Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

That looks horrifying!
But also, I’d LOVE to see this development for potential high elves. It’d be interesting if the blood elves and high elves made peace with eachother, especially considering the Sunwell purifying the fel addiction! Maybe have high elves be truly neutral either allying with Lor’themar for Horde and Umbric/Alleria for Alliance, potentially doing a Pandaren-esque race?

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No, I’m saying that you choose to discuss the topic in a disingenuous way in an attempt to rile people up.

Oh rght, because you chose to act like you got authority over everything and everyone, on the forums and in the game.


Except when Quel’thalas was being invaded, the Alliance refused to help them.
Except when their people were battered and broken, the Alliance refused to help them.
The only time I can remember Alliance jumping in to help High Elves were the Troll invasions, because they threatened the human kingdoms.
High elves are not truly faction specific, and only ever allied with the Alliance once to defend their lands.
The “high elves” that are “iconic” to the alliance is the Silver Covenant led by Varessa Windrunner. And even then it’s just because they sought refuge from Kael’thas, and took a stand against “evil no good” sin’dorei.


You’re a Horde player.




The huge downside to this entire thread is that it all has been turned into a thread where certain people think that they can be all toxic and stuff, and make personal attacks towards a group of people on the forums, just to find that they can get away with it.

Honestly, I think it is about time the forum mods actually show the community that forums are for discussions, not making post criticising each other, turning into an ugly discussion where it is like a huge debate over who wants to be President or Prime Ministers or what ever.


No, this is incorrect. If you show a picture of an orc and a human to someone that only knows very little about WoW, they will know and will tell you that one belongs to the Horde and the other belongs to the Alliance. That makes those two iconic.

Character that have relevancy in the story, that do something big, something that transcends an xpac and is remembered, it’s iconic.

Offering you quests literally a talking murloc could offer you, that’s not iconic… and that’s what High elves have been doing for the Alliance for 15 years.


This topic is very spicy.

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The only thing “immediately” recognizable to fans that actually paid attention to the story was the High elve’s allegiance to the alliance was lofty at best, and that the events of Warcraft 3 and their betrayal at the hands of Garithos was a far more “iconic” incident than their participation in WC2. You cannot say a race is “iconic” to a faction when one of the boldest plot points that define it is that race not only pulling out of that faction, but then almost being culled to extinction by them.

You pretend that you have any respect for lore, but in reality your complete disregard for the events that have taken place with the High elves reflects the complete opposite. That you want the “High elves” from a certain point in time that has narratively passed. The High elves have joined the Horde, and have been with them for over a decade now and have grown far more iconic than their appearance in an RTS game released 24 years ago due to an allegiance built on convenience.


No, it’s just you that thinks that not the “many” that you are claiming. In truth you can’t speak for anyone but yourself.

I notice that every single time someone from the HE for Alliance crowd can’t think of something rational to come back with they ALWAYS come back with insults sooner or later.

No, that’s what you and the several other people who are obviously part of the HEFA crowd have been doing in this thread.

Go to the Character Creation screen. Choose Blood Elf. Click More Info. Go to the second paragraph and read it. Read it as many times as you need to so that you properly absorb what it’s saying.


Worgen females did not have any face options with glowing eyes until the recent Worgen/Goblin update. Now they have a few face options with eyes that glow.

Worgen male face options only had eyes that glowed until the recent Worgen/Goblin update. Now they have a few face options with eyes that don’t glow.

Now both sexes have face options with glowing and non-glowing eyes.

the alliance is the alliance and the horde is the horde, and in the horde there are blood elves with blue eyes!

That’s just not true. Blood Elves joined the Horde. All of the Alliance-aligned High Elves with a distinct, off-setting appearance (generally blue eyes) and unique lore (Silver Covenant and others) are in-game proof that High Elves have continued to exist.

I do have “respect for lore.” You’re the one ignoring that High Elves still exist as distinct from Blood Elves today. It’s literal erasure of a current lore element to deny that High Elves continue to exist as part of the Alliance. They do exist.

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NPCs, not playable characters. This thread was about possible options for playable Thalassian elves, not your disdain over not getting Helves playable on the Alliance.


You missed the topic, it seems.


there are blood elves with blue eyes in the game !!! Who add customization is a natural thing!

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If Blizz removes blue eyed models from the game I take it to mean that they are tired of hearing about HE’s and are making a statement that they will not be an option and/or playable.

Recently I had enough of the HE spam and mentioned it in a thread about HE spam. It appears that the HE community is decent but some players are just killing any hopes of getting HE’s with the constant HE spam, clear and veiled alike. If the HE community can stick to one thread, stop spamming it constantly, and not get so worked up over locked threads and act mature I can definitely see Blizz consider adding HE’s customizations or as a playable race. But my guess is that Blizz has got to be as tired as I am at seeing the constant spam.

Play nice and you might just get rewarded.

Blue eyes on currently playable Thalassian elves would blur faction lines because blue eyes on a Thalassian indicates Alliance alignment to the player. It’s been a deliberate visual choice by Blizzard devs and visual artists for over a decade.

My posts are here are entirely on topic. Aren’t players allowed to disagree with future possibilities in a discussion? :thinking:

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Arator uses the gold eyes from playable belves and a Thalassian model and he’s Alliance. I don’t see how eye colour would blur the faction line.

A lazy one.

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