Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Not all Blood elves siphoned Fel energy, like not all orcs drank Mannoroth’s blood, it’s about proximity, Orcs proximity to Gul’dans fel magic and Blood elves proximity to their Fel crystals that help power Silvermoon again.

Yup you’re right, except you ignore that equally as powerful, if not more powerful force now in the Sunwell in Holy magic, which is now what the Sunwell feeds you consistently, regardless of the half arcane magic you’re all so hung up on, the Light magic is significant enough in the Sunwell, that it shows in your yellow eyes option.

As stated multiple times, you don’t get to choose what the Sunwell feeds you, you are holy tainted Blood elves now, the Arcane part of the Sunwell obviously isn’t significant enough in lore and Blizzards eyes for them to have given you this option when they gave you yellow eyes.

Blood elves feed continuously and endlessly from the Sunwell no matter where and when they are. This is one of the Sunwell theories I stated before, and no, most of them have not been “away long enough” to get blue eyes again, that is laughable head cannon.

And your point? High Elves and Blood elves have political differences and histories with their own Alliances that separate them, they don’t have to be different races, most Allied races aren’t.

You’re not, like most Antis you’re delusional and so far detached from lore it’s sad to even think people so devoted to Blood Elves know so little about how their race works.

Makes me sad for the Lore department to work this hard for people to understand this little.

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There aren’t established rules, but…

The Blood Elves only got green eyes from Fel Radiation during the reconstruction of Silvermoon. The High Elves weren’t in Silvermoon to get the fel radiation, therefore, this is why they still had Blue Eyes. But doesn’t mean they’re not connected to the Sunwell. The only Thalassian Elves that are not connected with the Sunwell are the Void Elves, they have cut all ties to the Sunwell.


But with ‘blood’ elves and 'high’elves being literally the same ethnicity and their pilgrimages to the Sunwell they too by default would continuously feed endlessly from the Sunwell. Roughly fifteen years does not change your entire ethnic groups biology, it takes intervention like with the orcs…who at the end of the day are still orcs regardless of complexion or ten thousand years like the Nightborne.

The anti-blood elf lore committees manipulation is strong today.

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It was just the flavor of the expansion. That was over a decade ago. It’s time we got options.

Blue eyes should be one of those options.

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High Elves have been stated to no longer make pilgrimages to Silvermoon as they see the city and the Blood Elves as traitors, as expressed by Vereesa.

With the obvious exception of Alleria who has been gone for most of Warcrafts history.

The sad part is I’m more pro-Blood elf lore than most of the Blood elves in this thread.

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But high elf fans can’t like high elves and promote the advancement of their lore without antis charging in?

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Except the orcs that didn’t drink mannoroth’s blood retained their brown skin and seemingly had no effects on them at all…

Which is why the only effect it had was turning their eyes green

You can’t prove that, though. You’re literally just making it up and saying “Well because there’s a gold eye option THIS is the answer” when it’s not.

As stated multiple times, you can’t prove that.

Considering they already said they’d like to add multiple eye color options to every race, I’d say you’re just wrong. Obviously giving 2 eye color options to one race would make everyone lose their minds.

But you JUST said “they’ve been away long enough to get gold eyes and that’s ALL you get!” you’re literally just making up things every time you reply, It’s laughable at best.

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Yup, this is what I said.

Yet Blizzard continues to give the Blue-eyed identity to High Elves exclusively, so they obviously believe the latter as well, it’s a messy topic because Blizzard has yet to work it out, so it is not worth discussion.

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Well I am done beating this dead horse, Blizz said themselves BElves would be getting their blue eyes back anyway in a Q&A.
I can only handle being correct for so long because it becomes obnoxious. >w<
I’m just going to watch the downward spiral of paste eating mental gymnastics at this point. xD

Thank you for proving me right, have a good evening!

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You can disagree, but this isn’t a high elf thread. The problem is they should stop derailing it.

Well, mainly because the Devs are lazy no? But the High Elves we see in game, they’re stuck in the one timeline of when they appeared in game. Now, there has been times where the Blood Elves have made some appearance in BfA where they have green eyes still, And it was only towards the end of Legion where the Sunwell was purified. This is the devs laziness.

And yet, this isn’t a thread about being Anti-High Elf or anything. This is supposed to be about extra customisation towards Blood Elves, especially giving them the option to give there Blue Eyes back.


Thrall who was born green from a Brown orc mother and father would disagree, this is why there are no brown orcs on Azeroth before the Mag’har, who are from the differen’t timeline.

Blizzard proved it, by giving you that lore and option, you’re just refusing to accept it. Warcraft Chronicle even states the significance of the Light’s power in being equal to the Voids in the sense of fundamental power, corrupting, cleansing, or otherwise, you’re literally just trading one overwhelming addicting power for another, arcane does not override that.

Yellow eyes, try again.

Haha what? Gonna need your quote from me on that, cause either you didn’t read correctly or you’re making things up.

I’d be fine with belves getting blue eyes as long as high elves become playable for the alliance. High elves can have non glowing eye colors and belves can have the glowing ones.

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Like the current BFA timeline where they’ve given us named High Elf NPCs with Blue eyes? Or the Current timeline with Blue eyed High Elves in Telogrus rift learning void magic? Or the current timeline with the new portal room with a Blue eyed High Elf teaching other even more recent races magic?

I’m starting to think you don’t see that and that’s ok. But you have to understand that you trying to claim a customization option that is not lore supported and blatantly takes away from a race we see in the Alliance constantly as a blatant attack of High Elf fans, you’re taking from our aesthetic, regardless of whether or not High Elves are playable.

You’ve been told this, don’t feign ignorance.


SOMEbody didn’t watch the Warcraft movie. :roll_eyes:

No, they gave us that option and you’re saying “THAT’S ALL! Nothing more!” when clearly WoW is constantly being expanded, added, and changed upon. So you’re wrong because you don’t work for Blizzard and they already stated they’d like to add multiple eye color options for all races, so if anything I’d be more right than you.

That’s not proof, though. That’s just saying “Blizzard decided to do this, that means you’ll never get anything else” which is silly. Blizzard is constantly adding and changing the game. They’ve already stated they’d like for every race to have multiple eye color options and more customization for characters, so you’re double wrong.

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The discussion is linked in a way. It’d feel like another middle finger thrown at helf fans for belves to get blue eye customization when the alliance still can’t even play as our faction of high elves.

I’d be fine with blue eyes for belves if the alliance gets our playable helfs finally. Make the belves have glowing colors (And don’t just limit it to blue, go crazy) and the helves non glowing. Maybe a middle option for both with a middle range glow. If the high elves had a different model then both options would be fine for both.

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And where in Lore does it say Blood Elves can’t have Blue Eyes or have there Blue Eyes back?

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That is literally what happens in the warcraft movie.

Same could be said for you, you don’t work for Blizzard and them stating “multiple eye colors for differen’t races” does not equal “Blue eyed options for Blood Elves again, slaughtering lore”, for all you know they’re giving Nightborne green eyes from their connection with the legion, it’s all up in the air and not specific, moot point.

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