Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Customisation Threads are now Trolling Threads. Goody, I am going to bookmark this post, and every thread I see about wanting new Allied Races or more customisations, I am going to link directly to your post.


This is just as bad as High Elf request threads.

A zero effort “request”, just like all other “blue eyes for Blood Elves” threads this is a thread to rile some bunch of High Elf supporters who fell to easy bait like this.

Asking for a customization option that is characteristic of a unplayable race that many Alliance players request in the forums sounds like a bad coincidence for me, of all the ideas of customization you guys ask specially one that, in your minds, could hypothetically deny playable High Elves in the Alliance.

The coincidences don’t end here because the same posters who keep crusading against High Elves in the forums are the same liking this thread and posting in favor of the “idea”. You might say “this thread has nothing to do with High Elves, what you mean” but the post history of some posters here does.

Threads asking for blue eyes for Blood Elves have no creativity around, no effort into, and disregard the lore and the identity of the Blood Elves. Real Blood Elf fans wouldn’t ask to look like Alliance High Elves, who are traitors to them and their nation, this is an example of false feedback, to simulate a demand that doesn’t exist outside of the forums.


We all know this is about High Elves…


Then why come in here and give it life?

Not everything is about your weird fan fictions.

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This had nothing to do with High Elves. It is all the High Elf fanboys that came and derailed it into something about High Elves.


I love High Elves!

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Only because your angry swarm won’t stop bringing it up.

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I didn’t know I had followers. Thanks that is good to know.

“oh please excuse me, I am going to go bang my head against a…” Will you stop with the god damn trolling? Originally, I was talking about the Sunwell and it’s mixture of Arcane and Holy magic. It is all you High Elf fanboys that like to take a customisation thread into a High Elf thread, derailing it badly.

This is why people don’t like them on the forums. If they stayed in their Megathread, they wouldn’t be a problem.

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Oh please… I already told you the gave your purified eye color of gold.


you want blue eyes? roll a dk. blue-eyed blood elf. done. also, the sunwell is NOT made of arcane energy anymore. it’s light energy, go run sunwell again, and tell me where you see the blue-purple energy of arcane in there, it’s all light.


The arcane comes from the titan’s blood used to make it.


Nope, it doesn’t make any sense. You already got your purified eye color.

This is not explaining anything.

And one more thing that i observed over time is how threads asking for blue eyes to Blood Elves in the forums tend to disappear and die when High Elf topics aren’t trending, but when they do you see them pop again.

I’ve seen this a couple of times, this thread and the previous ones came after a wave of High Elf spam in the GD. When there was just the High Elf Megathread and the Anti High Elf thread, two containment threads, there was no threads requesting for blue eyes in the forums, as the “antis” how the High Elfers called them, were busy at the Why High Elves don’t work thread instead of “requesting” for blue eyes.

This is really dishonest feedback.


If we stop tagging him, he’ll go away. he’s just baiting to get the thread shut down.

Because it’s everyone else’s fault. Look, the only reason to call this a troll thread is because there’s a group of players who cannot leave it alone. Lots of people roll blood elf for the appearance, and may want more options, I know I want more visual options for Tauren. Just because a group of people has called dibs on a unplayable faction of a playable race does not actually give those people a right to what they feel is theirs.

Why aren’t Blood elf players allowed to want an eye color that was historically (pre-wow) available to their race? Or tattoos? How long until the ranger aspect of the blood elf culture become a troll thread?

Blood elves and high elves are the same people. They were all one nation before Arthas, there was a split after they nearly died out and a small portion left. Really, other their political opinions, there shouldn’t be much to anything that’s only available to one side.

People like visual options, and they were teased so people will ask for them. It’s not trolling. And it’s not up to someone else to decide what a “real fan” believes. Other wise it just sounds like you’re making up excuses for the people who got their hand stuck in a jar because they can’t let go of something and are blaming everyone else for their predicament.


Only in your mind.

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You do know this thread is actually talking about customisation for Blood Elves, especially with giving Blood Elves blue eyes due to the nature of the Sunwell. There was no actual post about High Elves until the High Elf fanboys came along and started derailing the thread with post about High Elves.