Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

Almost like the skin and hair of Void Elves am I right?


Having High Elves were never gonna solve the imbalance. Because it’s on the high end of gameplay and they don’t care about High Elves.


My first character in the game was a blood elf.
He was my main right up until void elves were introduced.

The moment I unlocked them, I mained one.

My blood elf hasn’t been touched since.

I recently decided instead of priest I wanted to be a warlock and thought I would give blood elf another shot.

He got changed into a void elf pretty quickly.

Void elves are just so much cooler imo.
Better theme, and far less annoying voices.

(Actual void elves that is. If I wanted to play as a white skinned elf, to rp a high elf, I would have just kept on playing my horde high elf)

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My mage has blue eyes, my paladin and priests have gold, my rogue has green. Makes sense with what they absorb, arcane power for the mages, Sunwell for the light-users, and fel radiation has nothing to overcome it for those who don’t dabble in magic at all.

No one tell the OP why the High Elves eyes are blue… #arcanesuckingways

That’s great, it’s a shame most of your faction has disagreed with you to the point where most Void Elves are nothing more than wannabe, poser, bargain bin Blood Elves.

So sorry to say it but if Void Elves were actually so much better, people wouldn’t have pushed and keep pushing to have all of our customizations.


They did it to shut the Karens up

Oh my bad I mean the helfers


If all it took to ruin Blood Elves were an eye color, they were worse off to begin with than we thought.

To be clear, I don’t think it ruined them. The Sunwell was always reasserting it’s power over the Blood Elves, so the green eyes were always going to change either to arcane blue or gold from the light.

If anything Blood Elves need a few more eye color options, namely red and orange.


Blue eyed blood elfs on the allance was a misteak. I will NEVER trust them after they left and joined the horde!

have you read the silmarillion saurons apearence when he was living with the elves and teaching the grandson of the most powerful elf how to make magic rings looked like an elf he went by the name anitor lord of gifts.

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So is this when Sauron was making orcs and trying to take over the world? Or was it when he was in his I wanna hide my true evil form the world and trick them into accepting me.

sauron isnt the creator of orcs that was melkor later known as morgoth sarons master and the original dark lord . and they possess the ability to change form sauron lost that when he died the first time in numenor.

Do you wear a red shirt?

i only wear black the only coats i have and wear are black leather.

Except they dont do that anymore so it makes sense

what she is saying is the default arguement and no matter how many times they are told that isnt the case and it hasnt been since the end of the very expansion they came out in they still want to argue because they are still bitter that blood elves are horde.

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Yes. All my yes.


No idea, but the events of TBC and Frozen Throne have been around for a long time, it was time for the Belfs to change over time but probably still got used to some system they were in when they were denied the sunwell.

On the same note, reading the Sylvanas book and fantasizing about 10.0 having an updated Silvermoon and the eye circle tats, you’ve just inspired me to go work on my belf again.

though I’m super casual these days, I miss demonology so much.

Ahh I can’t decide between my fel succubus or if I should try the new incubus x_x


I want more shades of purple for my belves as well as a dark green, black, red, orange, and pink.