Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

That is not saying Blood Elves are not High Elves.

Yeah, only 1 NPC. That does not mean that every other Blood Elven NPC with Blue Eyes is a mistake.

12: “High Elves being barely different from Blood Elves is just like Lightforged Draenei being barely different from Draenei, or Highmountain being barely different from regular Tauren!”

Yes, of course. But unlike High Elves, Draenei and Tauren are not crossing faction lines. They are just more Alliance Draenei. More Horde Tauren. More Alliance Dwarves. More Horde Orcs. The only two Allied Races thus far that “mixed it up” would be the Void Elf, a compromise to the Alliance to get the Thalassian model, and the Nightborne, a compromise to the Horde to get the Night Elf model.

Using any other comparisons between Allied Races to merit High Elves is a pointless endeavor, because Blizzard specifically catered these two to be opposing and opposite compromises for each faction. For an Allied Race that “crosses faction lines” a more drastic set of rules and distinction would be required.



LOL That doesn’t say that they AREN’T the same, it says the Belfs don’t consider themselves High Elves. Which they don’t because they renamed themselves in honor of their fallen kin, and the Alliance “high elves” don’t care about their dead.

Again, that’s philosophy.

And obviously Thalassians are different than Kaldorei, that’s pretty easy to see and there’s a much greater gap between them.

No. I know you’d like to think that, but there’s literally no difference. High Elves still eat magic from magical items and why do you think so many of them live it the overflowing arcane city that is Dalaran?

Sindorei all having green eyes has always been a fact of Blizzard’s laziness and refusal to put together the tech they’re doing now, to customize races. Most Sindorei did not feed on fel, and were feeding on so much arcane that it would have overwritten the fel influence on the city. Elves constantly filled with Light should have always had gold eyes, and I hope they take the time to update NPCs like Arathor.

“High Elves” having blue eyes and every Sindorei having green eyes as an in-game representation has always been the fact that Blizzard is THE laziest MMO when it comes to customization.


I honestly don’t care.

Unless Alliance get a new model for High Elves, I’d rather not have them.

Another thing, most of you think it’s funny that Blizzard is biased against Alliance but it won’t be so funny when there is barely any Alliance left.


Honestly? The Alliance doesn’t affect our game play at all, except to delay which raids go to LFR. You can PvP in mercenary mode.

And hey if you all quit then they wouldn’t have to waste time making content for you.

And yes, I have alliance characters and have played your content, you have lots.


Blizzard makes content for everyone, not just Horde players. These days, you just mostly see Alliance participating less because it is there choice.


Can’t wait for Blizzard to finally advance Blood Elves visually.


Sigh all the trolls trying to trigger High Elf fans by talking about non-glowing eyes, all as they feign ignorance and joke in contempt of any notion of lore or artistic representation in-game.

And here I am thinking that all these eye reworks are a perfect time to differentiate non-glowing eye elves, namely High Elves.

Even Void Elves lost the “blue” mark with their eyes now radiating a dark purple. And I will admit they look amazing now.

Well done Blizzard.


Why wouldn’t Alliance high elves have glowing eyes?

They just want to be trophy wives for humans.


I haven’t seen the void elves on ptr, I heard those were unfinished still anyone have a screenshot?

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Tbh you’d think high elves would have glowing red eyes.

Why…would high elves…not have glowing eyes?
Its literally what the race is known for doing around magic.


You can be my trophy wife, if you want


Lmao. Trophy Wives.

Oooh. Oooh. Oooh.

/raises hand

Can I?


High Elves don’t have glowing eyes normally, only when channeling magic much like other races including humans.

They have regular human-like irises with regular human-like sclera with regular human-like range of eye colors.

Basically they’re vanilla elves making them ironically unique.


It is literally in the lore, and shown in comics.

They have this as well too, correct.

I mean, you’re wrong.


Sigh all the helfer trolls who insist that the actual lore and canon is incorrect and rely entirely on the fact that “their eyes are DiFfErEnT!” instead of just acknowledging Blizzard’s utter laziness with regard to customization for the entirety of its career.

I mean, how long did it take for Thrall to have his own model? For Anduin not to look like a generic kid? For Saurfang to get a unique toon?

They didn’t suddenly become new people. Blizzard just suddenly decided they were important enough for a custom toon.


this doesnt prove anything. ion said ‘slightly’ differently eye color and relationship with the sunwell, which means the difference is so minute they arent even worth mentioning and delving into. and ofc cannot be used for an identical AR, as blue eyed blood elves already exist and if eye color were enough, golden eyes would have to be an AR itself. the sunwell part was obviously a reference to refusal from draining from living beings, which was resolved with the restoration of the sunwell. thus he said ‘slightly’ different :joy:

blue eyes is not a marker for alliance. its a marker for the type of magic a thalassian elf is around the most. if it was, horde DKs would have been given red eyes or horde high elves would have had red eyes

the only thalassian elf aesthetic the alliance has claim to is the void theme. if you want a pure high elf the horde is there for you, otherwise you get the inky blot on your screen of a living shadow, void elves


The Silver Covenant high elves have blue eyes and are Alliance-aligned. There’s a fair number of high elves scattered all throughout Alliance areas, including the Telogrus Rift, all with blue eyes because they weren’t connected to the Sunwell when it was corrupted (or restored). If there are high elves in Horde areas with blue eyes, I don’t recall seeing them; only Blood Elves with green or now gold eyes have shown up there. The only places you tend to find blue-eyed high elves are in Alliance areas or Dalaran with the Kirin Tor.


I am not wrong. High Elves don’t have glowing eyes unless they’re channeling magic. They’re basic eyes with basic sclera and basic irises. There is no comic that shows High Elves with glowing eyes unless they are magic users (except Sylvanas for some reason but hey Alleria was said to have glowing emerald eyes so it’s probably just elfy weirdness).

Vereesa’s eyes are basic in the most recent Three Sisters comic, for example.

If you want the most modern take on High Elves in the Warcraft universe, look at the Warcraft 3 reforged High Elves. They all have basic eyes with basic sclera with basic irises.

Oh wait is this the “Blood Elves are High Elves” bs again, cause I’m clearly not talking about Blood Elves. Also feel free to actually provide one actual shred of evidence before telling someone they’re wrong. Otherwise you’re just perpetuating silly internet discussions that go nowhere.


When people say blue eyes they mean non-glowing eyes, not the blue glow that permeates from magic effects.

The whole “blue eyes from arcane” is nothing but a perpetuated misconception considering High Elves have all sorts of eye colors in lore. If anything, it’s just magic users channeling magic. Jaina has shown “blue” glow herself.

Only reason we only see blue eyes in game is because High Elves only have three face maps and Blizzard couldn’t be arsed to differentiate them among themselves.

Not that they should have. The only way Blizzard can say “THIS IS A HIGH ELF” right now in-game is the eyes, otherwise they’re indistinguishable from Blood Elves cause they have no unique take on them unlike say Kul Tirans.

Well that’s a lie they also have that insufferable non-Elune Night Elf placeholder voice set… used also by mortal form dragons.