Blue Eyed Blood Elves were a mistake

Retcons what?

You can set it to randomly summon between the two.

So you can have both.


Oh lawd I don’t know if I can handle both hehe

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I entirely disagree. Blue eyed belfs were one the of the best small quality of life changes. It opened the door for increased customization and individuality between Velfs and Belfs alike. Now if they added red I think a certain belf’s life would be complete.



You do realize high elves went to nearly every major Alliance settlement? We have high elves in Stormwind, Dalaran, Theramore, Ironforge and there were the survivors in Outland.

You do realize “Auric’s Angels” are part of the Alliance, which implies that even if he may have returned to Quel’thalas he is still supporting the Alliance.

There is a high elf in Ironforge?

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The warmaster for the Wintergrasp.

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and ofc quel’thalas. the alliance can only claim the ones that actually live in their territory where everywhere they go they are getting mistaken for blood elves

and what fanfiction do you have for even a single elf in ironforge. blizzard never hid an easter egg there as far as im aware

an easter egg reference that id be surprised if more then 3% of the player base could recognize means he supports the alliance? seriously, in what capacity does he serve the alliance


First post. Best post.


I just added you the link. Also, I would say the issue of mistaken identity nowadays for high elves is alot lower especially with void elves being a part of the Alliance now.

He is captain of an Alliance stronghold/seems like he is loyal to Alleria.

Also, who care if only a few people would recognize it. it is still proof that particular high elf has ties to the Alliance and is actively support/getting his “angels” to help us.

Oof! That’s gonna leave a bruise!

You scored extra points for delivering the punchline right outta the gate!

/Politely golf claps


its not. void elves are addressed as such. just go visit the cathedral, no one is going to mistake you for a blood elf

so, nothing to imply he is any intention of leaving his homeland to risk his life for the alliance. coo :v:

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It a high elf, in Ironforge, you lose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

With the new skin tone it is likely we have actual void elves with normal skin tones now. and with Alleria such a prominent figure again, everyone is bound to know the difference between a high and blood elf.

Why would he need to? If he is in a Horde city he can easily get gossip/information for the Alliance right under the Horde’s nose. Heck, why one of the Alliance’s top spies happens to be a goblin.

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there arent any high elf npcs in ironforge. its debatable if was even canon. but the best part is the devs decided to completely remove the npc instead of simply disabling the que

and if we need a lore reason then that 1 elf doesnt need to be a portal keeper to northrend anymore and went back to dalaran to serve the kirin tor.LMAO the fact it was 1 sc portal keeper who was only active for the expansion the kirin tor was working with both factions and was then removed IMMEDIATELY next expansion speaks volumes. you lose. back to the handful of npcs you worship over actual alliance races that have a quantifiable existence and actually can be found supporting the alliance in every zone on the map

Except it is canon high elves are scattered “around the world”. Meaning the lore is there specifically so that certain high elves probably do live in Ironforge.

The high elves have literally been part of every expansion sans WoD(lucky for them). We have high elves in Outland, Northrend, the Revamped zones of Cataclym, they were part of MoP and Legion and BfA and Shadowlands.

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they were in WoD. liadrin was the biggest name


Liadrin is a blood elf. Not a high elf.

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Blood Elves are High Elves.


its the same race dude. im not playing your game because your position is so weak. if you want to use the past tense of the race fine by me. high elves were active on AU draenor

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That would be like saying Kul tirans were active in AU Draenor. As far as the game is concerned “race” refer to how people identity/more cultural then biological.

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