Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Yes. He also follows that immediately by “Sorry? The Horde is there waiting for you, eye color is not the same.” Seriously. Do you even think?

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Ikr…I’m far more concerned about elf beards than eyes…though by dwarf standards they will probably be arm hair length.

And then what does he say after that? Oh right, it could be added in the future. He quite literally lists BLUE eyes as a blood elf theme, and while not currently playable, could easily be added in the future. Why would he say that if it was something they felt was strictly an alliance theme? The only one not thinking here is you.

As your argument went from “He didn’t say it all” to “Oh it doesn’t matter that he said it.”


There really needs to be more beards. I hope these customizations are pretty plentiful for all races.


No. My argument went from “You are misquoting him” to “You are STILL misquoting him”.

He also says “Anything is possible in the future, but no plans in the near future to add High Elves as an allied race”. Do you want us to take that as a “Go ahead!” to continue players asking for playable High Elves?

Blood Elves bue eyes are on horde, we just need the customization option.
Astromancer Darnarian

Sunreaver Frosthand

Teris Blightsunder

we can see how Lanesh the Steelweaver has blue eyes in two different expa MoP and legion

Sunreaver Assassin in dalaran and isle of thunder


but I’m not?

“if what you want to be is a fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf… sorry the Horde is waiting for you? The eye color is not quite the same but maybe there’ll be lenses in the future.”

That’s him telling the alliance playerbase that if what they want is to play a blonde haired, fairskinned, blue eyed elf. the HORDE is waiting for you.

Honestly I couldn’t care less, he just gave a huge list of reasons why playable High elves can’t happen in the current state, and then stated that blue eyes could easily be a customization for blood elves in the future.

Either blizzard completely changes their mind on high elves for the alliance, or they give blue eyes to blood elves, something they already said was a possibility in the first place.


You cannot make claim to something that is not playable. If you do, then you are asking for it to be playable. This is like complaining about a race getting brown eyes, because the jinyu have brown eyes.

And you are wrong as demonstrated throughout the game where only a singular group has ever been alliance leaning with the rest varying in their allignments.

You’re still human even when you claim you are now a Beluvian strangleworm. Sorry.
oh and devs considered blood elves, high elves. So their word > yours.
You can’t claim something as an alliance theme when it isn’t even an alliance race.


Interesting argument.

Citation needed.


Can someone repeat what is being said here when Blood elves were first introduced during the Burning Crusade?


You know, at this point I don’t know why I’m arguing with you. You understand that High Elves and Blood Elves are different, at least, which is my main contention.

I’ll let you get on with your request. While I disagree with it, I won’t bother you anymore.

It is an honest one.
Can you claim jinyu as an alliance race? Ankoan? Gilblins?
no. They aren’t playable, ergo, they aren’t yours.

You’re a joke dude.

I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree ,” Metzen said.
2005 Blizzcon



Ahem, no one at Blizzard agrees with you. But go ahead and run around with that headcanon if you want.


So, 15 years later, and tons of High Elven vs Blood Elven lore is “my headcanon”. You’re hilarious.


mean…again we have citations


And I’ve also linked many citations. But you people ignore them. And all of mine post date your 2005 “source”.

In fact, there are sources which I haven’t linked, written by Chris Metzen himself, that further show the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves. Mainly the Warcraft RPG books, but since those have overall been said to be “non canon”, due to certain specifics, I don’t bother with them.

Trust me, he knows.

I feel like the more compelling line from that Q&A is the line
“Blood elves ARE our High elves”

Yet you ignore everything else. Like, I don’t know one of the very leaders of the High elves preaching for reunification between them. You use dated references that at ONE point there were no blue eyed blood elves, and yet argue against the very devs that they aren’t high elves, despite them saying it multiple times.

I swear a dev could be standing with you face to face and tell you point blank that Blood elves ARE High elves and you’d simply close your ears and start crying “Lalala I can’t hear you” because if it doesn’t suit your agenda then it obviously isn’t relevant. You couldn’t be more contrived if you tried.

You mean the video you just linked that you couldn’t bother to watch more than a minute of? That you stated he NEVER said blue eyes? Yeah, you sure seem to know what you’re talking about.


Citation from a developer where they redacted the notion that blood elves and high elves are the same race?
Even though we have the WoW encyclopedia, Three sisters comic, and numberous other literature that states blood elves and high elves are the same race including the decription of the blood elves?

How about Shadows of the Sun where Lor’themar and the high elves of quel’thilien recognize each other as the same people?
Or the biological aspects such as both groups being connected to the sunwell?

Provide your citation.

So…you have nothing. GOtcha.


What’s amazing to me is that he tries to downplay the fact that Blizzard made Blood elves as the playable high elf race, that Blood elves ARE our High elves, and we can clearly see that it was their intention from the Q&As, and yet uses a dated narrative from their inception to define them for the entirety of their existence on WoW, ignoring all the narrative progression in the meantime. From Blue eyed blood elves showing up on the Horde, to the lengths some High elves have gone to cooperate, and work together with Blood elves.

To me it seems he cherry picks points, and ignores all else because otherwise it would shine his argument in a very dim light, one that makes the true motives of his perspective plain as day.

How absurd for a race that was intended to fulfill the High elf fantasy, to fulfill, I don’t know, the high elf fantasy.


Reunification between High Elves and Blood Elves would have to mean that High Elves and Blood Elves are different groups.

So, you have to invent fantasy scenarios now. Nice.

It’s nice that you have devolved into childish insults though. You guys have fun in here. Enjoy your echo chamber.

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