Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Which is why belves could have blue eyes as well.


You’re not making sense now.

Where was this “Fel Radiation” coming from? Oh yeah, the FEL crystals they USED for their city. :astonished:


High elves and blood elves are both just as connected to the sunwell. so if light > arcane the high elves would have gold eyes as well.


what dont you comprehend? thalassian elf eye colour responds to the magic in their environment. fel, arcane, holy, it can be any of those

if the sunwell is now cleansing the fel taint from the blood elves connected to it then blood elves should have three sets of eye colors currently

green among the elves who still use fel or who dont use arcane or holy magics to speed up the dissipation of the taint

blue for elves who use arcane magics, once the sunwells effects cleanse the majority of the taint

and golden for those elves who use holy magics and are more in tune with the holy side of the well

its simple. and as blue eyed blood elves already exist your logic is flawed


Giving yourself a “Different” name does not change your “identity” or “Race” and in this case especially does not suggest “casting” anything aside as the name “Blood Elf” is merely a way to honor their past, and heritage for those who died trying to preserve it.

Blood Elves are the only ones to continue to carry on High elven traditions, and customs. Hell when you do your heritage quest for the Blood elves it literally turns your character into a High elf. I can’t imagine why people are under the impression that in an effort to honor your people, you’re somehow casting them aside? Especially when the High elves that exist today hardly practice thalassian heritage at all or even took part in trying to defend Quel’thalas and the rest of the High elves during Arthas’ attack.


The Sunwell passively feeds Thalassian Elves (preventing them from falling to magic addiction), but it doesn’t give them golden eyes that way, the only way to obtain them is “being purified by this light-infused Sunwell”.

Being passively feed by the Sunwell doesn’t give you golden eyes, and being purified by it cleanses the fel and infuses you with the Light. This is what is possible to conclude with the little evidence shown.

Alliance High Elves get golden eyes by being purified by the Sunwell? No
Blood Elves get blue eyes by being purified by the Sunwell? No, it doesn’t revert their eyes to their natural colors, it straight away make them golden.

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I did see someone’s post where they talked about races not aligning to one faction or the other and so “Thalassian Elves” would be one race you can choose. Im totally for this if Blizzard introduced lore to unite them. Which means you could have blue eyed elves on either side. This seems like the best compromised overall. And with more and more people discussing the possibility of having no rigid factions it just might be something that comes in the future. Any time soon? probably not but I do believe this is the best option.

Ah I think you have confused my symbols.

When I put “->” that’s an arrow pointing to the right.

Not a “greater than” sign. So I was saying we have not seen the Light be “cleansed” by Arcane. AkA Light -> Arcane.

Also, we know High Elves and Blood Elves are not connected ot the Sunwell in the same way, so the rules that apply to Blood Elves don’t all apply to High Elves.

Ion himself mentioned this:

“Blood Elves kind of are High Elves with different eye colors and backstory in terms of their relationship to magic in the Sunwell.”

I see your logic now, that Blood Elves and High Elves are the same thing and so they must be affected by the Sunwell the same way.

Yet here we have the game director pointing our their relationship to magic in the Sunwell is different.

As well as the game itself showing what happens to Blood Elves eye colors doesn’t translate to High Elves eye colors being affected. As we see no High Elf with Golden Eyes, whereas Blood Elves are starting to get Golden Eye colors.

Nor before were we seeing High Elves with Fel Eyes and Blood Elves with Blue Eyes.

I am chalking up the random one or two NPCS that have those cases as exceptions, not the rule: where hundreds of High Elf NPCs have blue eyes and hundreds of Blood Elves have green eyes, now some gold.

So the Game Director and the game itself is showing a difference between High Elf and Blood Elf and how they’re affected by the Sunwell differently, instead of the same way.

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If this were true then High Elves on Outland would’ve all had fel eyes.


I mean if Orgrimmar Orcs did a Heritage quest that was set before the defining event that changed them, they’d be brown as well.

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and if your logic were true blue eyed blood elf NPCs wouldnt be a thing :smile:

im pretty sure you are aware they have preset skins when they want to add a high elf. they would have to make a new premade with green or yellow for a few NPCs that are rarely used

My logic is true because back then Blizzard had placed High Elf NPC models under Blood Elf coding.

This changed as of BFA where they separated “high elf” into their own file name. Intentionally done so that you won’t see a High Elf NPC preset spawn with Golden Eyes.

Muir, Dumbledore is one of Fyrebusche’s alts, don’t waste your time with it.


They do not say that the process of being “purified” is some sort of ceremony, or procession that needs to take place. In a canonical sense the only type of Blood Elves to be shown with gold eyes are light-wielders, suggesting that drawing light frequently from the Sunwell has caused them to emit gold eyes instead of green. This same process can easily be recreated by the elves that now draw Arcane magic from the well as they are no longer exposed to any Fel magics.

The Fel can be nullified by the Arcane and does not act as some prime “corruption” as evidenced by the Alleria High elves that spent some time in outland exposed to far worse levels of Fel, but were able to suppress it with mere Arcane artifacts. There is nothing that suggests that this can’t happen again, especially to those that now exclusively wield arcane magic.

All these argument do not “invalidate” the possibility of the arcane giving Blood Elves blue eyes, but rather simply justify why only golden eyes exist so far.

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i guess we will find out with eye color customization. whether they will keep a color, because a few unplayable npcs exist, from the most popular race in the game

But that doesn’t argue my point at all so…

The point being that simply calling yourself “Blood Elf” doesn’t cast away or invalidate your identity as a high elf, especially if you uphold all your traditions and customs as High elves. And doubly so if the “renaming” was merely to honor your very own race in the first place.

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I see you have enough sense to not refute, thank you.

My point was, for certain races if you go back before events that defined them, of course they will have different features.

Imagine what the “Night Elves” who settled down near the Well of Eternity must’ve looked like.

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why waste my time. we both know things translate differently in game from lore. thalassian elves have eye color as varied as humans. they didnt even give alleria her green eyes in game

oh and blue eyed blood elves exist