Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

wouldnt it be something if he could cite, well, anything to prove it was a retcon :wink:


Like say, I wish that this Tauren could have moose horns?

Blizzard Genie: You wish for a barbershop cosmetic option as just keeping the exact same model and slapping new horns on it would be extremely underwhelming and the laziest excuse for an allied race ever! Congratulations, have Highmountain Tauren, they have paint splotches too! Oh, and you can’t play that class you wanted the horns for with them.


I agree, though isn’t Lightforged Draenei the exact same thing?

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Pretty much. Just making the point that we got our corrupted wish (and I figure there’s some people who feel similarly about the Mag’har being mostly just a collection of skin tones than much of a change, but I don’t really get into the Orc story too much) I’m mainly just tired of the “Horde got 110% of what they asked for and Alliance got trash”

It’s all subjective, and I wish I wasn’t dreading releveling through this expansion again. I actually like the looks of all the usual subjects of the vocal alliance complaints. I want a KT and a Mechagnome, I think they look pretty cool and have some neat potential.


You’ll like mechagnomes until they wear armor, then you will know why we call them “diaper gnomes”

So you’re going with the classic (and quite mature)


If you see void elves. They were blood elves and still got blue eyes.

they are THE spece of thallasian elf not a sub-species, and no the fel didn’t that, the green eyes are a reaction to the fel energies around, who affected any elf there, it would need way more time and way more fel magic to change then in a genetic level like what happened with the Manari and green/red orcs.

they were never addicted to fel to begin with, all the elves were addicted to magic. and the children(descendants) don’t have the blue-eyes because they also got the reaction from the fel radiation

Different things, orcs indeed got corrupted and changed in a genetic level because the amount of time and exposure with fel, the elves didn’t

maybe try to ask not for the exact same race the other faction already have


Illidan removed their eyes from those dirty elves so they could see clearly.

Hey guys in this thread! Thought y’all would like this (although its sad >.>)
Look at dem blue eyes! Hope yall can get them back :smile:


im confident we are getting them in 9.0. every thalassian elf uses the arcane in some capacity, especially magister types, theres literally no reason at this point why a mage with a strong devotion to the arcane shouldnt be manifesting blue eyes. just like how priests/paladins with a strong devotion to the light are beginning to manifest golden eyes proving the green glint is gone


Yes, they did. This was answered on at least two occasions by CDev. What, exactly, do you think “generational” means? It’s been 40 years and Orcs still aren’t having brown babies. How long is an elf generation? You gonna cryovac yourself so you can be thawed out in 15,000 AD to play your normal-eyed Blood Elf?


Can you provide a direct quote?


I don’t have time to dig through archive org right now because Afrasiabi keeps deleting his social media. I should have been asleep an hour ago.

I got Kosak saying blue eyed blood elves are a bug to tide you over, though.


Considering Lanesh have blue eyes as well.


A quote from 2013 and yet still are cases of blue eyed blood elves. Seems like less of a bug and as intended to me


Ask a Creative Dev Round 2:

Q: Why do blood elves still have green eyes?

A: Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It’s why most orcs are still green even though Mannorothis dead.

Notice is says long time to wear off. Genetic damage doesn’t wear off.

Round 3:

Q: How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.

A: The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

Again, “wear off.”

Sadly I can’t find the exact quote, but one of the devs said when the gold eyes came about that the Sunwell was both light and arcane, and that the gold eyes would come first because the Light is powerfully opposed to fel, or something along those lines.

Sorry, the devs have made it very clear that there’s no permanent “genetic damage” to the Sin’dorei. How did you think gold eyes were happening?


Yea and if we are going by that Logic all the high elves that went to Argus would have fel eyes too. Alleria should. Argus is seeping with the stuff. Unless blood elves consume the magic faster which seems to happen since they need magic to stsy healthy. Orcs just have changed skin cells and enhanced strength, the fel changed then physically. They don’t consume it to survive so they would hold it in way longer. If you compare it to drug usage and excretion via metabolism.

Well, it is on the Blood Elf page on World of Warcraft saying the Sunwell is a mixture of Holy and Arcane energies.


I got your back, or at least a way older quote that says similar 10 years ago

Metzen : What we showed at the end of Burning Crusade, like during the whole Sunwell event, was that the warped naaru M’uru was kinda transformed back into his purest self, purest light that Velen used to reignite the Sunwell, as a fountain of Holy power, as much as it is arcane. So the suggestion was that over time the Blood Elves will start to actually use real Light power, in a healthy way, instead of dominating it. So what will likely happen over time is a slow transition, but what Velen did was give them a chance to redeem their civilization, a chance to get back to their roots, a chance to upset their magical addiction. So that kinda thing will probably gonna play out very slowly. We didn’t talk much about it in Wrath of the Lich King, but it is a theme I love a lot, but it has to be played out very slow.