Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

yep. also elves like night elves apearence changes based on the magic they used. the sunwell has cleansed the blood elves of the fel but not all the blood elves had green eyes lorewise. in the lore the elves all thalassian elves were renamed blood elves in honor of their fallen kin. it has absolutely nothing to do with appearence. not just this but every time i see these posts people people always forget that the sunwell has been restored completly it is arcane magic leyline magic holy magic and it was and is made from a vial from the original well of eternity much like the one in hyjal . people need to do their studying you know.

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Imagine calling out cultural appropriation… Within a single race.


if I eat a Savory Deviate Delight, am I doing cultural appropriation of humans?

This is what I think as well

Especially when you look at Lanesh, developers said he has a story we just haven’t seen it but what’s curious is he looks like he is in tattered Scryer clothing. Suggesting possibly he an Outland High Elf, if that’s the case does that suggest Outland HEs link back up w Blood Elves their kin at some point given Lanesh is now w them, also have the Scryers returned home




She helped defend Quel’thalas against the Amani and was given an invitation by Halduron. It’s her home as much as any other Thalassian.

As for the Purge of Dalaran, the Sunreavers violated their neutrality by assisting the Horde in obtaining the Divine Bell. They became enemy combatants by doing so and suffered the consequences of their actions.


Honestly I don’t even know with blood elves anymore . . . their lore and general personality have done a complete 180 from their introduction, going from power hungry evil to extremely self serving elves that put themselves and vengeance before anything else (honestly just talk to BC era blood elf npcs affiliated with the horde) and used fel energy to sustain their addiction and bloodthistle cause why not to a background element to holy light elves that prefer orcs over humans . . . It’s been a very wild ride


Blood elves are High elves and Void elves are mutants … I love my blue eyes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


blood elves are high elves. the name blood elf is a name to honor their fallen kin who died at the hand of the scourge do people even read the lore anymore?

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I was of the opinion that blood elves should have had gold and green, void elves should have had purple and blue. Just something to fit with the theme of both.

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the sunwell is still part well of eternity magic naaru core infused and the arcane magic of the leylines they have it connected to that increase its influence and power.

I actually agree. At least in TBC, when the Sunwell was all still corrupted, they were darker and had a negligible reason to be on the Horde. But as soon as the Alliance saved their Sunwell, they lost all of that and basically became “Alliance, but on the Horde”. They should have never cleansed the Sunwell, and the Blood Elves would have to keep fighting to not only not become Wretched but to keep from going full Fel Elf. Would have made them vastly more interesting.


Dis, alla dis!

  1. The Kirin Tor had already violated their neutrality by helping the Alliance secure it.

  2. A Sunreaver moved it, he didn’t do so with the help or even the knowledge of the Sunreavers.

This is called “collective punishment”. It’s considered a crime against humanity IRL.

It would be like, say, a Dutch guy stole a prize winning pig in England and the British government, as a result, arrested all the Dutch people in the UK and imprisoned them as if they had stolen the pig. Sound fair?


If a government collectively arrests all Dutch people it’d be for getting way too drunk and butchering the language whenever they speak.

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I want to agree.

…but we have to remember the alliance will use more characters with these different eyes such as Arator (Golden eyes), Valeera (Green eyes), and Vanessa (Blue eyes) more than the horde with Lorthemar (Golden eyes) and Liadrin (Golden eyes). This could be a bigger problem for the blood elves than the void elves.

Please do not call them void elves, that is incorrect and culturally insensitive. Please refer to them as…

Fugazi Elves.

Fugazi elves were an attempt to bolster the Alliance player population by tricking people into rolling some sort of scuffed Alliance “Blood Elf”.

Just like a Prolex is not a Rolex, void elves are Fugazi Elves.


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You mean the unpunished genocide of the Blood Elves in Dalaran perpetrated by Jaina Proudmore?
And right after that she joins the Kirin Tor into the alliance, doing exactly what she accused the The Sunreavers doing?



Sadly it didn’t work. The void elves are the only “successful” Alliance allied race, and even they are outnumbered by Zandalari, with Vulpera close behind.