Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

It’s not an Alliance feature. Blue eyes are on different races and even classes. Blue being an Alliance color doesn’t make it exclusive to Alliance. They gave Belves green eyes because of the story they were telling stemming from WCIII. But the well is now a mix of light and arcane. There have also been Belf NPCs with blue and red eyes. It’s just all a matter of power and exposure.


Skin colors too, but blood elf players want exclusivity in “human” skin colors.

I have never posted about skin color exclusivity. I don’t care if you get Helf skins.

You are an exception in this thread. i wouldn’t mind of belves getting blue eyes if the majority of belf players wasn’t so hypocritical.

First of all “blue eyes” are not a void elf feature, not only are void elf eyes different from traditional High elf eyes, blue eyes have also already existed among Blood elf players within the DK players. You cannot claim “Exclusivity” to a visual theme that was never actually exclusive to you.


If they created Alliance Helf skins, they should have multiple colors. Because originally Helves had Pink-purple, yellow, white and blue eyes. The game needs more customization. That’s all I’m about. It’s an RPG, let people customize more.

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What? Blue eyes have always been a reflection between an elf and their relationship with Arcane magic. How are you going to say that Blue eyes don’t make sense for a race that is practically defined by their reliance, and use of arcane magic in almost everything they do? Even the narrator when you make a blood elf stresses that many Blood elf still prefer the arcane over the light.

With the Sunwell being a font of both arcane, and light magic, it makes sense more now than ever for them to have blue eyes.


Alleria isn’t an example of how the playable Void elves look, and that’s because no one actually plays as Alleria. As a playable race, Blood elves are the only playable high elf race with normal skin color, and that’s not about to change.


I honestly don’t think there is really a need to differentiate. We don’t have that with Pandas. You know the enemy by their health bar. Just aim for that.

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Blue eyes are not what differentiate Blood elves, and High elves. Culture is what differentiates them, as blue eyed blood elves have already shown up within the game from time to time as it is. Even when the Sunwell Plateau came out, it showed Kael’thas standing over his blue eyed Sin’dorei.

But regardless your logic went from a lore perspective, to a gameplay perspective really fast, making me feel that your stance in this conversation is more about personal agenda than any real, solid argument as to why they can’t have them. Jumping from different types of argument just makes this conversation seem very thinly veiled.

Culturally Blood elves deserve blue eyes more than any other group of High elves as their dependence, and reverence for Arcane magic has never waned, and has remained prevalent to their story since their very inception. Elves are shown to be very susceptible to magic sources effecting the color of their eyes unlike humans, hence why “glowing” eyes isn’t a feature for magic-wielding human classes.

Void elves are not currently recruiting, so we really have no idea why they’re there. High elves also reside among Blood elves at the Sunwell, and there we at least see a High elf leader actually calling out for them to reunite as all “children of Silvermoon” which is in great contrast to a few elven scholars mulling about the rift.

  • Bluring faction lines, yeah, that is taking about an un-altered race being made form Horde Only to nuetral. Adding blue eyes to Blood Elves has nothing to do with bluring faction lines.
  • Blue Eyes are not an Alliance Only feature, and a lot of people have already been over this several times.

First of all, Alleria was the only Void Elf to absorb the Void Mastery from the Dark Naruu L’ura. The Playable High Elves were exiled Blood Elves that got too dangerous for the Sunwell because of there studies into the void had left them in a bad state?

Yeah, they were transformed by Void Etherals.

The difference between the Human and the High Elf is that all High Elves including the Blood Elves are connected to the Sunwell, except for Void Elves, who has lost all connection to the Sunwell.


The High Elf ‘debate’ is just sad.

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Having one of those playable and the other one not playable seems to differentiate between them pretty well.


It’s not a matter of fairness. But if it was it was unfair for alliance to get void elves to begin with, they’re not going to look even more like blood elves.
The golden eye color has nothing to do with ‘redemption’ it reflects the purification of the sunwell, the next logical step is to show blood elf original eye colors. So any eye colors they had before the effects of fel crystals in silvermoon would be appropriate.
Still…blizz doesn’t have to fulfill your ‘regulations’ they’re free to add any color they want for blood elves.


But also gave a bunch of reasons as to why at the moment it’s not feasible. The question as to why Void elves over High elves explained just exactly why void elves look the way they do. Those reasons are not just suddenly going to go away, at least not while the current dev team is working at Blizzard.

What’s more likely, that Blood elves will get blue eyes (Another thing Devs mentioned was possible) A visual theme they clearly already believe belongs to Blood elves already, or the idea that they’ll completely change their minds and stance on something they’ve repeatedly held on to for years and give void elves normal skin tones despite all the problems the devs feel it presents.


Has anything actually been confirmed on the blue eyes front? Its almost feeling like theyre giving a bunch of races, different eye color options maybe?

This isn’t true based on the fact that Thalassian Elves of the Alliance didn’t just have blue eyes. The real truth is their customization has always been limited. Very limited. But they are wanting to fix that in Shadowlands with more customizations (40+ for Belves alone).

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No, just the 40+ customizations part that they mentioned during the Q&A at Blizzcon. None of it seemed to be even worked on let alone done for them to confirm anything.

Not yet. But a dev said the they may add blue eyes to belves.

Blue is the only eye color we have, unfortunately, because i want purple eyes so bad.