Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Because Horde players aren’t asking to make an Aliance race playable on Horde.

However, a few Alliance players are saying that their badly written fanfic is canon and thus demanding a Horde race be given to Alliance.


When the Burning Crusade was released, Blizzard put an “encyclopedia” on their website. In this very website, they stated for a fact that Blood Elves were not High Elves anymore. So yeah…

So, all those High Elves you can find all over the world in Alliance areas, like the Hinterlands, Terokkar Forest, Dustwallow Marsh, and even Stormwind are Horde, even though they have the Alliance symbol next to their portraits?


So, some races that are mainly Alliance that have the Horde flag on them, does that mean they are Horde races all of a sudden?


Are they listed as High Elves, like the High Elves on Alliance? Because they certainly aren’t listed as “Blood Elves”. If you can find a single High Elf that is Horde, I’d be surprised. All you’ll find are Blood Elves. Which, again, Blizzard has stated do not consider themselves High Elves.


Oh that is easy, every single Blood Elf that is in game, including the playable ones, they are High Elves.


This is why trying to discuss things with people like you is pointless. You don’t listen, you ignore things that are in game and in other lore sources. You blatantly plug your ears and go “Nuh uh! I can’t hear you!!!”

Then you post a long video with no time tags and think that is a response. I can post a video of Ion stating the differences between High Elves and Blood Elves. Recorded after the video you posted. But what good would that do? You’d just ignore that, too.


Sounds like an average pro-helfer.

Lets look at the cold hard facts: Kael only renamed his people.

  • He did not declare them to be new group of people
  • He did not declare them as a new race
  • He did not declare them to be a different culture

Blood Elves are High Elves. No matter how many times that gets said, people seem to take it in opposite and claim that Blood Elves are not High Elves.

Post it then.

But I can tell you, the only difference between the Blood Elves and the High Elves is the faction they are alligned with. You got some who are with the Horde, you got some that are with Alliance, and you got some who are nuetral.

EDIT: Is there actually a video or are you wrong about there being a video about Ion saying what the difference between Blood Elves and High Elves are.


Didn’t you hear? The Silver Covenant and other Alliance Helf factions are fanfiction now and are no longer canon.

Thanks for the clarification Zelestriana, I had no idea that the majority of Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, The Isle of Thunder storyline, etc… Were made non-canon. I should really catch up with the lore with all that’s been changed up. :slight_smile:


I love syans fykchun.

Yup blood/high elf needs there blue eyes back


Because we actually post facts and information found in the game and in other lore sources that counter your headcanon? Yeah, that would sound like an “average pro-helfer”, wouldn’t it?

And things happened after that that differentiated the two groups, but good on you for keeping up the “ignore anything that goes against my agenda”. Bravo.

So, when Blizzard says “Blood Elves no longer consider themselves to be high elven” to you that means “Blood Elves still think they’re High Elves”? When Ion says that there really aren’t concentrated groups of High Elves anymore, that means (because “Blood Elves are High Elves” in your eyes) there aren’t concentrated groups of Blood Elves anymore.

And directly on the topic: Ion himself even knows that Blood Elves and High Elves have different colored eyes.

When Elisande confronts the various groups of elves, she can tell and knows the difference between the Blood Elves and High Elves there. Why can’t you?


So where in lore then MR. I AM SPEAKING ABOUT IN LORE did Kael declared then Blood Elves a different race, culture or people?

Where has Blizzard said that? Even now, I am still waiting for that so call video that you have claimed there to be of Ion saying what the difference between Blood Elf and High Elf there is.

Dude, Blood Elves are High Elves. There is a lot within the lore that actually says this. But it is the one real fact that you are ignoring.

Dude, the only difference between them is what faction they are alligned with. Apart from that, there is no real difference between them.

Also, post that video that you claim was made after the one I posted of where Ion says the difference between Blood Elves and High Elves.


You’re stuck on Kael’thas and ignoring everything that happened after. Typical.


After Ions famously quoted “Basically Blood Elves kinda are High Elves…” (which people like you love to stop at, because the rest of his quote goes against your narrative):

And watch from minute 47, where he continues to talk about High Elves, when it is clear that he cannot be talking about Blood Elves:

No. There is not. Otherwise you’d be posting it instead of just repeating your “Blood Elves are High Elves!!!” mantra over and over.

Oh wait… Are you saying you do realize there is a difference between the two groups? One of the differences being eye color? So, why are you asking for Alliance things?


If what you want to claim is true, and “Blood Elves are High Elves”, then you can always substitute anything Blizzard says about High Elves with “Blood Elves” and it would need to remain true.

Is the statement “There isn’t a clear example on who or what Blood Elves are as a larger group” a correct statement?

I did, and you ignored it. Did you not go to the Warcraft Encyclopedia link? Did you not read it? (Redundant question, I know you didn’t).

It is nice that you posted a bunch of NPCs, some of which have green eyes. And only one of which has been stated to have a reason for having blue eyes, and is thus very unique in his story. NPCs don’t mean much. Even Arator the Redeemer had green eyes at one point, because Blizzard makes mistakes sometimes.

But even Ion saying that Blood Elves and High Elves have different colored eyes isn’t enough for you. You only take quotes from him when it suits your desires, but ignore him when they don’t. It’s pathetic.


Right back at you Helfers, which is why it’s a pointless conversation.

Again, “Alliance High Elves” are like Grimtotem Tauren. They’re not a separate race just a separate philosophy.


You can’t prove it ever said that unless you can post a link. It’s easy to say “oh it used to say that, trust me.” Some dude the other day tried telling me that “trolls were the forebears of elves” thing didn’t show up til between MoP and Cata when we’ve known it since vanilla.


There was a blue post on it last week.

FACT: All Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves. Kael’thas Sunstrider only renamed his people to honor the the fallen. He did not declare them to be a different race, a different culture or different people from who they were.

What Ion have said and what you are now trying to claim is not what was mentioned in that video. Ion is correct in his statement about who High Elves are as a larger group considering they are so many splintered groups right across Azeroth. but the major group of there people are now known as the Blood Elves and are within Quel’Thalas, and are playable on the Horde.

None of the devs has said that Blood Elves are not High Elves.

“High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and they are descended from night elves. Nevertheless, due to their shared history and philosophical differences, the three groups do not share a close relationship. Indeed, night elves regard high elves and blood elves with suspicion, disgust, or outright hostility.”

So where does it say Blood Elves are not High Elves?

It is only an opinion of people claiming it is a mistake from Blizzard. That is not a fact.

Oh right, so different eyes is enough to claim as a different race/group/culture. Got it. You have just proven to yourself that you know very little about the lore.

Now, how about you answer the question, where in lore does it say Blue Eyes belong to the Alliance.





“Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves”

And even in the example you quoted, it is specifically clear that the three groups, Blood Elves, High Elves, and Night Elves, are different groups.

Nor is it a fact that it was not a mistake. Like I said, there is only one of the NPCs that has been commented on by Blizzard, and that he is a very special case.

High Elves are to Blood Elves as Mag’har are to green skinned Orcs or Highmountain Tauren are to Mulgore Tauren. Different groups of the same species, separated by slight alteration via magical means.