Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

While I’m for every allied race to be playable, I just never understood the arguement against high elves…

We got dark iron dwarves, no one said, you want dwarves go play Bronzebeard, lore wise dwarves are basically all the same… Heck they all lived in Ironforge., the only difference until blizzard changed it was skin colour… couldn’t you say the same with blood elves and high elves eye colour?, but no complaints their…

Couldn’t you say well if you want dark iron dwarves go play Alliance they are waiting for you, but blizzard gave dark iron a big make over as an allied race, wouldn’t you think High Elves would get the make up treatment too? Tattoos? Different hair styles to make them a little different?.

I’m just saying in all honesty who the hell cares… blizzard changes the lore to make stuff happen, Blizzard has gone back on their words (CLASSIC WOW WILL NEVER HAPPEN, yet wasn’t it released?).

If High Elves on Alliance bring people joy why not?, why should you stop people from having fun, ohh you’re against it? Then just don’t make one… it literally is 0 effort from you to continue playing the game… your actually making more effort arguing against High Elves.

the elf models never should have been shared. many antis agree the reason the horde got nightborne was so blizzard could give the thalassian elf model to the alliance that they have been begging for years to get access to

they got the model but its still not good enough. nothing but a blood elf clone will satisfy that tiny tiny minority


Maybe make High Elves a neutral race? If they choose Horde it unlocks Blood Elf customization options and allows them to still keep their High Elf ones. If they go Alliance it unlocks Void Elf customization and they still keep their high elf customization options. This way no one loses the elf they like to play, while the people that want high elves can have them no matter what side they are on.

high elves are blood elves, and the high elf race is not neutral the vast majority are horde. the people who want to play high elves have always been catered for. if you want to play a certain race or aesthetic(light skinned elves)then you play the faction they belong to


I have not seen anything in lore where the High Elves have always been part of the Alliance. I have seen they have joined Alliance factions in the past to deal with either the Amani Trolls in there homeland, to deal with the Horde invasion or being part of the Alliance resistance after all of Lordaeron fell to the scourge invasion… So them being an Iconic Alliance race does not make any sense at all.

Giving Void Elves “High Elven” customisations doesn’t make any sense, considering that the Void Elves were transformed by Void Etherals due to there study into the void. Alleria only absorbed the Void Mastery from the dark naruu L’ura.


This whole argument between High Elves vs Blood Elves is from a general misunderstanding that one’s political affiliation does not suddenly change their racial or genetic makeup… neither does having green eyes make you any different than someone who has blue.

You’ll never win in these kinds of threads against those types of people, lol.


the only honest argument for playable alliance high elves is dissolving the factions

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Which will likely never happen. Blizzard has no plans whatsoever to do so as they have recently stated.

Doing away with the Horde vs Alliance aspect of the game will destroy WoW similarly to how I Dream of Jeannie subsequently tanked hard and was cancelled shortly after the two main characters Jeannie & Captain Tony lost their romantic tension by marrying each other.

Blizzard’s aware of -that- at least. (I hope)

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we also know from their comments sharing races was a failure as pandaren proved. writings on the wall for that crowd


Yeah, in all honesty Pandaren were supposed to be a Horde race as Chen Stormstout is one of the Big Five founding members of Orgrimmar - Thrall, Rexxar, Vol’jin, Chen, Rokhan.


Saying they’re “iconic” to the alliance is ignoring their narrative Arc in Warcraft 3 in it’s entirety. It’s ignoring that the king of the High elves felt no obligation to help the alliance and called for all High elves to return to Quel’thalas, it ignores the fact that High elves left enmass when they learned of the destruction of Quel’thalas and even more left when they saw the treatment of the Blood elves at the hands of Garithos.

Using the fact that the Horde and Alliance had balancing issues as some sort of boogieman on a stick to shake around at people is not an argument. Nor is the fact that you played High elves on the alliance in WC2 make up, or have precedent over what happened in WC3 and World of warcraft. You choose to ignore huge portions of High elf lore because its convenient and suits your agenda, but that’s simply not how things work.


WoW is the last 15 years of the IP and in this game they have never been playable. They have not been a playable Alliance race in this game so in this game making Blood Elves a playable race for the Horde took nothing away from the Alliance.


It doesn’t ignore anything. A story element being “iconic” simply means that it’s an immediately recognizable part of the story, and makes an individual recall certain themes, aesthetics, and lore elements. High Elves are an iconic part of the Alliance for many Warcraft fans, as is evidenced by the fact that people have been requesting to play them since Vanilla WoW and all the way through to today despite the branching story line of the Blood Elves.

You can’t just ignore that Warcraft is more than the specific game WoW because it’s the only thing that makes your point work. The Horde was given Blood Elves, which took the lore element away from the Alliance in the story’s current game iteration. But Blizzard still decided to put “same-but-different” Thalassian elves in their game, who weren’t Blood Elves and remained entirely aligned to the Alliance. They have blue eyes and are referred to as “High Elves.”

Except, they are not an Iconic part to the Alliance. They have not been part of the full Alliance story at all in the entire history of “World of Warcraft”, and they actually had there own story in the entire Warcraft timeline.


They are. If they weren’t iconic to the Alliance, we wouldn’t see so many people requesting to play them for over a decade.

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“They are Iconic to the Alliance” is your own opinion. It is not a fact.


Something can’t be factually iconic. It’s always a matter of opinion. The fact is that many people think High Elves are iconic to the Alliance, which is what makes them iconic to the Alliance.

You’re the only one who is saying it. You are only one person.

Oh right, so what 1 person thinks makes it all of a sudden, an actual fact?

So, if I said Night Elves are an Iconic part to the Horde, does that mean Night Elves are Iconic to the Horde?


I always forget that you have nothing coherent or intellectually honest to say. My bad. Good night.

So, you’re calling me stupid and dishonest now?