Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

And the difference here is you don’t have access to a traditional thalassian elf at all, so which customization it gets has nothing to do with what Alliance High elves look like. This is why Ion lists it at something that might happen in the future to further that very specific fantasy on a Blood elf.


To add to this, if Blizz is actually considering giving Void Elves fair skin, giving Blood Elves blue eyes would give players the option to look nearly identical since Void Elves already have blue eyes

Just something to consider

According to Voldana, the Highvale were no longer practicing magic and Loania had to be taught by a human mage.

Seriously. Enough.

This thread was made for the soul purpose of Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, in relevance of the Sunwell being a mixture of Holy and Arcane Energies.

If you wish to request for Alliance High Elves, go use one of the threads opened about that exact topic. Stop derailing this thread.


Was just responding.

Its kind of a given that concerns regarding the possibility of allied Quel’dorei would come up here. May as well anyway, without continued discussion this thread would probably die

Yeah, and your responding is derailing the topic.

I always wonder, how many Alliance High Elves threads has there been where people were demanding to give Blood Elves Blue Eyes?

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Trying to deny a race a perfectly reasonable customization option for sake of a request Blizzard has repeated stated they were not planning on adding in the future is pretty arrogant.

Then again the helfers were saying these same things when people made threads about blood elves possibly getting gold eyes too. All the reasons why it wouldn’t and couldn’t happen, and yet here we are.


Hmmm, sorry you feel that way, but if you bring up blue eyed Sin’dorei for the horde it will bring up blue eyed Quel’dorei for the Alliance. Which I might add I didn’t bring up this thread.

This isn’t a high elf thread, why is everyone talking about high elves?


So, every Blood Elf customisation thread is about the Alliance High Elves?

Hmmm, nice story bro, how about I flag your post as inappropiate for the part that your making non-constructive post, considering the post your making has nothing in relation to the actual topic at hand? Virtually, thread derailment if you want to put it in simple terms.

If you like even simpler terms: you have your Alliance High Elf threads, leave the Alliance High Elves out of this thread, since it isn’t about them!

Because any thread about anything in relation to Blood Elves, these Alliance High Elf fans get upset and talk about High Elves.


Sorry you feel that way, if it helps I wont bring up Alliance Blue Eyed Quel’dorei anymore.

thats funny, ive never seen a purple high/blood elf. blue eyed blood elves already exist. the lore reason is the same for golden eyes, since the sunwell is a holy/arcane mixture, arcane mages with a strong devotion to the arcane should be manifesting blue eyes just like priests/paladins with golden eyes who have a strong connection to holy magic

the thalassian elves are not an integral part of the identity of the alliance. how can they be when only a tiny number of them exist on the alliance faction?

you think they are gonna save an eye color for a group of NPCs that will never be playable? eye color is as mutable as hair color. they have literally told you ‘eye color is not the same, maybe contact lenses in the future if you want to be a blue eyed elf’

the races that are integral to the identity of the alliance are humans, dwarves, gnomes, worgen, night elves and draenei. It is a disservice to the six core races of the alliance to say that a core horde race is more important than any of them

thats called denial of lore. the SC are a splinter faction of high/blood elves, not an AR. otherwise horde could ask for ‘fogsail pirates/alterac human AR’ high elves are playable as blood elves who represent well over 90% of the high elf population. if you want to play a high elf the option is there for you, you just deny yourself to it because you dont like who they are aligned with


Wouldn’t it be cool though to actually have one? :joy:

All I’m saying is that if the identity of blue eyes and fair skin needs to be exclusive to one playable race option then this request needs to contend with the possible addition of fair skin to Void Elves, which Blizz has had a pretty positive response to so far

While we’re talking about Blood Elf customization though, could we also throw in the request to make golden eyes glow a bit less? I think they’d look better if they weren’t so friggin bright

Thanks for being on board with us.

Fair skin, yep, Blood Elves. Blue Eyes, we’re requesting it right now :smile: DK’s have Blue Eyes, but not all of us wanna be a DK.


I actually am on board with you guys

But lets hope we don’t get DK eyes for Blood Elves, that kind of blue is kind of specific to undead. The more natural blue eyes we see on High Elves looks so,much better


I would like something more like Alleria’s eyes. That way there’s still a bit of visual distinction between them, and the existing high elves.

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Aye, I agree. Though I actually don’t mind if we have the glow as well with Blue Eyes, as long as it isn’t overdone like the golden eyes.

Honestly, I look at the golden eyes with Blood Elves as Headlights.

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This is just wrong.

I played TBC, I played Wrath of The Lich King, I played Mist of Pandaria, each of those expansions had questlines involving High Elves v.s Blood Elves.

It was very clear and evident that they were a split people who both had grounds and numbers to stand against each other.

Why is everyone so content on forgetting any of this happened?