Blue eyes for Thalassian elves being worked on as well?

I think the music you’re dancing to is entirely different from everyone else. Are they different groups? Yes.
Are they the same people? Yes.

The latter is the fundamental aspect as to why the alliance never will get them. Horde received them.

Bye felicia


Being different groups, does not mean being different races.

I don’t have to “invent” anything, I’ve supplied you with citations that prove that Blood elves ARE High elves, I can provide even more instances of Blood elves being referred to High elves as well, but you simply refuse to acknowledge it.

You’ve been nothing but bone-headed, and toxic during your entire stay in this thread, and have the nerve to turn around and try to call me “childish” That’s laughable. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the one who barged in here stating that anyone, and everyone who wants blue eyes couldn’t possibly want it for ANY other reason besides to troll Alliance players. You can’t see how narrow-minded and absurd that is?

I used to think you have some semblance of maturity, but after seeing the barbaric way you’ve handled yourself in this thread I can say that perspective has changed drastically.


How about because in lore, not all the Blood Elves were effected by the fel radiation during the reconstruction of Silvermoon. It is even in game that there is a few Blood Elves have there natueral looks (eye colours, skin tones, etc.)

I mean, it is quite funny, because you’re the only one in this entire thread that is denying that Blood Elves are High Elves, when you know that you’re entirely wrong in this entire argument. So, how about stop denying the real truth, and accept the facts.


You always say this and then fail to cite the multiple reasons. Probably because they all involve giving an Alliance thing to the Horde in order to attract players to the latter faction.

The absolute state of Horde fans.

What evidence do you have that you can provide to the table then?

Also, High Elves were never an Alliance thing.


Redirects a different but related question instead of answering.

Posts an outright falsehood.

Again: this is the absolute state of Horde players. You guys should come up with less transparent trolling tactics and post under different names if you want to keep getting a rise out of Warcraft fans.


Coming from someone who can’t even answer the question.

Now, what prove do you have that Blood Elves were added to the Horde for population numbers?

“your wrong because I said so”

Man, it is your own opinion if you think the Anti-Helfers are trolling…

Hmmm, sounds like your trying to make a threat here on the forums.


Empathy for other people is obviously lacking in the trolling postings from people who think their demands for alliance getting high elves could possibly be important. Present playable races and any options they could get are superior and take precident to anyone’s imagined fantasy.


Wouldn’t argue with him. According to his logic, the Pro Helfers are allowed to post to request for High Elves to be on Alliance, but we’re not allowed to post asking for Blue Eye customisations for Blood Elves.


No, we forsaken are so much more than just dead humans.

And why my tag is “Undead” instead of Forsaken?

Using Blizzard’s inconsistencies doesn’t give you the strongest basis for an argument.

Oh hey, it’s been a whole week since I saw you calling someone a fake fan.


It’s 100% pointless to engage Joyeus. She insists that the RTS makes Thalassians an Alliance race while ignoring the fact that the race left the Alliance during the RTS, lol


I didn’t call anyone a fake fan, and don’t think I’ve ever used those two words next to each other when describing anyone interested in Warcraft. If that’s what you’re taking from what I’ve written today or previously then you’re probably reading what you want rather than what’s explicitly stated.

Exactly, Joy makes a mockery of the High elven narrative, acknowledging only the parts they want, while ignoring their entire narrative arc. I understand he wants to fulfill the fantasy they experienced during the RTS, but that was only one point in time for their plot, and since then it has changed.

They try to paint this picture that blood elves are only on the horde due to balancing issues, but ignore the fact that they left during the RTS and relations already soured due to Garithos, as you pointed out. There’s nothing you can do to reason with someone so hellbent on making their wish-fulfillment reality.


it is weird to cite their presence in wc3 as proof of their ‘iconic’ alliance status when their storyline in that game is their departure from that very same alliance



Isn’t that how some pro-helfers just act? When we point out certain parts within the story of Blood Elves/High Elves, they try and make anything up and then call us trolls.


We’re dead humans with style~ :eyes:


I’m curious, when - in World of Warcraft, the MMO, were High Elves playable on the Alliance? Since the answer is “never” then adding Blood Elves took anything from the Alliance.


Well, yeah. That’s just how they are! Spoiled, self-important, riotous little children kicking up a huge fuss when they don’t get their way. Which is why I hope they never get their blue eyed, blonde haired Alliance High Blood Elves.

Void Elves were the compromise! They should be happy they even got that.


World of Warcraft exists as part of the larger Warcraft setting, and is neither the beginning nor the end of Warcraft. High Elves are iconic to the Alliance, and WoW existing without them being playable yet doesn’t change that.


We are iconic on our own.