Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Gold eyes are indicative of how the Sunwell is now

They’re not getting blue eyes back, the future of the Sin’dorei is golden eyes.

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I mean we are getting wildhammer dwarves customization. We can get high elf that took the name blood elf customization that were not in silvermoon as well…


What you say is not what is going to happen.


If you see the blood elf dk eyes next patch you see they are ready. Just gotta adjust the lighting. Blue eyes are officially there for at least dks.

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Is arcane not represented as blue when it comes to high elves and the sunwell?


The only update to eyes in years since Wrath was golden eyes. If blue eyes were an important Blood Elf thing, they could have been added at any point, for all of those HElf NPCs the Alliance keeps having show up. But instead, only golden eyes were added

Been the case ever since Wrath. The HElf blue eyes are different

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This is the first time entirely in World of Warcraft where we are getting full added and extra customisations. Yeah, Golden Eyes is a sign for those who are infused with Holy, such as Paladins and Priest, and guess what, it also has effect the same thing with all High Elves in the game. Even Half-Elves have been effected with the golden eyes changes in representation of being infused with Holy.

Gosh, Blue Eyes does not belong to the High Elves that didn’t rename themselves.


There are like, three known half elves ingame, tops.

The vast majority of blue-eyed elves of that model have been Alliance serving units. They pre-date the Horde having them as an Allied race, as anyone who’s played Vanilla can tell you

Remember all the kerfluff back in WoD around that sword that only the Alliance could transmog? The blatantly Alliance coloured one, from an Alliance quest? Because asking for this is saying “We don’t want the Alliance to have something that’s been Alliance aligned for years”


Anyone can tell you that Blue Eyes does not belong to the Alliance, regardless of how long they have been playing.

Hello, Blood Elves are High Elves and are Horde Alligned.


I’m copying this argument, but changing “blue eyes” to “fair skin / blond” and “Alliance” to “Horde” when Allied Races receive customization options and we ask for Alleria-like Void Elves.

Thats just ingame representation. It didnt meet the cannon lore. Blood elves are supposed to have more demonic features and lighter colors.

And blood elf dks are high elves that rejoined the horde taking the name blood elves btw. So literally we can get non Silvermoon blood elves as well.

High Elves have been shown as part of the Alliance since Vanilla. In order to maintain verisimilitude, the idea of a consistent logical world, you can say “Any HElves who show up in the game would be expected to be allied to the Alliance”

Well, how about you go and play Classic World of Warcraft, and see how many Horde aligned High Elves there are compared to Alliance ones!

Hint: There’s one, and he’s not actually Horde aligned, but just a mercenary in Ratchet.


"Dear Dairy,

today, I learnt that a vast majority of people here on the forums main a Male Human Paladin…" Ugh, what on earth am I saying.

Void Elves were transformed by Void Etheral’s after getting too much into to the Void. Alleria only absorbed the Void Mastery. But there is nothing saying Alleria is a void elf, except for one site that isn’t even a canon.

Not every High Elf is Alliance, and has been like that for a very long time.

Seriously, enough is enough.


High elves were alliance. Few stayed. Our blood elves were alliance. And not all of them got affected the same way. Just like the high elves the blood elves had some people who had enough magical artifacts and not in Silvermoon.

It would be similar to wildhammer dwarves customization. I understand you not liking it but the high elves left the alliance a while ago…


Say it with me now: High Elves are Blood Elves.
And again: Blood Elves are High Elves.

What players are arguing is that they want WC2 Alliance High Elf Loyalists or Silver Covenant Elves. Which… is not happening.

Void Elves happened, and that’s all that’s going to happen unless if Blizz gets really desperate and wants High Elf race change money.

MAYBE if they do a WC2 themed AR in the form of Ogres and a new form of High Elves I think it could work. But if all they’re giving us is blue-eyed Belfs, then no thanks.


A few side cases should not invalidate 15 years of development, but you’re arguing the other way. That’s what it comes down to. You’re saying Alliance fans who’ve stuck with this game for 15 years should not get a thing they’ve requested because, oops, too sad, Horde got in first, and also they should steal the appearance for themselves, because apparently a few edge cases outweigh actual plot relevant NPCs

This has been happening for 15 years.

It was an obvious step after Vanilla. It did not stop after Wrath. It gained momentum in Wrath, in Cata, in MoP, and in Legion.

BFA poured absolute gasoline on the arguments


I will take blue eyed blood elves thank you. Although my rouge wants sone shadow eyes or fire eyes o.o

I am excited to see the new custimaztion. Dark skin blood elves I think were confirmed. Blue eyes would be good for non-dks. Although my dk will appreciate it. Hopefully we get a nozdormu beard and eyes.

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No, you’re only looking at a few, not looking at it all. Maybe you should open up the game, and look at the brigher picture.

EDIT: You know what, I am going to post this straight, and I don’t care if I get a forum vacation. The majority of the pro-helfers here on the forums have been doing nothing but trolling. Acting like “just because there is some that is on the alliance it means it has to be playable on the Alliance”. Yeah, these discussions get ugly, and it has been getting really disgusting to see, pretty bad. All the stuff from “Oh, anties have been trolling” to “Ion doesn’t know anything”, even the opinion, “giving Blue eyes to the Blood Elves is trolling and is taking away from the Alliance.” All this is absolutely disgusting behaviour from the Pro-Helfer community.


I have been maining Alliance since Vanilla.

Please tell me what exactly I am missing in this argument of “The Horde want to take this thing the Alliance have been requesting as playable for 15 years

Tell you what: You can have blue eyed blood elves when you get the following:

1: A barely changed recolour as an Allied race that is basically impossible to tell apart from the regular one even when they’re not wearing armor.
2: A non-existent race made up to replace a race you’d like as an allied race that is promptly forgot about in any storyline development. Like Void Ogres. Or Sea Ogres.
3: All rep mounts throughout the expansion share their model with one that’s been in since Vanilla and are only slight armor/colour variations
4: A pre-raid quest that consists of your faction doing nothing but running around on a robot squirrel while the other faction gets a massive storyline they’ve been building up to for the entire expansion.
5: Devs disregarding your factions issues with all of this and of the faction imbalances that even affect the other side on certain servers

When you deal with how Alliance have had to put up with playing second fiddle for years, when you can understand the frustration we have when someone comes in and says “Yeah, that thing the Alliance have had on their side for years, unquestioned, for expansions as an NPC? No, that’s actually part of us now, and always has been despite the 15 years saying otherwise”, that is when I’ll support you getting that very same appearance.

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What’s it like being this angry because people love an Alliance race enough to talk about it on a Warcraft forum?