Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

Isn’t a green eyed Blood Elf Anduin’s personal bodyguard? :kissing_heart:


It doesn’t and won’t as we elves are known to have various eye colors that seem like they will be available soon.

But eye colors shouldn’t matter for those who wish to have the option to play a High Elf on the Alliance as those High Elves would have to include the same eye colors that we will be getting…

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No it really would not because blue eyes on Horde Elves wouldn’t make them magically Alliance. Blue is an Alliance color, but you don’t have a trademark on it because of that.

If they decide to do blue, there’s really nothing that nitpicking or taking over topics to make it about Alliance elves that’s gonna stop it.

Yes you were getting off point, because the discussion was about eye customizations and you turned it into being about the few elves that stuck with the Alliance and how Helves should’ve been Alliance and muh Warcraft years ago though!


Unless you’re way too far into someone’s personal space or looking at an armory page you’ll have no idea what the hell their eye color is anyway.


You know this is one of the worse comments I have ever heard off. Blue Eyes does not indicate Alliance, nor does blue eyes belong to the Alliance.


Joy isn’t even a real Helf/Alliance fan. He/she/it is playing a belf.


No, her problem is that she likes to ignore a huge chunk of the lore, especially from during the days of Warcraft games, and only listen to parts she wants, expecting it to be all of the lore.


She’s actually a troll.

I always sit back and wonder why people keep responding to her. She doesn’t give a crap about Helfs/Belfs or the lore. She just likes to infuriate people by constantly posting “nu-uh” and watching them try to have a reasoned argument.


I been supports Quel’dorei since I saw a High Elf in Ratchet in Vanilla, since old Warcraft RTS Days, I support all Allied Races new and old.

I’m saying if it brings joy to people who am I to say no… let people be happy :smiley:

Happiness seems harder and harder to come by in RL, let wow become a beacon of of happiness :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lore has been changed, Blizzard has always gone back on their word, it’s win win, Blizzard increases revenue, players are happy :smiley:

Edit: I think restrictions is what’s holding back WoW, it is a 15 year old game, change is good.

This topic isn’t about High Elves though.

Also, Thalo’thas is an odd example to like Alliance High Elves over. He’s a High Elf, but he’s not Alliance. He’s a pirate with a beef with the Alliance navy.


I know it’s not the topic, but I’ve read a lot of the comments, I havnt seen him with the updated model in years.

Good nostalgia, ty for posting.

Having played Classic and having interacted with this Helf Skin over a Night Elf body abomination, I am frightened.

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I know but back then their was no Blood Elves for comparison hahaha…

Still was good nostalgia regardless, I’m just a sucker for elves, and night elf male casting kills me… I die a little inside everytime, for such a old elegant race, they can’t cast… haha

Seriously only reason I’m not Alliance, casting animations are horrible…For the Males… Females are decent.

I’m glad you support giving blue eyes for blood elves.


I do, I’m all for more customisation, more allied races, although I think customisations shouldn’t be a selling point for an expansion, it should be a given…Blizzcon focused to much on customisations then features!.

But seriously 15 years to long for customisations!

Edit: you can spin words however you want, that’s childish of you and just truely shows the person you are, but like I said I support WoW, I want it to see it back at its peak :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I would love to see WoW back at it’s peak, but first, they need to make doing stuff within the game feel engaging, rewarding, and exciting to do. They also need to listen to the player feedback when it comes to any bugs within the game.

I have not really gone around and recommended World of Warcraft to anyone since MoP, with WoD having very little content, Legion with the amount of RNG there was, and BfA with how broken the entire game feels.


There were blood elves in vanilla. They used the same model. Pale night elf skins.


I’m not spinning words or whatever rude thing you’re accusing me of when you’re in agreement with what I stated.

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But they’re a minority group, that is not an “iconic” presence, that is a minimal residual presence. The race as a whole was already leaving the Alliance, the very king of the High elves himself sent out edicts for them to return home, a few holdouts do not represent the High elf race as a whole, the living majority that carry on the legacy of the high elves and continue to perpetuate their customs and beliefs do, an guess what, they’re on the Horde.

I acknowledge the High elves still with the Alliance but I also recognize the story of the High elves as a whole, that their relationship with the Alliance was soured from the events of WC3, that the race and the very king felt no loyalty or obligation to serve them, that at one point the alliance themselves tried to execute the remaining elves. Some High elves left Dalaran, and even consider their enemy after enforcing the racist garithos’ execution order.

You don’t respect for lore because you ignore all these things because a percentage of a perecentage of High elves can be found with the Alliance, and even then those High elves are treated very poorly. Distrusted after the high elves left during the war, and after the night elves spread doubt and animosity among the alliance races by warning them of their misdeeds surrounding the war of the ancients. Yet you sit here and pretend that you have respect for lore, but it’s clear as day to anyone with even an iota of knowledge of lore that, thats a complete lie.


i cant wait to see the blood elf advanced customization options!