Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Clearly you don’t get out.

This is a public forum for discussion, what ifs have a place here.

Being appealed to is the whole point of people asking to be able to play as High Elves.

But it does. If the only visible difference between a HM Tauren in Armor vs. a Reg Tauren in armor is antlers then it is a low effort copy.

No posies for you.

It is unfortunate but that is what it is currently.
The void elves did deserve quite a bit more work. The reputation involving them has no connection whatsoever.
The timeline in which they were xiled is very non-exact.
Its very slapped together.

Go outside.

Agreed. However, no ammout of work will change their theme. They do what they need to survive, just like Blood Elves. High Elves (Silver Covenant, Highvale, Allerian Stronghold, etc.) choose principle over survival.

Listen here you little…its about object permanence!
Anyway…of course I do. I have rather annoying friends IRL.

What if they shut down the server because they went bankrupt after an explosion?
We have to be within reason dude.

Sometimes what people want isn’t what is appealing as a whole.

But the same can be said for many races.
The only difference between a darkspeak and a zandalari is one stands up straight
The only difference between a kul tiran and a SW human is one has a better diet.
The only difference between a night elf and a human is one has pointy ears.

What is important is that there is differences.

I have to disagree with you here. The Silver Covenant’s theme is “we oppose the blood elves because we don’t like the Horde.”.
They don’t have any notion about survival because they never had to struggle. They looked at their people, saw what was happening and said “sucks to be you.”.
They don’t have any principles besides being human bed warmers unfortunately.


The Zandalari male model looks like it took a lot of effort though. The female on the other hand…

It did take effort purely because making it straight backed is a pain.
Same for Kul tirans who use a brand new model.
Many people don’t appreciate the latter though =(

Oh for sure. Kul Tirans were the AR that took the most effort out of any. So much so that Blizzard stated they regretted it iirc.

It’s never clear exactly which High Elves joined the Silver Covenant, so this can’t be said for certain. What can be said though is that they refused to learn Mana Tap.

Then the servers are shut down, it isn’t likely to happen but it’s not like it can’t happen.

Which means nothing if what you give them instead is ridiculed en mass vs. something they wanted.

And Blizzard has shown that they will take a low effort route in displaying these differences to the point that adding a copycat race completely would not matter.

Is this actually estated anywhere? Granted, they never were there to learn it from Rommath since they were too busy hiding behind the back of humans, but we’ve seen High elves turning into wretched which can be the result of mana tapping.

Granted, it could be one of the many things blizzard forgot about when clarifying things, but I wonder now.

I only take those if they’re red, or dark, dark purple anyway.


Yes, but they were still toughing through their addiction without Mana Tap. Wouldn’t it have been easier to go to Quel’Thalas and learn it?

The Quel’Lithien High Elves were turned into Wretched by a cursed artifact.

The High Elves knew how to draw mana from inanimate objects, but not Mana Tap living beings.

We don’t really know how they handled it. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me that they decided to stay mainly in Dalaran and the only record of High elves actually fighting against their addiction it’s the Highvale.

I wonder if there’s much of a difference between one technique and the other, but I doubt we’ll ever known considering that mana tapping it’s long gone anyway.

Well, the High Elves in Allerian Stronghold used artifacts to feed their addiction while looking down upon Kael’s Blood Elves for Mana Tapping living beings. Not quite the same thing as resisting outright, but it relates to the theme.

The Quel’Lithien High Elves refused to learn Mana Tap (being exiled from Quel’Thalas for their refusal), but were able to draw power from the cursed artifact, thus dooming themselves.

Sure, but sticking a straw in some random stolen artifacts and sucking out the magic it’s not exactly what I’d call “thoughing through their addiction”, though.


Or indeed “sustainable”.


As I said, not the same thing, but relates to the theme. Learning Mana Tap and using it on any living creature is objectively easier than being forced to hunt for artifacts.

But wait…I thought ‘blue’ was iconic to the Alliance…so why would Alliance want anything else but blue skin?

This always struck me as the theme of Void Elves to be honest. My brother and I used to joke years ago about “watch them add blue skinned, blue haired, blue eyed Blood Elves to the Alliance instead of High Elves, since ya know, the Alliance is the blue faction”.


Is there any evidence to suggest that high elves are vegetarians? Their inns still sell meat.