Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

You are indeed. It’s addressed in the thread.

No. The devs have confirmed that the purified Sunwell is clearing away the Fel, which never should have been universal anyway.


A retcon huh? Interesting…

You do know the difference between every other Void Elf and Alleria though, don’t you?


Its not really a retcon if it was never stated to be a permenant change. If it was stated the change was permanent, I would like to see that source

Sure, you guys can have blue eyes, and the high elves we get from player demand on the alliance side will have a unique model/posture while you suffer from your version of void elves; Night elf dark rangers. >:D

fel blood?
The blood elves never drank demon blood, the green eyes are caused by the radiation of the crystals.
I have golden eyes!

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Yes…the alliance needs unoriginal races while crying about Horde favoritism.



To be honest, i could less about getting high elves and more care about giving equal treatment for the horde, so if alliance gotten currupt a wish with void elves, then the horde should be given a currupt a wish back via night elf dark rangers, being of course they requested datk rangers to be playable.

Horde already received their corrupt a wish via Nightborne.


Except nightborne was requested and they gave you guys a pretty close to the nose model.

Some Horde want Night Elf Dark Rangers from what I’ve seen. For the Horde to get a corrupt a wish, it would have to be totally new.

Not really.


You realize the only difference between a void elf and blood elf is that one is purple right?
They literally have the exact same model.


Yup, aka currupt a wish

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As to make equal to my suggestion they can make they’re posture less savery to make it happen.

So if both received a corrupt a wish, then it is equal, no?

I really wish people would stop acting as if standing different is justification.
It isn’t.


Wait, the SC is no longer in Dalaran? I know Jaina poutcrashed out of Dalaran when she lost the Council vote but I see nothing in the lore that says the Silver Covenant left with her…and why would they since she doesn’t lead them?

Whoever tried to make posture a significant difference between any race can’t be serious. :crazy_face:
btw…the helfers trying to derail our topic about Blood Elves…again.


Par for the course.

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It’s not a retcon. No one ever said the damage was “genetic” or permanent. Thalassian elves literally change eyes color depending on what magic source they’re drawing on. That’s ALWAYS been canon. But nice try at snark.


There can’t be a retcon of something that never happened to begin with. Demonic blood was never a factor within the story of the Blood elves, only for Orcs