Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Those “green” crystals are not inherently fel. Evidence being the art depicting Dath’Remar immediately after having created the Sunwell, it shows one of those large crystals floating behind him, far before Fel was ever brought, nevermind used in Silvermoon. They could have something to do with shielding their magic from the legion’s vision, hence the depiction of the eyes, but that’s purely speculation.


But the fact that these crystals existed before the use of fel suggests that it’s not their sole purpose.


No, they all had green eyes because Blizzard is lazy with regards to customization. There were elves living in the middle of Outlands without green eyes.

Nevermind, I was told there were fel crystals during an assault by a helfer and only just looked into it.

They used blood magic during the Nazmir assault, though.

http s://

Also Rommath in a novel explicitly has a green mana crystal in a pendant.

While it is technically blood magic, I think it’s important to point out that its not the same blood magic we see the trolls using, which is more ritualistic, and dark, (requiring sacrifices and what-not) while the Blood elves are moreso simply making use of the power within the blood as a form of fuel for their constructs.

I mean… if you call that blood magic. They don’t even have glowing blue eyes.

Wasn’t that actual the fluid of anima to be exact… Anima is a mysterious substance a vital fluid capable of shaping life. It was first used by the titans and their titan-forged Keepers, and has been used by the mogu for their own purposes since the time of the Thunder King, and will be used in Shadowlands.
I mean he used them to create blood golems and the shaping of life forms, such as the slave race Saurok.

I think “anima” was just another word for the potential power found in blood, to be honest. I think I remember it bleeding out of that creature before being used as well. Whatever they learned from that type of magic seems to have given them the ability to utilize that power from any large source of blood, which makes those blood pits some of the troll’s had abandoned pretty useful to the Blood elves for fueling their constructs.

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Anima is just a fancy name for Blood basically.

the claim is hysterical tbh. thalassian eye color reflects the magic they are around most. it has nothing to do with a political adjective

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And now, since the Sunwell is a mix of arcane and light we should be seeing gold or blue eyed options…both actually.


those of the crystal are not used anymore, said rommath. Now mana crystals that have red color are used. it was said in MoP


so the alliance players have to get their forum posts automatically hidden due to abusing the report button but when they do the exact same thing and disguise it as this ****post and the world is just perfectly fine with this?

be great if we had people who actually took care of the forums and protected it from this kind of disgusting behaviour.

Want to hide all the high elf posts and abuse them with the flag post feature? Fine.

Get rid of this. It’s the same post with difference words and it’s the horde player version. Same post different words.


Excuse me? The PTR got updated and I posted a change I saw made to the blue eyed elves. I get the feeling this has more to do with you being upset about one of your threads potentially getting flagged, and less about my actual post.

And if I want to post an update I find on the PTR on the forums, I very much will, thank you.


Please, take note that the OP of those threads have been only hidden (as in flagged) for briefs periods of time and the closing of threads happens after… almost as if the ones abusing the report fuction are those that can’t stand disagreement.

A topic about a customization option for a playable race, it’s a valid topic of it’s own, even if you seem unable to be able to separate the topics.


And it’s right here:

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Already got them. Roll a void elf.

The subject of my thread is about the changes being made right now in the ptr revolving the blue eyes on Thalassian elf models. Me also wondering whether or not it’s for the customization doesn’t mean I must post in the Blood elf customization thread.

But yours are… creepy.


It’s this type of postings that are breaking the tos. Not helpful. Dont’ like this topic? There are others that you might find more to your liking to share your lovely pov.


Midare was the one who called it “A topic about a customization option for a playable race”.

Yes, Void Elf eyes are kinda creepy.