Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

You’re right. It’s about people wanting to further dilute Alliance themes.


So…where is the rage over DK’s having blue eyes?
Like…its an eye color, get over it.


I think the night elves didn’t get their eyes removed because they only have widely used colours (playable) they don’t have a lot of npcs with npc only eye colours. the eye colour was part of the face model, in order to update the eyes, they need to remove them from the face, so you can chose what colour you want. It went largely unnoticed but the blue and purple eyes high/blood elves got effected because those faces were probably replaced by the “base” face that, technically, doesn’t have eyes until the new purple/blue eye models are in place. They probably did the work for the green/gold eyes, since they are the most common.

Good idea. Get over it and stop asking for it.


“We’re allowed to post on the forums asking for High Elves on Alliance but the Anti-Helfers aren’t allowed to post on the forums asking for Blue Eyes options for the Blood Elves”

0/10. A typical post from a MHP.


Nah, where would the fun be in that?


Why though?


Or maybe you could not expect blizzard to prevent a playable race from getting a very logical customization over a mere NPC faction.

EDIT: Also…

And if Alliance themes depends on a single eye color, well…


High Elves are already Alliance. Sorry to break it to you.

Anyone can see that this “request” for blue eyes on Blood Elves is a mocking troll with little sincerity.


It’s a good thing no one’s asking for high elves then, just blue eyed blood elves. :woman_shrugging:


This statement feels like more of a thinly veiled attempt to disregard a valid request, simply because you didn’t get something you wanted.

Blue eyes are perfectly reasonable, and logical request for Blood elves, at least some people have the decency to actually have a discussion about it and not just assume that the only reason anyone could possible want it is to upset others.

Right, because I’ve trolled how?


no it’s literally just some cringey troll pretending to ask for blue eyed blood elves that’s the whole post if you actually read it.

report the post and move on.


Unless you are actually obscenely blind to the requests of players on this forum, you would know that asking for blue eyes for Blood Elves is an EXTREMELY trollish “request”.

If you are actually sincere, then you are painfully lacking in empathy.


Blue Eyes for White Dragons!


Do you not see the hypocrisy in such logic? There has been just as much push back against High elves as there has been for it, simply because most people (blizzard included) already see them as the same as blood elves. So it’s “trolling” to adhere to a perspective we’ve already expressed outwardly? No, it’s only trolling to YOU because you feel it’s something that is inherently yours, when its not.

And from what I’ve collected the Alliance don’t want “blue eyed blood elves” they want the High elven lore. That had the void elves simply been high elves, players would have been satisfied. Us wanting customization options that are completely reasonable for our characters is not trolling, however much you wish to believe it is. It is some thinly veiled attempt to play down a valid, and popular request.


Hey, High Elves are already on Horde. Sorry to break your heart with real facts. But if people aren’t allowed to request for Blue Eye customisations for Blood Elves, then why should people be allowed to request for High Elves on the forums?

Like, really? A Mocking Troll? All you are doing is now just being absolutely toxic with your post and trolling at this point. Seriously, calm down!

You also need to stop. Requesting for blue eyes for an existing playable race is not trolling. You also need to stop right there.


Do you know who Airc reminds me off? Joyuese. Gosh, they both act like they got the authority over everything in the game and on the forums.


Meanwhile, Tauren have five face options.


Which is the only reason that blue and gold eyes weren’t available for Sin’dorei from the beginning. Because Blizzard can’t be arsed to care about customization.

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We’ve been asking for proper blue eyes for the Sin’dorei since day one. Sorry sweetheart. It’s not trolling for people to ask for proper customization for our own race, just because you want it.