Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

cant wait for the new blue glow option. blood elves finally getting updated to reflect where they should be lore wise


We have already been playing High Elves since TBC. The Alliance also can play High Elves, just in another flavour.


What the hell…

That looks so bad.

Our blood elf dks look way better : )

Can we stop with the semantics? Everyone knows exactly what I’m talking about when I say high elves on the alliance.


Sorry for making a solid point then. I never thought the truth hurts.


high elves have been playable as blood elves since january 2007. high elves are a horde race

if you dont understand what that means, its no wonder you were surprised you got void elves instead of a horde race. and youll probably be surprised again when blood elves get blue eyes when its as simple as high elves are blood elves


We already do. Just because people are in denial of the truth of the lore doesn’t change the fact.


I want the creepy hollowed out eye socket look, for my female Death Knight.

I dunno they are kinda hazardous to eat, you could slice up your mouth with all the edgyness

People really need to stop this. They know there is a difference between High Elves and Blood Elves, whether they want to admit it or not.

Quoting Ion doesn’t change that.

Ion also forgot the Silver Covenant existed in the same interview.

The Blood Elves renamed themselves for a specific reason. The currently remaining elvs that call themselves High Elves are those that never allied themselves with Kael’thas/Lor’themar and are now loyal to Alleria and the Alliance. Plain and Simple.

That’s like saying the few threads that pop up where Horde ask for Eredar are them asking for Draenei. Yet, you don’t see Alliance arguing semantics that they’re the same, even though they technically are.

Draenei are Eredar, but not all Eredar are Draenei. Draenei cast of the name of Eredar just like the Blood Elves cast off the name of High Elf.

Corrupted Eredar are known as Man’ari. The Naaru renamed them Draenei, which means “Exiled Ones.”


Oh that is SUPER disturbing!!!

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Wow that’s freaky looking.

The black, lifeless stare of that high elf woman… I… I need a coffee.

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No, what’s plain and simple is that they’re exactly the same race.

Can you play a Grimtotem Tauren? Sure, nothing’s stopping you. Make a black Tauren and RP him to your heart’s content.

They are the same race with a different ideology.

Yes, the Alliance-affiliated elves who refer to themselves as “High Elves” chose to abandon and disrespect their people. That’s fine. Grimtotem poisoned Cairne and took over Thunder Bluff, clearly choosing to side against their own people and the faction it calls home.

Doesn’t make them a separate race or species, either one.

Just because you want to play a Thalassian on Alliance doesn’t mean there’s race there for you.


Hey guess what? We’re taking about Blood Elven Thalassians. Not “Alliance High Elves.” Sin’dorei should have had access to blue eyes since day one, for lore reasons that have been exhaustively gone over again and again to the Helf people.


That only splinter groups are seperated between both factions? Oh yeah, that is a big difference.


Okay. And how does this make making multiple topics about blue eyes for Sin’dorei OK and multiple topics about High Elves being playable not ok?


exactly. because the sin’dorei are the ‘quel’dorei’ of quel’thalas proper. thats what blood elves are, horde high elves. blood elves asking for blue eyes makes sense, its a small customization option after all, and thats why we ask for it. alliance asking for a horde race makes no sense what so ever. yes a few individuals exist in the alliance but the vast vast majority of high elves, including the kingdom and armies, are aligned with the horde


You’re missing the point. Ignoring the usual arguments between high elves and antis, what makes you think it’s okay to make multiple threads asking for blue eyes, but not okay to make multiple threads asking for high elves?