Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

One can argue the same for high elves.

The things people want aren’t always healthy for the game.
People want LFR removed, but the fact of the matter is that LFR has increased raid participation.
Some people want flying removed.
Fact of the matter is that flying is beneficial rather than harmful. Not all things that people want need to be implemented.

I disagree with you there because even the lowest effort AR has had differences such that one can tell there is a difference. Creating clones is something that is never conducted by any MMO.


No idea what you mean.

And yet Horde players want blue eyes for blood elves now that Alliance has blue eyed elves. Why can’t they just give them orange eyes or red eyes instead?

Because eye color that is natural to a race’s culture and heritage shouldn’t be faction limited.

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Then neither should skin color.

the fel energies abundant in quel’thalas at the time occurred in a time period when they didnt have the holy/arcane sunwell. the potential for blue eyes for mages is the same as priests/paladins with golden eyes. and honestly, its a damn eye color

at least you admit its all about skin tones. however the skin tones are the biggest remaining point of difference between a void elf and a blood elf. youre never getting your void elf de-voided. if you want a pure thalassian elf the horde awaits, as it always has


I agree. Skin and Eye Colors should have free reign if it’s in a race’s natural culture/design unless a significant alteration occurs.

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I actually feel Void Elves are truer to the original race. As far as what’s going to happen, who are you to say anything won’t?

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Can’t be the case when Belves exist as the Majority.

I highly doubt Void Elves are going to revert considering they were transformed by Void Etherals. But I can’t say nothing will happen in the future, because I can’t predict the future.


Well, that would depend on the qualifiers, wouldn’t it?

Yup. They could always find some tasty Dark Naarus and have a feast Alleria style. :wink:

you mind giving those reasons? because i’ve never seen one

you mean like having to rely on fel energy to survive?

i mean we have two seperate orc races because one walked through a portal

People do know the blue eyed Blood Elf model is used for the High Elf model as well as Death Knights without the DK skins right? >_>


Not all Blood Elves were effected by Fel Radiation during the reconstruction of Silvermoon.

There is a few in game that have there original looks actually. But what is shown in game is not what really is there in lore, since in game numbers are different to canon numbers.

There could be way more Blood Elves that were not effected by Fel Radiation.


Mag’har orcs are the same race as Green orcs.
High elves won’t happen since that race, is playable as blood elves.
Void elves are not getting regular skins, because they are significantly altered.
It would be rather defeat making void elves different if they gave them standard skin colors.


There are High Elves that use the DK model, but there is also a seperate blue eyed NPC skin. It’s more noticeable on females, since their eyes don’t glow.

yes and a majority of those who weren’t joined the Silver covenant, lead by? Vereesa

And have been in? Dalaran

it’s honestly not a strong case one way or the other until you factor in that the Silver covenant helped the Alliance on the isle of Thunder and at the battle for Arathi. (they literally told us, they weren’t Alliance and then plastered them all over the place in our warfront on our side, the outrage was called for)

No, we have two separate orc races because one doesn’t suffer from back problems.

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