Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

I miss the old Blood Elf male model. I made a BE just to be surrounded by them.

The guy who became a raid boss in the next patch.


didn’t mean to insinuate that you did, my bad. my heads a lil fuzzy today

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Velfs were a mistake.

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8.2 war campaign:

Jaina Proudmoore says: I have no quarrel with you.
Magister Hathorel says: Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran murderer? Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged.
Jaina Proudmoore says: Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!
Magister Hathorel says: No! You will watch your friends die–just as I did!
Magister Hathorel says: Rangers! Kill them all! FOR THE SUNREAVERS!

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I’ll have you know my eyes are not blue. They are a light purple.

Poser eh? Hmm well you may be right to an extent. I have a void elf and she looks like a Blood Elf running around Alliance cities. Can take the Horde out of Horde country but cant take the Horde out of the Horde Blood Elf. Or something like that.

Maybe the Blood Elves should complain that the Void Elves are posing as Blood Elves…errr

In a sense, yes. Blizz intended them as yet another insult to Alliance, like the burning of Teldrassil.
Both backfired.
Now playable High Elves are everywhere, and everybody hates Sylvanas.


Ok I will agree to Blood Elves being forced back into having green eyes . But in turn Void elves lose all the Belf skin and hair tones and go back to 50 shades of purple


I will never understand this chip Alliance players have on their shoulder.


And Vulpera are obliterated.

Oh I can change to my old Orc toon if you would like .

Wouldn’t change what I said . But would the higher post count on it give more credibility to what I said for you ?

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I think the original mistake was to give elves glowing orbs instead of eyes.


Blood Elves are High Elves.

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High elves glow blue for arcane magic usage. The alliance’s void elves shouldnt even glow since they went cold turkey actually. They should just be normal eyes with there irises showing like the slyvanas cinematic.

Wheras blood elves are about the magics.

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Then post on him.

Void Elves too.


I think you’ve confused the void elves with the Highvale high elves.

Because right now this is my main toon this expansion in game .

Either way it doesn’t matter what toon I post on my opinion won’t change and I openly admit who my toons are so I’m not hiding anything .

You don’t know much about Void Elves, innit?

Elfs were a mistake.

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