Blue Eye Options for Blood Elves

Sorry you don’t understand lore then?

The Sunwell is mostly Holy now so your eyes reflect that in yellow. What more is there for you to understand? You can’t stop absorbing the Sunwell or you die and the Sunwell makes you yellow, how do you think Blue eyes could happen?

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Thought so, thanks for trying. :wave::wave:

Didn’t realize explaining lore mean’t harassing, but go off i guess.
The lore doesn’t fit your narrative so you’re feeling attacked i guess?

That’s fair.

Your feelings don’t overwrite 14 years worth of lore though, you understand that yeah?

Wheee, troll derails thread, lectures others about trolling.

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Let’s see you cite those sources before you pat yourself on the back.

You’re actually now telling me I’m wrong.

And there is nothing that actually states that. The Sunwell was originally Arcane. Now it is a mixture of Arcane and Holy. There is nothing saying there is more Arcane or more Holy.

Sure thing, I’ll do that as soon as you stop posting your head cannons as lore, when all you’ve done is “they should”.

Except your yellow eyed options blatantly saying that.

Like I’ve explained the Light is stronger than Arcane magic, especially a source of magic like the Sunwell, the games story line shows this, any “light infused” race you see has yellow eyes, that’s you now.

WoW Chronicle states that “Light and Void created the universe and all fundamental forces in it” including Arcane, how would you not think its power isn’t stronger than Arcane, if you can’t see that i can’t help you, like most of the antis.

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Everquest: Wood Elves and High Elves.

Warcraft: Wood Elves became Night Elves, High Elves became Blood Elves.

High Elves and their lore, heritage and history were intended for the Horde.

It’s time we reclaimed our Heritage, and had our Blue eyes returned; something I have longed for since BC.

Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 …
'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

“I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree,” Metzen said.

Players surprised that the Blood Elves would have any interest in joining the Horde don’t know everything that’s going to lead the groups to joining up.

“Magic is absolutely corrupting. You shouldn’t play with it.” In the wake of the destruction of the Sunwell, the high elves of Quel’Thalas turned to demonic sources of magical energy to feed their magical addiction (which was thanks to thousands of years of constant exposure to magic, even for the high elves who didn’t practice magic themselves). But messing with “fel energy” is scary stuff, and it frightened the other races in the Alliance. “Dwarves and humans don’t want to hang around them. They’re not returning their phone calls.”

But the Blood Elves “could care less, they’re going to do whatever they have to do.” And thrilled by this new, seemingly endless supply of powerful magical energy, the Blood Elves have a unique take on the shattered planet of Draenor, now known as Outland. “They view Outland as an Eden. … Their homeland is great, but Outland is where their destiny is.”

The Blood Elves will leverage their relationship with Sylvanas, leader of the Forsaken and the former Ranger-General of Quel’Thalas. And more importantly, the Blood Elves will not come to the Horde, hat in hand.

“The Blood Elves are going to bring something to the table the Horde can’t do without.”’

BlizzCon: Chris Metzen explores the lore of Warcraft


You’re right, I said “should”. That’s because there aren’t established rules. I listed three options to cover the possibilities. You on the other hand worded it differently. Since you apparently have this knowledge, sources?

That isn’t telling anything.

The reason why we originally got the option for Golden Eyes is because of the purification of the Sunwell in the Legion Story. Reason why we still have also got green eyes because when you create a Blood Elf, you’re still stuck in the TBC story line. But even in that story line, it tells us and shows us that we’re still tapping for a source of Arcane, example, Mana Worms.

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Nope, it doesn’t make any sense. You already got your purified eye color.

I can however support making the eye color separate from face models.


Sure thing.

Google Sunwell.

I can’t post links cause of Blizzards garbage forum system.

States it’s now Holy and Arcane. But Blizzard gave you yellow eyes, cause why i wonder? :thinking:
WoW chronicle states how powerful Light is as compared to other fundamental forces besides void, i wonder. :thinking:
Light has been recently shown to be as corrupting or cleansing, as Fel, Look at Illidan’s Argus plot and evil Yrel. I wonder. :thinking::thinking:

When you create a Blood Elf, you are in the Cataclysm story line, your eyes are green for classical aesthetic only, Blizzard isn’t about to take away a trade mark look from Blood Elves, just how they’re not gonna take a Trademark look from High Elves.

You tapping into tiny mana worms will not Completely fill your body with arcane energy to the point you gain blue eyes forever. Know why?

Cause the Light infused Sunwell is there, filling you forever with Holy energy, taking place before the Cataclysm story, you are making Cataclysm-post cleansing Blood Elves.

Maybe you should also explain on how it doesn’t make any sense instead of just saying it doesn’t make any sense.

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I guess the whole alliance is corrupt then :joy:

Because it was a programing challenge.

Have you been to Suramar?

So what you’re saying is you’re making assumptions and passing them off as established lore. Then taunting people with that. You’re trolling.


When you create a Blood Elf, you’re in TBC storyline. When Cataclysm was released, the storyline in Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, and in Sunstrider Isle was not changed. It is still the TBC storyline. Same as when you create a Draenei, you’re in the TBC storyline.


If you wanna look at it that way sure, Light and Void aren’t evil or good, they’re just powerful forces that created the universe and have a corrupting nature to them.

Look at Arch Bishop Benedictus
Or the Light-infused Nethrazim
Or the formally blue eyed Draenei now Lightforged.

This is false, go create a Blood elf right now and listen to the narrator when he introduces your history up to this point.

Not like this matters, as all blood elves are now “Post Sunwell cleansing” Blood Elves. But keep trying to make the story fit your needs.

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It is saying the same thing it was saying in TBC/Wrath/Cata/MoP/WoD/Legion/BfA

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