Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

I should really point out that the high elves most people want aren’t Horde.

If there are so many High Elfs on Horde they should really stop adding new High Elf NPC’s in alliance areas, Minor NPC’s or otherwise.

Yep. There is absolutely no reason why the Blood Elves cannot not have their iconic blue eyes back. I mean “Blood” Elves is just a name Kael’thas gave them to honour the High Elves that died in the Scourge invasion. The Sunwell has been purified and again consists of Arcane and Light energies.


Huh, I guess between the Alliance asking for high elves and the blood elves asking for blue eyes Blizzard finally said:

“Screw it! NO ONE gets to have blue eyes anymore!” “Suck it elves!”

Everyone gets blank eye sockets! Perfect for next Halloween.

I mean, the demon hunters were rocking it since legion and it worked out ok for them.

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this is fanfiction. golden eyes on blood elves shows that the green eye glint, as minor a change as it is, is not forever and can be changed…in other words while it may be akin to orc corruption it is nowhere near the same level of intensity. whatever fel taint the blood elves carried is clearly being/has been cleansed. given they feed on a font of holy and arcane power, the potential for blue eyes is there

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Thalassian elves with blue are playable to the alliance, blue skin and eyes differentiate void elves from blood elves. The faces i see asking for blue eyes for blood elves (a void elf feature) are the same saying no to normal skin tones to void elves. You don’t want to keep the race identity anymore?

blood/high elves are the same race, all feed on the sunwell, thalassian eye color reflects the magical energies they are exposed to. the sunwell is a font of holy and arcane energy. none of what you just said debunks anything


Yes, they are the same race, but are playable with blue eyes in alliance side. If you want to play a thalassian elf hunter with blue eyes play alliance.

Blood Elf identity isn’t linked to their eye color.


They actually aren’t.

Development which fails to bring crucial lore forward just because it isn’t important to the immediate story is. Blood Elf eye color is still linked to WoW’s first expansion and it’s time to fix that.


Blood elf identity has always been linked to eye color. The green eyes shows their past of suffering and the golden eyes are a redemption symbol, blue eyes for blood elves makes no sense anymore. but im fine with blood elves getting our eye color if we can have normal skin tones. it would be fair for both sides.

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What? This is entirely false. Blood Elf identity has nothing to do with eye colour.

Based on what fact?


it appears my plan to gouge out the eyes of every blood elf and replace them with cheap plastic bouncy balls is working…

correct, it’s inexorably linked to their wafting funk of kodo dookie mixed with cheap perfume.

Now that’s just nasty :cry:

It’s scary what they put in some perfumes in real life :sweat:

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well look how bad the eyes look in that screenie D:

:joy: :joy: :joy: that about sums up what a Blood Elf is.

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Blizzard gave green eyes to blood elves to differentiate them from alliance high elves, why would they give an alliance feature to the horde after Ion says that they don’t want to blur the faction lines?