Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

Yeah, same with Kultirans and Humans. In the least sense they even gave Nightborne different faces and postures for Night Elves. Void Elves are identical to Blood Elves, just berry blue.

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Will combustion enhance the movement rate of this ability?

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Humans. Such complex creatures they are.

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They will probably give them to the NPC’s first and then roll them out once they start with the allied races updates. AS far as I know it’s only the main races getting the updates.

I think humans for high elves is perfectly acceptable trade.


:heart: amazing … I hope for some nice skin color too… :heart_eyes:

Mages and warlocks too I believe. Rest are one headed.

He did it! No he did it!

Horde humans is like Alliance orcs. They’re the main race of the faction, seeing them on the other faction is too far, might as well just remove all faction restrictions at that point.

Yeah, they are. We should be getting forest trolls in the same fashion, they’ve been in the Horde since classic. Especially since we’re getting sand trolls, they were confirmed at BlizzCon, and they’d have every reason to hate the Horde.

I have no idea why they are lol. Seems like such an easy fix and weird mistake to make.

By eredar I assume you mean Man’ari. Man’ari are the top dogs in the Legion, there’s no way they’d ever be playable. Draenei have every reason to hate them and orcs do as well.

That one always confused me, did we ever get an explanation? That’s the best chance at playable red eredar.

Agreed. Void elves are pretty cool, they just came out of nowhere. If they’d built that story up they would’ve been much better recieved.

“Fearing calamity, Elisande and her followers worked to fortify their holdings in Suramar. They harnessed the Eye of Aman’thul, one of the Pillars of Creation, to create an immense fount of arcane magic. Known as the Nightwell, this source of power would nourish the sorcerers and protect them from future threats. In the millenia to come, the fount would also change Elisande and her allies, transforming them into a new race called the nightborne.”

Chronicle vol. 1, page 104, second line.

Think what you will about nightborne, but lorewise they’re a different race.

No they did not. Since that one is a turn coat from the legion, they can now make a story of a bunch of them wanting to be redeemed and finding a way to be mortal again. The reason I said horde is because unlike the alliance they would be far more understanding of the currupting effects of the fel having 2 races affected by it.

In a way horde is already getting that via non-boned forsaken. If and only if the alliance can get lightbound orcs can the horde get humans though.

I dunno, but void elf tat’s would be nice. Void elves does not need ordinary skin colors.

Can not wait to strangle Yrel and those lightbound scum for what they did to Draenor. I doubt will ever get a return to AU Draenor expansion but if we do they could do WoD justice and give us a ton of scrapped content. A patch around the Botani would be so cool imo.

Right, but the blood elves didn’t get corrupted to the point of the entire race turning red and everyone using fel magic. Most got the green eyes via proximity to use of fel magic by a few. Similar to how the orcs turned green.

However, the first war, destruction of Draenor, Path of Glory, etc. are all indirectly caused the Man’ari/Draenei split. The orcs have every reason to hate the man’ari for causing the orcs to get caught up in that split and causing all of that to the orcs.

Kil’jaeden was the main cause, but again, it’s the Man’ari split that caused it all indirectly.

Speaking from the perspective of an orc though, not from a 3rd person lore reader perspective.

There is another contintent in dreanor we have not explored yet south west of the main continent.

The burning legion is more then just the manari. And it wasn’t the manari blood they drank that currupted them. Besides we killed and imprisoned the big bads that caused them to do the bad. The orcs got they’re revenge.

Yeah, always wondered about that.

Correct, and the orcs have reason to hate all demons for that. I say the Man’ari in particular because they’re the main race of the Legion.

Was pit lord blood, but a Man’ari got the orcs to drink all of that.

That doesn’t mean they don’t still hate them with a burning furvor.

Until green jesus says “chill guys it’s ok, let them join us” Cus’ you know he would :stuck_out_tongue:


Green Jesus would smash puny demons like true orc

Seriously hope they make Thrall cool again.

Honestly his new look is kind of derpy looking. Kinda like “why am I here again? oh look a squirrel.”

Thrall is true orc? :rofl:

You played the orc campaign in WC3?

His face is yeah. I like his new armor though, and his weapon. I like his new Frostwolf look, I feel it suits him better.

His body posture screams it too. I agree, his armor suits him with his roided muscles now.

Glad to see some shirtless orcs getting lore representation. And that he finally grew his hair back.

I would also like the deeper dusty blue as well as the aqua blue. I feel like that is missing with this selection.
I also would like to change the glow color on my hair tendrels or even turn the glow off completely.

I love void elf hair just because of those semi-curly options. I’m totally down with improving them if we can get a Horde race with some curly hair. Humans are getting fully curly hair in SL too, still nothing for Horde :confused:

Void elf hair is really cool and unique though, hope they expand on it if they expand Legion AR customization.

They need more skin colours … And hair options . I have 14 Void elves and more options would be really nice …