Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

This might seem hard to grasp, but not everything revolves around those elves, no matter how much you want to twist it, this is about showing in game the progression of the story of blood elves, a playable race, and the fact that the Sunwell they fought to restore is equal parts arcane and holy.

And eye color it’s not an “Alliance theme” either, the themes of the Alliance aren’t that fragile, it’s sad that a purely Horde player has to explain that.


blue eyes for blood elves is a natural thing considering that there are blood elves npc with blue eyes! also blue hair!


LOL, it’s far worse than that! those are down right hideous

Gives a whole new meaning to “be careful what you ask for” LOL

Blood elves with blue eyes are already in the horde


No, those are High Elf NPC’s

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Cough Lanesh cough death knights.


Nope! not even on the coldest of nights!

I’m surprised they have 5 faces at all. They’re literally cows, they all look the same to me.

Lmao. Okay.

Blue eyes on the Thalassian model indicates that the character is a High Elf, which is and has always been an Alliance race. Stop trying to justify the taking of Alliance game elements just because Blizzard had to give Blood Elves to the wrong faction to balance player population.


If you want a blue eyed Blood elf they’re already playable, and the alliance is waiting for you.


I am rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces back and sticks to you.

If you really think blue eyes is an alliance theme, then you better complain that none of your races have them. 8D

You know what? Sarallesta covered your hypocritical nature best.

I mean…blood elves are high elves, so its a Horde race, and therefore a Horde theme. Not alliance.
Naturally you will refuse because of the title.


one example sunreaver captain


You humans look all the same to me, but yet, if you get customizations options, more power to ya.

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blood elves with blue eyes

Astromancer Darnarian

Sunreaver Frosthand

Teris Blightsunder

we can see how Lanesh the Steelweaver has blue eyes in two different expa MoP and legion

Sunreaver Assassin in dalaran and isle of thunder


“We want high elves on the Alliance, that’s a completely separate and different thing to blood elves on the Horde!”

“How dare you ask for blue eyes for blood elves on the Horde! That’s the same as high elves on the Alliance!”


You’re right, and guess what? All Blood Elves are High Elves as well.

WRONG! They are not an Alliance race. High Elves are a Horde race, so stop asking for a Horde race.

Dude, Blood Elves were added to Horde for multiple reasons. Stop ignoring the fact and try and make any escuse a reason for you to believe.


Pst. Void Elves are High Elves.


Joy has no respect for the narrative of the High elves, that even before their mistreatment by the alliance they were never really loyal to them. And this was the majority of the High elven race mind you.

And that after the events of Garithos many more previously “loyal” High elves left the alliance and rejoined Kael’thas as Blood elves. That any remaining High elf on the alliance were treated pretty cruddy, and were not trusted. High elves are by no means a mandatory alliance race simply because they were at one point during their narrative. You either accept their story in its entirety, or you move on.


:woman_shrugging:t2: High Elves are on alliance, we just need the customization option.

Void elves ARE high elves and blood elves. There isn’t any reason why they wouldn’t join our ranks without practicing the void too.

Honestly at this point with the faction war over, they could easily just join in the fight on either side and it wouldn’t make a difference. They would simply be fighting for Azeroth.

Maybe there isn’t a reason to fight over them as long as they become an option some day. I’d only hope they could hang out in alliance territory because I like it more.

High elves are already on the Horde as a playable race :tipping_hand_woman:

Sorry you’re not going to get a customization option to look identical as us, you seem to have missed the point on why the void elves were changed visually in the first place.

The only way this would happen is if the faction barriers are loosened, until then have fun with your grape-flavored elves.