Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Because nothing screams natural like glowing eyes without pupils.

Alleria’s are still a bit too glowy for my tastes. Maybe we could get variety of glowing eyes? Non glowing and glowing versions of green, gold and blue/purple eyes

Probably wouldn’t happen, but man oh man will I dream

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Silver covenant High elves vs Blood elves, not High elves as a whole. And even in this example the Silver Covenant still came to the aid of Halduron when he requested their help against the Amani, where Vereesa states that she still sees Quel’thalas as her home.

Most high elves actually get along quite well with Blood elves, with some even speaking out for reunification between the two groups.

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Fair enough,

You’re right on it!

Thanks for answering

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Depends on which High Elf you’re looking at. Some of them do have small white pupils

At least I think they’re pupils lol

What does that have to do with an eye color? It’s on record green eyes will fade in time, it just takes a while to wear off. Even green orcs, but that probably won’t be in their lifetime because they were actually corrupted and drank blood of a demon.


I’m sure Veeresa is overjoyed to lead her people to The Horde. After all, not like they murdered her husband or anything.

Or that her and the silver covenant aided in purging Dalaran? Lol

Sorry I went full rant mode.

It’s just really annoying as a RPer to see and know High Elves groups have been apart of The Alliance since Classic. And when Sub-races finally start getting added, we’re told "Go Play Horde."

Then we’re given some randomly conjured up race to shut us up, that completely contradicts all the reasons we were given for why we couldn’t have High Elves. :confused:


Well you can see above, Ion even made reference to the possibility of giving Blood Elves blue eyes.

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Because that’s where they are?

I think they should glow, as that’s the nature of the “arcane” magic they rely on.

The dull blue eyes we see on most High elves is their natural eye colors, which could range of many different colors like blue, brown and even green. I think this was why the glow was added to the gold eyes as well, to reflect their increasing relationship with light magic.

And yet she offered to join Sylvanas in undercity and command the forsaken with her under the Horde’s banner… and the only reason she didn’t was for her children, not for any loyalty to the alliance.

Vereesa, and many of the other High elves believed that the Sunreavers played an active role in the bombing of Theramore and blamed them for the deaths of the many High elves that were residing there. Although, even then she voices her disagreement over Jaina’s methods in dealing with them during the purge.

Once Garrosh’s role in the bombing came to light it’s reasonable that Vereesa and the many other High elves recognized the distinction between him, and the real “Horde” and probably explains why Vereesa even briefly debated joining Sylvanas on the Horde as well.

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I respectfully disagree.

As the game contradicts that statement.

The SC are a part of Dalaran and Kirin Tor not the Sftormwind Alliance and depicted as such in the game. They are no more officially aligned then Defias Brotherhood should they be playable too?

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How exactly can one disagree with what something is.

It is simple enough to actually see that the Blood Elves are High Elves.

Unless I am misunderstanding on what your actually meaning?


That’s weird, I recently spoke to my High Elf portal trainer in Stormwind.

Didn’t look like a Blood Elf to me.

Oh wow a few in SW.

If they didn’t want people arguing there’s a difference, they wouldn’t have High Elf NPCs running around our Warfronts and cities.

I dunno guys, Vereesa in the comics and Vereesa in the game seem to be two entirely different characters

They are a part of the Alliance Vanguard, to be fair

Keep it up, don’t be shocked when Blizz kill Vereesa.

Enough derailing. Keep your posts to the topic not Dalaran elves.

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