Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

They gave them those curmstomizatiions for the high elf fantasy.

Blood elves have had regular high epves who rejoined the blood elves without fel corruption. The void elves got the high elf customization because the alliance had frequently complained about not getting high elves, so they let them play with the customization as void elves.

Yet orcs are green forever.

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id be down with this even tho blue makes sense and green from exposure without a sunwell was always temporary

I do and I have some myself.

So you admit that, if Void Elves are gutted as you want, Vulpera should be obliterated.

The whole thing is a make the Belfs have green eyes because it interferes with the OPs helf rp fantasy .

Right, but there’s no indication that translates to void elves didn’t use magic. There’s not even any lore indication that those blue eyes represent high elves: blood elves have blue eyes now and void elves split off from them.

I don’t think Void Elfs should be gutted because the Helfers already gutted them .

They are the reason I haven’t played mine since 9.0

I support full on void options for the race and once Blizz finally caves in and gives us that like the void aspect some stuff instead of the Helfers I may actually bring her out of storage.

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Blizzard advertised those customizations as high elf customizations when they got released.

The lore states any high elf could call themselves a blood elf after what happened in silvermoon if thry came back as not everyone was in the city.

Void elves use shadow magic thus the purple/void eyes. It overrided there green fel eyes and holy eyes.

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Then why do you think Void Elves have no magic? “Void” does not mean “void of magic”. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do not think that read my posts above.

You said they should not have glowing eyes because they went “cold turkey”. Not I.

Blue eye customization reflects high elf customization. Those that stayed alliance went cold turkey. They shouldnt even have glowing eyes.

what the hell are you citing

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The only thing Alliance got was High-like Void Elves.
Surely not enough, as everybody and everybody else is playing Horde.
Who are you, Ion?

Besides the fact that void elves =/= high elves, the high elves didn’t go cold turkey. They sucked on enchanted items and arcane trinkets.


Really … Is this the best you can do a trolling

Edit : Plus Helfers won’t be happy until they take the inch Blizz gave them and turn it into a full mile and take every last thing that makes Blood Elves Blood Elves and have the Void elves name changed to High Elves .


Ok, I see the thing you use instead of logic. Bye.

I agree… Blood Elves were a mistake.

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Our models, faces, skin tones, hair styles, poses, action stances, and hair colors should have stayed unique as well. Complaining about visual distinction between the races is rich coming from a Void Elf character using all Blood Elf inspired customization options.