Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

It’s a fan made guide, not a Blizz one.


Boy do I feel sheepish. :no_mouth:

I had no idea that was not canon and it was a fan entry. I thought that was a real Blizz thing. lol

My apologizes for arguing a void concept.

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Blue eyes aren’t needed. High Elf thread in disguise

Its all good, a lot of the time if it has a citation link next to it then its an official word from Blizzard.

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It’s not. They were talking about the PTR adjusting blue eyes and since Belves are getting 40+ customizations, what the chances were that it’d be one of them. Blue eyes does not make one a High Elf of Lordaeron.

I have! I think it was a thread a long time back about blue eyes for Blood Elves and regular skin for Void Elves or something. Wow, that was awhile ago. lol

I’m here to support Blue Eyes on Blood Elves. Then mages can really look pretty in blue <3


I’m happy for you Blood Elf mages. Priests got their update in BFA, now it’s your turn.

Simple, really.

When the Alliance asks to be able to play the elves who are already part of their faction, it’s spam.

When the Horde asks for more options when they are playing Barbie dress up while screaming about Blood and Thunder, it’s legit.

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When there’s at least 3+ or more threads about copy pasting a race from Horde to Alliance, yes, that is indeed spam. 3+ or more threads about anything it’s spam, in fact.

When there’s one or two threads about a customization option for a already playable race, which would represent that race’s lore progress, the second thread could be considered spam even if they were a honest mistake from someone that didn’t see the other thread.

EDIT: And I’ll add, this is not even about the request of that customization option, it’s theorizing iif it will happen considering things that have been seen in the PTR.


It’s not really spam unless there are many topics being posted, and that happened a lot, so the spam label was appropriate at times.
Anyone asking for a playable race to have more options is definitely legit and valid. It would be even better if helfers would stop making connections between this topic and theirs as it has nothing to do with their ‘screaming’ for a new playable race on the alliance.

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Just another addition to my “Why i’m re rolling Horde in 8.3” list.

Seems a new addition meets that list every update.

This is the first reaction to your post that I have got when I read it.

How? If it’s multiple threads about the same topic, they shouldn’t be treated different. You can’t say one topic is more important than the other, that’s hypocritical

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This isn’t true, and while the High elves had to adjust to the grim realities they now faced, the Blood elves are actually the only group of Thalassian elves to carry on High elven traditions, and customs. Blood elves are more of the result of how most High elves responded to the events of WC3.

Alliance “high elves” are high elves in name alone, having abandoned their culture, and themes in favor of the alliance races who were willing to suffer their presence, despite that many do not trust them, with night elves even occasionally being outright hostile toward them.

Blood elves still wear traditional High elven clothes, wield high elven weapons, and pass on High elven customs. Their name change was more to honor the fallen of their race, and their culture, not to move on from it. When you visit the Sunwell with Thalryssa, Lady Liadrin was careful to point out that despite their hardships they’ve never forgotten who they are. It’s why the Blood elf heritage quest quite literally has the player playing as a high elf during the attack of the Scourge in Quel’thalas.

As Metzen noted in a Q&A when regarding them for the Burning Crusade,

“Blood elves are our High elves.”

This thread is about Thalassian eyes in general, not solely about Blood elf customization. The fact that I also happen to support blue eyes for Blood elves does not mean I’m obligated to post in that thread.

Wanting to discuss PTR updates, and potential signs for development are perfectly reasonable causes for an individual discussion.


That’s from a fandom wiki, it is not a legitimate source. It also says at the very top that it needs to be cleaned up to conform to copyright laws and fair use.

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That’s from a WOW fandom site, not wowpedia.

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Not only that, but if they just scroll up, we already told someone else that. :smile:

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Yeah a couple posts down from that I already admitted to my mistake. :stuck_out_tongue: