Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

They looked better, but they were for sure still the same race.

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I bet my money that we will get a customization boom in 9.0.
Who knows? :smiley:

They turned themselves into ‘high orcs’. Thrall have blue eyes, right?

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While we’re at it…more tattoos and jewelry options…and more than just two (in the case of Darkspear troll ladies one) attractive face options >_>;

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I’m totally down with the dissolving of factions or similar ideas, especially if it means High elves will get added. My problem has never been against High elves, heck I wouldn’t have even minded them getting added to the Alliance if I also didn’t also understand the perspective coming from the Blood Elfs on the Horde. (heck, just look at the theme of my Blood elf lol)

But if the factions do get “dissolved” I can easily see the High and Blood Elves coming back together as a race and being selectable by either faction (or added as a sub race) as the problem of faction identity is no longer an issue and players are free to choose which faction they want, and not which faction is decided by their race.

I’ve always seen the Blood Elves as being the only possible way High elves could be added to the game without running into the problems Blizzard keeps listing at the possibility of adding them to the Alliance, and if the faction restrictions are dissolved than this is the only possibility for the alliance to get them.

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That’s been kind of a let down.

But not because high elves will get added.

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None of the allied races so far are a new race, so whats your point?

TBH, at this point it feels more and more like theyre going to do this. So many of the main people in the Horde and Alliance have intertwining stories. We’ve also seen the two sides fight along side each other. It just feels like the whole total war feeling of the planet is coming to a stand still and its more about protecting the planet. It would do so much to reinvigorate the game and to sort of cross forum threads a minute, help tackle some Horde and Alliance balance issue. It will also add in new possibilities for future customization and potential lore.

Its not about adding races, its about opening up the game to its full potential. Also, this thread isnt about adding High Elves, its about customization. Something that keeps people playing.

Wouldn’t that make him a citizen of Quel’thalas? Wouldn’t that make him a Horde high elf?


No. He is like an ambassador for the Alliance High Elves to facilitate the pilgrimages for them to the Sunwell. He is still Alliance aligned.

He was a decade ago. Maybe he’s gone native when they next unfreeze him in time.

I don’t think it makes him Horde, but i do think he appreciates that the Blood Elves still uphold their traditions and customs. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the only remaining High elves to show some semblance of practice toward their past has their leader suddenly show up at the Sunwell.

This even reflects in his dialogue during the Quel’delar quest where he says all thalassian elves should reunite as children of quel’thalas, and fight for the sake of the Sunwell.


Reunification would be a positive way to wrap up that story arc.

Until then… Blue eyes are a step in moving the Blood Elf story forward.

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Showing support for blue eyed customization for belves. They represent the main fork of ‘normal’ EK elven culture (since the ren’dorai are all voided up and their future doesn’t involve the sunwell).

No one else has any rightful claim to it because they’re the only playable race which has it, and anyone who feels comfortable denying stuff to current players on the base of unplayable npcs are most likely wildeyed cultists.


If Blizzard did this I would be so happy. It would even further help the livelihood of Thalassian Elves

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they are the same exact race…

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i second this strongly


I’m never against more customization options.

But the way the title is and with how the high elf community acts you had to know everyone would turn this into a high elf thread.

Though I do find the hypocracy hilarious.

“Blood elves can’t have blue eyes because the sunwell is holy! That’s lore!”

“We can bend the lore and create new lore to make high elves work! Give me high elves”

Friggin cracks me up.


Might of well revive this thread as the new official thread for requesting Blue Eye customisations for Blood Elves. Since the original thread is now pernamently locked, and there isn’t any moderator reason to why it is locked…

Considering the original thread was not breaking the CoC, or wasn’t breaking any forum rules!