Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

that ‘it’ is the headmaster of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Dumbledore wasn’t a dwarf.

I was thinking the same thing :laughing: :laughing:

“Back before the events that defined them”

And what defines a race? It’s their traditions, their customs and values as a people, something the Blood Elves still honor and carry on to this day. They say at the end of the Heritage Quest line that the events of the fall of the Sunwell, and the tragedy that struck their people do not define them, but rather their people’s ability to overcome tragedy; which isn’t something that magically happened when they changed their name. Blood Elves embody what it means to be High elves because that’s exactly who they are.

There has been no “casting away” of any traditions, or anything that one would say symbolizes what it means to be a High elf. This is why Blood Elves still use High Elven voice lines, ride high elven mounts, and utilize high elven artillery.

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what? no. what defines the high elf race as a people is the few actual alliance high elves in the game; the 6 in bfa and a couple portal keepers in the mage district and one on a boat in SW

Its actually a lot more than that. The High Elf lodges around Azeroth, the settlement in Outlands. Theres more than a few, but this is way off topic of the thread.

While there’s no actual way to say how many High elves currently exist in the game, it’s safe to say that most do not practice High elven traditions any longer as they’ve largely acclimated to whichever culture belongs to the region they live in. So for anyone to suggest that they have any “claim” to High elven culture simply because they changed in every way except their name isn’t very logical.

The culture, and past belong to the race that still honors and passes it along to further generations. This includes the Blood Elve’s close relationship with “arcane” magic, something the narrator even mentions when you create a new Blood Elf. (No mention of Fel at all.) That many Blood Elves still refuse to relinquish their dependence and use of Arcane magic over the light. If the light from the Sunwell was suppose to a sole-defining element of their evolution then why would Blizzard include the Arcane at all? Why isn’t the Sunwell purely Light magic? Why state that Blood Elves still cling to the Arcane if it has little to do with them as a people?

The only lodges in Azeroth are Quel’danil, and Quel’lithien. Quel’lithien refused to ally with anyone, and were essentially isolationists so in terms of “customs” they do not represent the current High elves in any way, especially since they’ve all since become wretched. (With the exception of a few who can only be found in neutral areas)

Quel’danil is inhabited by Dwarves, and Draenei and have also relinquished any ties to the Arcane. The entire point of that settlement was to improve relations with other races, so it’s safe to say that their customs have also changed.

Alleria Stronghold is probably the only remaining group of high elves to actual maintain any relation to their heritage, (And this is represented by the one Elven structure in a largely human-themed settlement) And guess where you see them when they eventually do return to Azeroth? The Sunwell with the many other Blood Elves and their very leader Auric Sunchaser who now permanently resides there as well.

I was just trying to say theres more than a few Elves left to debunk what the person I quoted said. The Elves at those lodges are indeed green to Alliance and red to Horde. Sounds like thats picking a side.

Most of what youre saying is speculation. Alleria is Alliance aligned and the Elves in Outlands followed her. It sounds more like they would go where she goes. If they are willing to go to another planet for her, they will go where ever she is.


That sounds more like a “game” mechanic than anything else, especially since that zone is time-locked. If that is indicative of “faction” then I guess all the green-named High Elves at the Sunwell are now Horde?

This sounds more like speculation because there has been no word on whether or not she has resumed command of the Allerian high elves as she’s never seen with other high elves besides Vareesa. Even during the attack on Undercity she only arrives with the void elves. You would think if these high elves are so loyal to her and ready to fight the Horde (including blood elves that are allowing them access to the Sunwell) that they’d join her.

But considering they were largely absent, and their commander Auric, and many other High elves are suddenly seen residing at the Sunwell leads me to believe otherwise. But like you said it is speculation but the fact that Auric is there at all is compelling enough to me.


Everything we talk about for potential lore is speculation. Blood Elves getting blue eyes because of the Sunwell being cleansed is speculation. Some one asked for evidence on another post I did where I mentioned High Elves have always been requested and was the most requested race and that just saying so was anecdotal. Well of course it is. Until Blizzard actually confirms or denies, all we can do is speculate. Thats what we as Warcraft fans do when it comes to lore.

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Oh, I totally agree with you on that front. In all honesty this entire “concept” is speculation because there is no hard evidence in lore to suggest either side is “correct” on whether blue eyes are possible. It’s the fact that those who are against it are suggesting that lore rules out it entirely that makes no sense to me.

This same argument came up when the idea of the Sunwell giving Blood Elves different eye colors came up originally. The anti-crowd were making the same arguments, that fel is a corruptive magic that cannot be cleansed, and that the very idea was not possible (despite the fact that there was no hard evidence to support it) and I can’t help to see the similarities in the argument against blue eyes repeating itself here.

If you’re against it, you’re against it, but I really wish people would stop pulling strings to suggest that it’s not possible simply because they don’t like the idea of it.


Exactly, and the video doesn’t state any rules, it mentions player choice. Returning to out natural eye color, or receiving arcane eyes should be among those choices.


Orly? Good to know. Maybe someone wasnt gettinf enough replies and needed to switch.

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Dude I thought it was awesome when Blood Elves got golden eyes. It really felt like Thalassian Elves were finally starting to recover from their exodus.

Not sure where you stand on the whole dissolving of factions as we know it idea but someone suggested that if it happens Thalassian Elves would be playable on either side which I’m totally down with if they introduced lore to say the two are reunited. Even if they had “sub races” I think it would be cool to see the Belves get blue glowing eyes to keep with that trope and the helves to get non-glowing version. Thats a scenario I’m totally on board with.

At the end of the day more customization is what I want and Blood Elves having more would be part of this. Again, it would have to come down to the lore for me.

I already have blue eyes. We need blue eyes for everyone! :smiley:


He are be, they are the same race. And Horde got blood elves in 2007. Its 12 years, the blood elves players have all rights to ask for more customization for their chars.
You reponded your own post. Blizz denied he request, but never denied blue eyes for be. So, it more likely BE players will get a customization than blizz will turn back on HE issue and create the same race on the other side with different ‘stance’ lol

And ren’dorei is here fighting for the Alliance! And its a huge sucess :smiley:

About your quote, while blood elves and high elves remain the same race blizz will not create ‘stance’ to play them in other side lol
Nightborne are mutated by nightwell for ~10k years. And void elves are truly transformed by the void. They are now something of their own.
So, I suggest for we ask for something new instead the same ‘blue eyed be with blue tattoo’. Blizz already know you want this since… I really don’t know anymore, but its not happens for 12 years, and it will not happen in 9.0 or 10.0 knowing how blizzard works.
But, who knows. Blizzard can remove factions barriers.


You can have blue eyes when I can hide my bones >_>; If the Forsaken rogues in the Safe Haven cinematic could have skin covering their bones, why can’t I? :stuck_out_tongue:


You might have a straight back soon too.

Maybe more bones too? :skull_and_crossbones:

A different posture wont do anything. Did orcs feel like a new race when they got the posture option :smile:

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