Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

That’s not something neutral countries do.

Neutral countries don’t get to pick and choose when to be neutral.


Blood Elves need a real customization passbthat isn’t shared with our knockoffs.

Tattoos, Scars, Farstrider, Blood Knight, and Magister themes. Something like dark ranger customizations, or sanlayn or felblood elf customizations for something uniquely different as a choice.


Blizzard has a habbit of backtracking when there is a lot of flack about the Alliance being bad. Jaina and the Silver Covenant killing everyone in the Purge of Dalaran, to just the Silver Covenant killing them. Purge squads burning Caravans and killing Vulpera, to not Purge squads just ‘scaring’ them


The horror, the travesty, how could Blizzard do this.

High Elves are blood elves. They lived in the same kingdom and lived through the same trauma. After so many of their kind were decimated in the war, they symbolically changed their names.

Blood elf history is high elf history.


Just changed mine to Green. Doesn’t show them yet, but I done did it. :grin:

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What they said was that it was a bug they liked so much they kept it in. Her killing elves is therefore intentional.


Non canon. :smiley:

Considering i see belves all over, and they played a MASSIVE part in BFA, it cannot be considered genocide, as that requires a large amount of belves to be killed. Jaina killed… 6?

Hordies kill more humans in southshore in their low levels.

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I want that eye circle rune tattoos around the eyes like the original Burning Crusade promotional image.


[Citation needed]

No citation needed. Since both factions saw something different, no ones account can be used as evidence!

That’s not how it works. It’s not that neither is canon, both are. They’re just viewed from different perspectives. That’s like… The whole point of that storyline.

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You know it was actually a good story, as we are still talking about it all these years later.

Incorrect, both Alliance and Horde see this same text in their war campaign in BFA (the below is actually from the Alliance version of the section):

The only thing that is up for debate as far as canon goes, is whether Jaina personally killed, or just gave the orders that got them killed (which I do believe I also heard Blizzard confirmed was the latter as she didn’t personally kill them)


I’m not a big fan of it just because Jaina really has karma Houdini’d her way out of any consequences.

If a Horde character ethnically cleansed a city they wouldn’t have made it 2 patches without becoming a raid boss.


Who was it that dropped the mana bomb on theramore? I honestly cant remember.

Interesting, i either skipped that or was no longer paying attention in BFA by that point. (could you blame me?)

That is a moot point. Jaina is responsible being an architect of that.

Be that if she used a spell, a gun, or a hitman, she would still be responsible.

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As i said above, i cant remember who manabombed theramore, but that was what prompted Jaina to cleanse Dal of belves. It wasnt like it was an unprovoked attack. The sunreavers were complicit.


I never claimed otherwise

That was Garrosh, but that is two seperate events, in response for the manabomb she almost erased Orgrimmar with an elemental tidal wave but stopped herself (that bit only in the books and not in-game unfortunately).

The divine bell is what the Purge of Dalaran was over, which is a whole different can of worms.


Man i really cant remember anymore. LOL.