Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

void elves are just a bunch of high elves who later blood elves who joined the horde who than betrayed the blood elves and the horde to join the alliance to study magic that would drive them to insanity and kill everyone around them which was basically almost always the case only reason they are alive and in the alliance is aleria otherwise they would be dead studying magic they rightfully couldnt control .

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Blood elves could have gotten better customizations, I agree in that way. The blue eyes don’t bother me too much really with the purification of the sunwell and now Mag’har orcs being available for play… it’s a really nice touch to add alternate variations of the characters we wished for that we know about.

Void elves were never meant to have those eyes and skin either so it was nice for both!

I actually don’t think fel is any less potent then void so /shrug! Works for me, it’s available and it’s cute.

You just know OP wants velf paladins so bad.


some people are still upset the blood elves did not join the alliance after all this time since they did in tbc more than 10 years ago


As Any voids, they have to “die” to become light again.
Or just use the Faction Change service and then switch to Blood Elf, select either blue or yellow yes instead of the green.

There’d still being Alliance “High Elves” were the mistake, imo

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All most alliance allied races did is splinter less popular races… 1/3 gnome players are mechagnomes now. 1/2 dwarf players are dwarves .1/2 Draenei are now Lightforged.

It didn’t pull people from the opposite faction like Nightborne, Vulpera and Zandalari did.


Maybe, just maybe, they’ve done this to emphasize that the difference between high elves and blood elves was purely political, and that they remain the same race.

Blood Elves eyes were green because they used the fel crystals brought back from outland to power the city in the sunwell’s absence. They did not suck on them. The energy from the crystals was like a radiation, everything near the city got very mild fel contamination.

The entire problem the blood elves were having is that they were dying out because they couldn’t find a reliable source of arcane energy to sustain them.

It would make sense, with that in mind, that some blood elves that dwelled away from the city would not have gotten green eyes.


Blue eyes…blood elves got…blue eyes…like a deep blue sea…on a blue, blue day…

Have you got any evidence to back up this claim?

Because void elves by far have the largest percentage of their faction’s players of any AR.


First off, this was clarified by developers to not be the case for playable blood elves. Playable blood elves had green eyes because of fel crystal radiation. They did not feed off of, or take the fel within them.

Second off, the model trade of blood elves and high elves for nightborne should have never happened in the first place either. The model trade was the laziest move Blizzard could have done, and in the case of void elves, is more egregious than anything. Al least the nightborne have a distinct idle animation / pose. The void elves are nothing other than a carbon copy. They shouldn’t have done that in the first place.


How much you want to bet Zandalari supposedly pulled people from Alliance because they use the male night elf rig?

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I always wanted the eyes that the lady had who runs the Archaeology shoppe in New Dalaran had. They were big blue Barbie doll looking eyes but they’ve been changed to normal Belf blue eyes now. Such a shame.

yeah but for many seeing elves on the Horde is like watching Legolas fighting for Sauron. It’s just not natural.


dude, everyone knew this was the reason all along

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Nah, like the devs said too many players wanted a pretty race on the Horde so they can get their girlfriends to play…

I still wish we got Ogres in BC

to quote the Rankin and Bass Hobbit:

Kill the men! Kill the elves! Save the gold! For ourselves!

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But void elves aren’t high elves.

The mistake was not keeping void elves purple.


im still talking about your desire for wow to adhere to traditional tolkien fantasy tropes. that you cant accept that blizzard decided to break up the holy trinity of elves humans and dwarves. it was never about lore. because lore wise the alliance high elves dont even have a quantifiable presence and all those elves from the warcraft rts are horde now

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I guess it’s a good thing this isn’t LOTR.


You mean just like how Belf skin and hair tones ruined Void Elves