Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

same. just rename them back to high elves since people are confused

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Be serious, who would want to give up playing an actual High Elf/Blood Elf on the actual faction that it’s playable and always been playable on for a bargain bin Void Elf.

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Not trolling. Only stating the obvious.
Alliance is in a crisis (too few players) and you want to make it worse deleting High Elf customisation from Void Elves.
Let us simply delete Alliance and have done with it. So you will be able to tell your grandchildren that you won the faction war. So heroic!

The rangers went cold turkey with nature magics. Anyway glowing eyes should have stayed as a blood elf thing. The alliance high elves should lose their glow imo. Unless they identify as void elf.

you cant ‘identify’ as a void elf


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Many ppl rp there void elves as high elves and hate the void elf lore.

The op is complaining about high elf customization on horde when they are mostly high elves. The ones that stayed alliance lost their culture and resorted to other methods and curbing their need of magics.

Heck you even see a high elf warlock with blue eyes in dalaran. I personally think they should lose the glow to make it stand out more.

I’ll explain you this, later.

the ones that stayed alliance went to theramore and are dead. even the expedition ones are implied to have returned to quel’thalas with auric representing them. you have nothing else but a couple(literally) trickling in seeking refuge, getting a cold reception and getting mistaken for blood elves everywhere they go. thats all you have lore wise

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Sorry, but lightforged Draenei were the real mistake here.

I don’t want Alliance deleted . I want Blizz to stop catering to just the Helfers and give to other players like those that want more void options .

OP s saying Belfs should have green eyes to show a distinction between them and the void elf players that have been given the skin tones and hair colors of the Blood Elves .

I’m saying if Belfs should have to give up blue eyes then Helfers should have to give something up in return that belongs to Belfs .


True, like they said it was about giving a “pretty” race to the Horde side so Horde players can get their girlfriends playing…

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If we do get dragonkin in the next dragon-themed expansion, we could theoretically have a Blue Eyes White Dragon, and I would have come full circle with my childhood finally.

I would also hope for them to have a hunter class option, so I can place traps everywhere.



That could be me!! But Blizzard keeps playing us :frowning:


Whatever. What you want would be yet another nail on Alliance’s coffin.

This argument gets pretty heated. I’ll admit that I was opposed to high elf customizations (in a lot of ways I still am). But I have friends who play high elves and we’ve always sort of settled it as something we just starkly disagree on.

I think the reason that OPs argument is rubbing people the wrong way is because the OP is advocating for removal of a blood elf customization after our options have already been copied. No one should want removal of anything. :heart::sparkles:


But wouldn’t we need a white dragonflight?

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Shhh minor details. I guess we’d probably get a Red Eyes Black Dragon first, huh? My dreams </3

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I mean we have the blues.

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No it’s not . The game needs both factions to survive .

THat is why there can never be a victor in the faction war and why faction war stories are bad for the game .

With the coming cross faction play a lot of people have talked about going back to Alliance and to be honest I hope it helps the alliance out .

How about people stop saying take this away from the horde like blue eyes for the Belfs because it ruins our alliance rp fantasies and we will stop saying take this away from alliance players .