that doesn’t neccesarily define every single asian in existance. There are blue eyed asians, or brown haired asians, but those are not visually defining themes to their race.

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Both Void Elves and High Elves have blue eyes, and are both Alliance, with Void Elves actually being playable.

Stop misquoting. He never said anything about “blue eyed elves” being Blood Elves.


Hey i will give you that one, but co sidering you have blue eyed void elves you dont need high elves now do you?

Let alone the devs stated high elves and blood elves are the same, and that they are cleansed post tbc, and the fact there are blue eyed blood elves, and the fact that the high elves went horde.

Blue eyes are not alliance themed. I question your choice of faction of you think eye color is an alliance theme.


And Death knights have blue eyes as well. That argument is defeated before it even got to his feet.

I’m not misquoting though? He was using variations of Blood Elves to make a point that not all Blood elves are “Fairskinned, blonde and blue eyed” and I was making a point that variation doesn’t equate defining characteristics.

Give it a rest.


Okay, find where I asked for playable High Elves. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

I have been saying that High Elves are Alliance. That’s all. They are already allied with us, even if they’re not playable. And when people say “High Elf”, they’re not referring to Blood Elves, except for people like in this thread that like to parrot “Blood Elves are High Elves!” Which is incorrect, as “High Elf” isn’t the name of the species. It is the name of a group of Elves, and when one group stops calling themselves High Elves they cease to be High Elves.

Yes, all Death Knights have blue eyes. All of them. You act like that is some special revelation. But that also doesn’t support your claim as to why Blood Elves should have blue eyes, so why even bring it up?

Unless you’re quoting from some unreleased source, the only thing that Ion has said about blue eyes in relation to Blood Elves is that they don’t have the same eye color compared to High Elves.

As long as you’re making up false quotes, and using incorrect information, no. I will not give it a rest.


Except all current High elves aren’t aligned with the Alliance? Many are neutral, or even hostile with the alliance like the Thalo’dan Privateers who the alliance call a threat to their faction that Horde players actually have to go and rescue from an Alliance fort. The fact that some high elves have aligned themselves with the Alliance does not mean they are an Alliance group, just as some humans aligning themselves with the Horde does not mean humans are a Horde group, simply because they call themselves something different.

That’s not the point though is it? You’re claiming that “blue eyes” are a visual Alliance theme, when Blood elves with blue eyes on the Horde already exist. Both in the form of DKs, and NPCs. Clearly proving that theory wrong. The fact that all Death knights have blue eyes doesn’t change that fact.

He quite literally says “I get it, if you’re an alliance, and you just want to play a fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf, the Horde is waiting for you.” So while it’s not a playable aesthetic yet, it’s something he’s already stated that is a fantasy you should play a blood elf to fulfill, and even goes as far as to say that blue eye customization for Blood elves could easily be a visual option in the future. The fact that Blood Elves already exist with blue eyes in game is testament to this as well.

Unfortunately for you, I haven’t made any “False” quotes or statements. But nice try.


High Elf IS the name of the race. We did rename ourselves to honor the fallen other High Elves, lol. You are arguing in bad faith.


I’m claiming that High Elves with blue eyes are a visual Alliance theme, because since the Burning Crusade that is the initial way to tell the difference between a High Elf (Alliance) vs a Blood Elf (Horde). It’s a simple concept, so I don’t know how you’re not grasping it.

And it doesn’t change because of Death Knights or ONE officially mentioned blue eyed Sunstrider, who has been said to have a very specific and unique reason for having blue eyes.

No. He. Doesn’t.

“If what you want to be is a fair skinned, light blonde haired, you know, tall, majestic elf… that is a Blood Elf”

He does not mention blue eyes. In fact, in that very comment he states that they don’t have the same color of eyes as High Elves.

Seeing as I have just proven that you have. Yeah…

And that is why your race says “Blood Elf” instead of “High Elf”, right? And that’s why, in situations where you can see the race of an NPC, High Elves actually have “High Elf” as their race, right?

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It also says High Elf as well in our selection screen. It didn’t change our race. It’s a simple concept to grasp. Even if Belves are given blue eyes (something which hasn’t been even confirmed). It’s not gonna take away from those High Elves that stayed with the Alliance because they love that Human potential. So don’t worry.


Yes, in relation that you used to be High Elves.

It’s just hard for alliance when they keep making the high elves our npcs, we are used to seeing them as allies. Even the ones in Dalaran feel like alliance because of Jaina and vereesa. We even have them walking around in Stormwind now in the mage quarter. We always see them yet we can’t play them because a horde race is made up of their race that these other ones decided they didn’t want to be a part of. TBH I think this is how a lot of the elves became different races in the first place, just separating from each other and then over time the magic they practice changes them.

I think it’s just been in people’s minds that they are alliance because they are around us so often. Lol it’s not worth fighting over really but it is a thing that the alliance have been wanting to play this race that we have often worked with in the past.

To be fair I also believe it has a whole lot to do with how they look. They are beautiful elves that fulfill a role in a fantasy game in a different way than our other elf friends do. I hope it becomes an option some day! And it’s okay to defend that they belong on the horde because blood elves used to be high elves as well. :blush:

I really truly believe that they aren’t put on alliance because of faction balance anyways haha.


Use to call ourselves that. It didn’t change our race. You can’t just up and change your race. :grin:


Are you confusing species with race?

And this changed over time, blue eyed blood elves started appearing, heck when the Sunwell plateue was announced the cinematic trailer for it showed Kael’thas standing before his blood elves with BLUE eyes. Using dated evidence to support your argument isn’t going to do you any favors

One officially mentioned blue eyed blood elf is all we need to prove the precident that blue eyed blood elves do exist. We don’t need to have every single one officially noted by the devs for them to be acknowledged. That’s moving goalposts to suit your agenda in this conversation which is both contrived and ultimately makes your position in this conversation transparent.

Sigh this just proves how inept you are.

at 47:45 he specifically mentions “Fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf.”

for future reference, if you’re going to try to prove me wrong on a subject, at least watch the whole damn clip and not just the part that suits your argument. Smh.

Sadly all you’ve proven is how short your attention span is.


No it’s not a species either. Renaming yourself doesn’t change your species. Our species is elf. Our race is High Elf. We renamed ourselves to honor our fallen other High Elves. So you can stop trying to be gauche.


I’m not seeing any beards… hic!

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