Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Except for Halduron, who you claim is 100% horde

agian they led opposing factions in Dalaran in WotLK, one alliance, one horde. and now you’re saying “they’re both mine”?

I actually wish they had an update to all the zones to match with todays stories and lore. And there was more of an update to the story.

In between each expansion, and each patch, there is so much of everything being cut off from the game, and it all leads to being a confusing lore within the Warcraft universe.


It is sorely needed, I think chromie sending the player to the “Expac” is a step In the right direction… but a current and maybe even generic story for the old ek/kalimdor zones would be great… right now even tho we “fight” for Azeroth, we certainly don’t spend any time in our “homes”


Thalassians have blue or white eyes from feeding on arcane magic.

Green from feeding on fel.

Gold from being infused with light.

The floating crystals are not entirely fel (there are pictures of Dath’remar with those crystals in the background before the fall of Silvermoon.)

Only a few Thalassians who went with Kael’thas went to the Outlands and actively fed on fel.

The elves in Silvermoon were devouring (arcane) mana crystals, magical items and some of them pulling (arcane) magic from magical vermin like mana wyrms. Thalassians who were living in Dalaran were soaking in the ambient arcane energy and eating magical artifacts.

There were Thalassians living in Outlands (include Alleria for quite some time) fighting demons and being around plenty of fel, who still had blue eyes.

The Sunwell is now cleansed and equal parts arcane and holy.

So yeah, the “all Sin’dorei have green eyes” was customization laziness on Blizzard’s part (surprise! it’s always been crap at customization!) and never a 100% blanket statement if you actually look at how Thalassians react to magic.

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No, that’s the new Allied races.

Halduron Brightwing is the Ranger general of Silvermoon. Like…how is that a claim?

How am I claiming “they’re both mine?”
You’re not making any sense dude.

and tentacles!!

Not wanting to derail this thread here, but remember Alleria is a fair-skinned blonde Void Elf.

Yes, a Void Elf. We could argue they’re not the same type of Void Elves, but she is a Void Elf afterall (she recognizes herself as such in the introductory quests in Telogrus Rift).

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They’re Allianced tagged - they actually kill Horde players on sight. Horde players start being Neutral with Silvermoon, that doesn’t mean Silvermoon isn’t part of the Horde.

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The vast majority of Thalassian elves never fed on Fel afaik. Only the Shendralar, and for some reason their eyes remain the same :man_shrugging:t2:

But giving tattooes to Ironforge Dwarves wouldn’t?

Is this a serious question?
Tattoos =/= skin color

One is an add on.
The other is intrinsic.

Giving void elves standard skin colors completely defeats the purpose of ever making them in the first place. Why make them when you have blood elves who have said skin color?

Why make them an exception amongst all the races and let them be clones?


And to what’s been said I’ll add… tattoos on dwarves only add something to them and doesn’t risk making them look ever closer to a race that’s in the Horde.


I… wish you’d read more than the first few lines of my post. Because I say that.

Also, the Shen’dralar are the Night Elves you find in DM that were finally allowed back to the rest of the Nelfs as mages.

Yes and from a lore perspective that’s because the way she was turned into a Void elf is different than the rest. The whole purpose of why the void elves were changed in a different way was to justify putting them on the alliance by making them look different. There was no purpose to do that to Alleria because no one is playing as Alleria.


I play as her when I play Hunter in Hearthstone. :wink:
Then again I don’t play Hearthstone much anymore. :thinking:
You may be onto something.

I wish Sylvanas was a Hunter avatar for HS, I’d play it again.

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Silence fool…I am too busy using Jaina.

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id love a sylvanas avatar

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I thought blood elves (as a sub-species of Thalassian elf) can’t get blue eyes because the fel blood has permanently scarred them in a genetic level. They may not be fel addicts anymore but the scar’s should still there, hence why they and their descendants can’t have the default blue eyes; much like how present, non-maghar orcs have green skins only.

Am I wrong?