Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Probably mass flags, but who knows?

Good a place as any, I think blue eyes really add to the green and gold options showing how magically diverse blood elves are as a people, and it helps reflect their history as well!


Thank you for reopening this topic.
All the races need more customization and more eye colors added and separated by face.
But a request from the beginning of the creation of Horde Blood Elves giving them a blue eye option would be very gratefully received.


Haven’t we been over this? The citation to that article is about game mechanics, not lore. Referring to how arcane allows mages to manipulate Frost, fire, etc.

Also incorrect since the Devs answered a Q&A that said that eventually the Fel will wear off.


NPC blood elves blue eyes
Astromancer Darnarian…delviewer:10+0

Sunreaver Frosthand…delviewer:10+0

Teris Blightsunder…delviewer:10+0

we can see how Lanesh the Steelweaver has blue eyes in two different expa MoP and legion…delviewer:10+0…delviewer:10+0

Sunreaver Assassin in dalaran and isle of thunder…delviewer:10+0…delviewer:10+0


Didn’t they say the fel will wear off when it wears off of the Orcs skin as well? I know Ion made a joke about contact lenses, but I wouldn’t take that as confirmation

Edit: All I’m saying is don’t convince yourselves of something if it’s not 100% confirmed to be in the works. You may set yourself up for disappointment

You already got Gold eyes for Blood Elf

I want red eyes for Forsaken before Blood Elf gets anymore stuff

No one is demanding Blood Elves get anything let alone it be a priority over other customizations. It’s a request.

Calm down.

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And? Your point is? When does Holy magic suit a Mage?

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more customization options for everyone!


uh no. the comment was fel takes awhile to wear off and its why orcs are still green even tough mannoroth is dead

so it was always temporary. still you cant compare the two. the orcs consumed demon blood. the blood elves basically got splashed while the orcs jumped into the pool and went swimming

blood elves also have access to a sunwell. so they have been feeding off these arcane and holy energies for FAR longer then they were ever exposed to ambient fel from ‘burning crystals’

oh, and blue eyed blood elves already exist and with eye color customization announced it would seem the ‘contact lenses’ will be here soon if you want to be a blue eyed elf with a strong devotion to the arcane


Again, I wouldn’t go saying they’re 100% confirmed. I hope it happens eventually, I just kind of doubt that it will

What makes you think though that Blood Elves will never have there blue eyes again though?

This needs to hurry up and just happen already. @_@

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Most likely because the Sunwell is gradually changing their eyes to golden.
So, the most likely outcome is that every high elf variation will have golden eyes(with the exception of void elves, of course).

We didn’t need a part two.

Sounds good. Let’s make this happen.

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Yeah, but we should have every right to have Blue Eyes as well. Customisations are lacking badly in WoW, because we all vertually look too much the same.

Yes, this thread is about extra customisations in terms of Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, but also, I would like to see more customisations for every race in the game.

Go tell those who create High Elf threads we didn’t need part “some number in the thousands”.


More customization options is a must. Blues eyes for Blood Elves doesn’t take anything away from people wanting a new High Elf allied race so why not?

Blue Eye Blood Elves would be cool, and even if some people will use that as fodder to attack High Elf posters more, I think it wouldn’t affect the chances of them at all.

Totally support it.


I’m not sure the demand is widespread enough for Blizz to add even more customization for Blood Elves after they just added golden eyes. If blue eyes happen they probably won’t be here for a while

Ah, the ol’ “But they did it” excuse.